Headquarters of 'TBN'--vs. Brooklyn

by LDH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    I was in Los Angeles over the weekend (weather was gorgeous, what else is new?).

    We stayed in Costa Mesa at the Westin South Coast Plaza, right off of the 405 and Bristol Street.

    As we exited, imagine my surprise upon looking to the right hand side of the road and seeing a palatial looking building with the logo for the Trinity Broadcasting Network diplayed! Wow, was it disgusting!

    Now comes the fun part. Later on that day I'm talking to my Dad and setting him up, telling him how ostentatious it looked, and etc etc etc. As I suspected, he willingly began talking about how they 'take people's money and build and develop property etc.' (Can you feel it coming on? Can ya, huh?)

    I said, "Dad, it was one-tenth the size of the Brooklyn headquarters." Predictable silence followed, until he gained his composure and began teling me how valuable the printing work was that the WBTS was doing!

    Hopefully, though, what I said will stick.
    For your viewing pleasure, I am linking to TBN. Try not to barf.


  • reagan_oconnor

    Kick Ass!! Excellent! You can only hope to plant a seed...

    Good for you!


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    I pass that place everyday.
    You should see it at night
    with all its lights on.
    They do tours too.

    How was the shopping at South Coast Plaza?

  • LDH

    Welcome, Budda!

    I did see it at night and I thought I would hurl. Sometimes, I watch that channel because the lady puts Tammy Faye Bakker to shame with all of her hair and makeup!

    My husband can't even look at her for 15 seconds, she is so ugly, ha ha ha.

    Anyhow, Budda, I don't shop, so I didn't even GO to the South Coast Plaza. The truth is, I HATE malls. Full of things that human beings don't know they need until they see it 'on sale.' I have been to the mall here in Fresno THREE TIMES in five years.


  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    Thanks for the warm welcome..

  • LDH

    Has anyone else seen this monstrosity?

    Better yet, does anyone have a valuation on all the property owned by the WBTS?

  • r51785

    Too bad you didn't check out the South Coast Plaza...it's the only mall I know of that has an Ashworth store.

  • Stephanus
    Predictable silence followed, until he gained his composure and began telling me how valuable the printing work was that the WBTS was doing!

    Hmmmm. The TBN people are always saying how valuable the "broadcasting work" is. Whom to believe, eh?

  • LDH

    Yeah, really, Stephanus.

    Could you enlighten me on what an Ashworth store is, R? I don't shop anymore (had that crazy fad in my twenties.)

    My idea of shopping is going to Trader Joes and then Farmer's Market for some fresh fruit and veggies.

    Does ANYONE have a valuation on the property held by the WBTS?

  • bigboi

    Hey Everybody:

    I sometimes watch TBN. I like to see how they get ppl all worked up to get their money. I see that a lot of preachers on there are now quite bold in asking. I mean this guy was on there just the other night asking ppl to have faith for a $1000 offering, even if they didn't have any money. It amazes how those guys over there think that setting up satellite stations in poverty stricken third world countries is tantamount to doing God's will. So much money is wasted in that shit. Just think how much real good they could do if they took all that money they spend on maintaining and operating broadcasting stations and spent it on feeding and clothing ppl, or helping poor countries sure up themselves economically.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

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