The Human Face

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • funkyderek


    The transmission of emotional states through the human face is uniquely human

    Nonsense! It's not unique at all. The degree is possibly unusual but we're an unusually communicative species.

    and is not something that can be accounted for by evolution.

    What I think you mean here is that it's not something you can account for by evolution. I have no difficulties doing so.

    The communicative abililty of the human face is not something necessary to the survival of the species, it is an enigma.

    Again, to you. How do you know what's necessary for survival? In any case, your point seems to be that this is a useless feature and therefore must be divine in origin. I believe your premise is false and your conclusion is a non sequitur anyway.

    The human face is unique and its so called "evolution" does not fit in with the models and mechanisms put forth by evolutionists.

    Which evolutionists? Which models? Why do you disagree with their conclusions? Maybe you can start with the link Leolaia posted...

  • mkr32208
    The human face is unique and its so called "evolution" does not fit in with the models and mechanisms put forth by evolutionists.


    Many animals communicate in ways that we as humans could never duplicate! Whales can comunicate with sonic transmissions across the entire ocean! Some eels can use electrical current to draw others to them like an electromagnet! Alligators can shake the water to send signals many miles. My horse can hold his tail to the left or right and tell other horses what to do. The examples go on and on!

    We can't do any of these things. You havent' disproved evolution or proved creation merely proved your own ignorance.

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