Tap Dancing BroBennett

by Golf 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Golf

    OK, BroBennett, you still haven't address my last post or others on the subject of "The WTBT'S proactive steps at prevention child molestation." Being familiar with the org. since 1948, I can honestly say, never once did I hear of taking 'proactive steps' against child molestation.

    I would appreciate hearing YOUR version on this subject and NOT what the org. has said. Apparently they don't practice what they preach. My understanding is, someone has invited you to challenge this forum. Whether that's true or not, only you know.

    So kindly speak for yourself. I've read all of the replies and all your doing is tap dancing around the questions. Did you attend the dance school of Fred Astaire?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Golf -

    I noticed that his training on that comes right from the Brooklyn School of Arobatic Dance Moves.


  • Golf

    AK-Jeff, I sure hope he replies, I wanna to see his shuffle. One thing is certain, he's not in step.


  • formerout


    To be honest, when I made the topic up I thought that using the word "proactive" would make him shit or get off the pot. Instead all he has been doing is giving us his and the WTBTS's shit.

    I have had my fill of that guy or somebody's alter-ego or whatever it is, so I will not be responding to this post (other than this one.. ), but I will check in every once in awhile to see if you have accomplished what I feel is almost impossible: To get him to OPEN his MIND a little.

    Good luck.


  • Golf

    Formerout, yes, I hope he stops in and give us his 'personal' view/s instead of being used as a puppet. He's hung up on this proactive word but it's gotten him nowhere. You would think with all the honest and informative responses from the forum something would have penetrated. It leads me to believe that the accumlative experience of the forum is nothing to compared to his. He has insulted the intelligence of the forum members. He needs to be reminded of Pauls words, " For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is decieving his own mind." Gal.6:3 Guest77

  • BroBennett

    Communication is the key. Parents should not have to be the main educators for children since they are so overprotective in the first place they should know that knowledge is half the battle, to tell the kids everything no matter how gross. The whole system of the two witness rule along with the head of the household should be shot down. There should be a book available with what a child should avoid on day one with the schools. Before the schools there should be a law on mothers going to work or doing other mundane things to keep away from child care.

    Further action to stop the cycle of this sickness:

    Brainwashing clinics since this is a disease. [Or some other form of punishment that would let the crime go unpunished]. I still think that pedophile gays should just go to jail and see what it is like on the other side of this crime.

    December 10th, 2004

    Let me rephrase The brainwashing sentance. This crime has to be detected as quick as any other crime, it should not go unpunished. So knowing that.. Saying "Or some other form of punishment that would let the crime go unpunished just doesnt make sence..I am surprised you all didn't see that.

    Communication should be the key... No responce to that?

    Mothers caring for her kids and not relying on other people to watch them. Is there something wrong with that since that is what most mothers do in the animals kingdom. I am not saying to depend on Welfare, but if someone has a child they should be watching them or at least knowing who they stay with. That is the solution to this whole child abuse topic.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Dear Dr. Bennett:

    I vote you with two thumbs down. There is no evidence that being gay means you are a pedophile, and there is no evidence that there being a pedophile makes you gay. Oftentimes, you are one or the other. You *can* be both, but that is most often not likely the case. Most pedophiles just prefer hairless children, as they have a problem with communicating effectively, sexually, emotionally, and physically, with an adult, so they prefer someone on their own level: that of a KID, who are most times hairless. Sick perverts that they are, they have had something in their development that causes them to want to have oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse with someone that is not their chronological equal. There is something lacking in such a person.

    Without intense therapy, and supervision, such a person is most likely to perpetrate again. It's in all the statistics. Go look them up. I don't have to do your homework for you. What good is it that the Christian congregation, provided a confession is provided, says "okay, for a little bit of a while, you will have to be shunned and have to get your priveleges back." Big darn deal. Someone loses their priveleges to teach a false gospel to false worshippers, and then they are allowed back into the service of our Lord, who said that it would be better for someone to tie a mill stone around their neck and throw themselves into the sea than stumble a child. What does that mean? They let them go out in service, where many children may be ansewring the door? There are many latchkey children these days.... Who knows what the perp will do? And those who tell the others in the congregation, warn them, are disfellowshipped for slander? Why is it slander to tell the truth? You know that the two witness rule is as stupid as the thought that the Earth is flat. Who perpetrates anal sex on a kid and has two Witnesses? That is the most idiotic platform of evidence that anyone could base an investigation on. No one has two witnesses to any kind of sexual abuse, unless their downright idiotic. You are a moron, and your religion is moronic. Not to mention that you people, being as backward as you are, bring the victim to face the perpetrator in a kangaroo court. You all should be brought to your knees on Judgement Day, and condemned to hell like the filthy dogs that you are, and your skin should be taken from you and salt poured in your wounds.

    Country Girl

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    Bro Bennet, you say:"before the schools there should be a law on mothers going to work or doing other mundane things to keep away from child care." You are one dumbf*ck. A woman who works and is a mother, does not mean she is a bad mother. It means she is a responsable adult who is not letting her kids go hungry. It means she is putting a roof over their heads and clothes to wear. You are an idiot. What do you suggest single mothers do..? Go on welfare, live in public housing? Is that better? Once again, you are one big dumbf*ck.

  • Golf

    BroBennett, your doing your usual tap dancing. Just kindly answer the questions posed to you from formerout's post. What's so difficult? Wasn't the Apostle Paul quick to say, "Remove the wicked man from you midst?" Did Paul depend on the two-witness rule? If the org. is so stringent in following the scriptures, why don't they imitate Paul's actions, "Remove the wicked man from your midst!" Paul said, " Become imitators of me as I am of Christ." The org. cannot say that and neither can they say, "I am clean from the blood of all men" when it comes to pedophilia.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Bravo Golf!

    They will stand in judgment for the blood they have spilled: the blood of countless innocent victims slaughtered on the alter of their false God/s for their vile prophecies and despicable doctrines. They will supplicate to the True God for mercy and understanding for following the doctrines of Greed, Idolotry, Lust, and Wantonness.

    Okay.. I'm getting a little dramatic.. but it sounds pretty good, huh?

    Anyway, Golf, right on.

    Country Girl

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