Not in the truth, but haunted by it...

by confuzzed 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balsam

    Read everything you can about the WTBTS, it will get you over that fear. Once you realize it is all bogus garbage you were fed that fear will leave. It did for me 100%. Have you read Ray Frantz book "Crisis of Conscious". If you haven't you are doing yourself a real injustice by not educating yourself.


  • Fleur

    "The LIE" (not the TRUTH) stays in us a lot longer than we stay in it. Especially if you were born in, like we were, or brought in as a small and all-trusting child.

    You've gotten great advice, not much I can add except for my understanding and support. Start at and read all you can about the company behind the WTS. When you can realize that it IS a company, above all else, that is the beginning of freedom. It brings up a lot of other issues to deal with as you have to take it a day at a time, but you will make it and be better off for the journey in the long run.

    Keep talking, and keep listening here. Above all else, know you're not alone.



  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    I understand totally. The same thing happens to me. However, much less now than before, as time goes by it gets better and better.

    I keep a pretty busy schedule with non-JW activities and friends and that has helped a lot.


  • NewLight2

    Hi confuzzed,
    You might want to check out these two pages. The first one contains many links to important information regarding the Watchtower Society.

    NewLight2's Links Page

    Johannes Greber's Home Page

    This page is a good place to start learning what is FALSE regarding the JW Doctrine:


  • redhotchilipepper

    I felt the same way as you do for so many years. My whole life. Now I feel so free. Free of the guilt, of not going to meetings, of not having my heart in it when I was at the meetings. When I first came to this forum I felt horrible, like I was such a sinner. Like Satan had his grips on me. Now I just feel like I'm talking to friends. I don't feel like a bad person. I felt like a bad person when I was a JW because I could never do enough for them, for Jehovah. Now I live my life doing and getting as much done in the day as I can. I go to bed feeling fulfilled. I never felt that way as a Witness. I felt worthless. I could never read enough literature. It felt like the Army. I've come on this forum and heard so many peoples sad stories and that has totally sealed it for me that this religion is not governed my God. It is governed by Man. Man is corrupt at times and that is what JW religion is, a product of corrupted Men. Look at all those people who didn't have children and gave their money to that Organization. Now are you sure you really want to have a bible study with them. I would do more research and think really hard about it. A bible study with them wouldn't hurt, it might just make you realize how fake and unrealistic they really are! They haven't got a clue about the Bible and what is going to happen in the future! Take care, Hugs, REDHOTCHILIPEPPER

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Read everything you can about the WTBTS, it will get you over that fear. Once you realize it is all bogus garbage you were fed that fear will leave. It did for me 100%. Have you read Ray Frantz book "Crisis of Conscious". If you haven't you are doing yourself a real injustice by not educating yourself.

    Confuzzed - I must concur with Balsam here for sure.

    I would add to that Jim Penton's book "Apocalypse Delayed" - I have just started to read that book - and I can't put it down. It gives a broader historical perspective than do Franz's books (which would be expected since Penton is by discipline an historian) to the history of Jehovah's witnesses - and surprisingly (to us former cynical witnesses) like Franz' books, it in a fair and balanced look at matters, not a blatant 'watchtower bashing' diatribe.

    Here is my short list of things to read, that have helped me and Mrs AK -

    Crisis of Conscience - Franz

    In Search or Christian Freedom - Franz

    The Gentile Times Reconsidered - Jonsson

    Paul's Idea of Community - Banks

    Apocalpse Delayed - Penton

    If you read all these - it will take you a while - by the time you are done your perspective will be very different I think -and more balanced.


  • PinTail

    I know what your feeling their bud, heck I had them study with me and my new wife after being away for eight years after seeing a beheading on the net that disgusted me. But once I heard the old bull-#$&! about their view on sexual child abuse my desire to get involved again dropped like an elevator. Now I content myself knowing that there is an all loving god who will remedy all things in his do time, till then I will not be ruled by pharaohs (Elders), telling me and my family to do stupid things.

  • M.J.

    I think that at times fact-gathering in itself may be not enough to fully resolve all issues. One option may be to seek the services of a therapist who is knowledgeable about the effects of cult involvement.

    Here is a guide I found to seeking a therapist:

  • embeth2525

    OH MY GOD, That is exactly how I feel, exactly. I started studying again because of that awful guilt thing. and the fear of armageddon, which just means "mountain on Meggido" after all. and I was raised with JW parents, and a father who was just a "little" bit nuts about it all. I know exactly how you feel!!!! This web site is very helpful.

    hang in there, Beth

  • PinTail

    Such is the power of cult, at least a few religions let you breath and give you your space, their by giving you a rest from self contempt. The GB hum they are pigs from hell.

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