"A Jehovah--Take Ovah".......NEW YORK POST

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston
    The huge residential complex will comprise four towers, the tallest 20 stories high, a large, glassed-in welcome center, a dining hall, a church and a 1,110-car underground garage.

    It's nice to know that all of the resources of the faithful are going to building a dining hall to help the less fortunate .... right?..... right?


  • blondie

    I wonder what stats they have that crime would go down. Is that assuming that the criminals wouldn't live is such a "posh" neighborhood. A cop I knew out there said that the criminals go where the money is and that I should be careful bopping around the Heights. He told me of 2 strong armed robberies just that week.


  • DanTheMan
    the Watchtower has gotten approval to take acres of prime industrial land

    Yeah, of course they got approval, if they had been denied the rabid dogs in the legal department would have taken it all the way to the Supreme Court.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    ok ; it been going like this. the wt has been using an outside agency. to LOBBY THE brough(county) ofice .building dept. and local politicians to get this zoning change for the last 3 years. . all the local communities are against this development. the wt is using political pressure and deep pockets to wear down , the locals , and kissing up to politicians to get their way. just this one deal they are doing being a whore ,involved in polotical deals shows the wt is part of this world. why is the wt going to clean up a city park and put camera's in a subway station? to get deeper in bed with the new york city gov't . i can't even remember donald trump doing something like this to build one of his buildings. CAN ANY ONE SAY WHORE OF BABYLON... john

  • jimbob

    Sounds like to me they aren't hurting for contributions if they can afford to do all that....they just make the R&F think they are.

  • sf

    Why Bernie Kerik is a Disaster
    ILCA Online, Washington D.C. - 10 hours ago
    ... it's rare that other Senators from the same party will oppose a nominee who has ... when it comes to challenging Bush's mismanagement of the homeland security issue ...

    Who Is Bernie Kerik Anyway?
    Elites TV, TX - Dec 3, 2004
    It appears that President Bush is prepared to nominate former New York City Police commissioner, 49-year-old Bernie Kerik to replace Tom Ridge as the next ...
    Enter a Category Newsday
    Jersey's Kerik: From 'Lost Son' to security czar Newark Star Ledger

    {{{ hey johnny baby }}}


  • phil78

    Just goes to show, the society is fast loosing sight of what its main objective was suppost to be, and thats preach to the nations. I never did contribute, not even once. I always felt money was being wasted on non-essentials, like new up-market cars for the travelling overseers. And on that note, i remember when the society wanted to give the overseers these cars, they devided up the purchase price by the number of congregations, and we all bought these cars. THEN, they want to upgrade 3 years later, so they make the offer that any brother can make an offer to purchase these cars back from the society. So the society gets these cars for nothing, plus we all paid extra for the servicing, and then they are able to sell them back to us. And no one says anything.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    I feel safer already. Isn't 'troof' great?

  • JustTickledPink

    I remember the CO and DO's brand new vehicles... how funny. I forgot about that. Hhahaaaa

  • Mary

    Anyone else here think it's prophetic that the WTS ends up in a place called DUMBO??

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