Question for Christians on this board!

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia

    Midget....What a beautiful statement! I hope you gave her an A. :))

    I also agree with what mouthy wrote...I think the thing that keeps me so fascinated with biblical and extrabiblical literature is the incredible depth they have and that there is always something new to learn or understand in them. James is one of my favorite books...Matthew too....

  • Narkissos

    Some of the texts which happened to be included in the Bible are definitely older than "God" (I mean, of course, the concept of the monotheistic "God").

    This being said, I think the idea of the present collection of texts which make up the Bible being the Word of God could be theologically interesting if it really referred to the actual diversity of the texts and their obvious contradictions: Deuteronomy and Ruth, Daniel and Ecclesiastes, Romans and James being equally the word of God... Somewhat as the Talmud, if I remember correctly, states about the endless contradictions of the rabbis that they are all words of the living God.

    Unfortunately, this is not what happens in practice. Every creed draws a "canon within the canon" and only uses the "word of God" slogan as an authority device: not for every Scripture truly, but for a so-called "Bible-based" catechism.

  • Midget-Sasquatch


    I really wanted to tell her how wonderfully insightful she was, but my job as the substitute, was just to collect and supervise, or else I'd have given her an A+. You never know where you'll come across expressions that can move you. I'd have to say that I was the one being taught that day. But some students are just incorrigible.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    I would like to thank each and every person who responded.

    I am truly grateful.


  • AGuest

    May you have peace... and may I post perhaps one more response? Thank you!

    The young lady mentioned by Midget above knew what she was speaking of, that the Bible is NOT the Word of God. And for those who do believe that Bible is the word of God, I will do what the young lady knew was not necessary for her, and that is direct you to what the Bible itself says about the matter:

    "Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth." John 17:17

    May those that have ears hear what the Spirit says:

    We are sanctified by means of the truth and God's word is truth:

    Christ... is the Word. Revelation 19:13

    Christ... is the Truth. John 14:6

    Christ is the one who sanctifies... us by means of his blood. Hebrews 13:12

    Thus, where it is written, "Sanctify them by means of the the truth; your word is truth," would be rendered IN TRUTH, as "Sanctify them by means of the Truth; your Word is Truth."

    For we are sanctified... by means of God's Word and God's Truth... Christ. Even babes are able to understand that simple truth and so, too, can older ones... if they "become as children."

    The Bible... cannot sanctify you. The only thing that can cleanse you... so that you are truly clean... is the blood of Christ. "For unless blood is poured out, no forgiveness takes place." The only thing the Bible can do... in point you TO the one who can sanctify you: Christ. Thus, my Lord himself is recorded as saying: "You are searching the scriptures... because you THINK... that by means of THEM... you will have everlasting life. And these... are the very ones that bear witness... about ME. And yet... you do not want to come to ME... that you may have life." John 5:39, 40

    The word of my Lord, then, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the One who is called and chosen, the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies, is:

    "Come to ME... all you who are toiling and loaded down! Come to ME... for you will find refreshment for your souls! Come to ME... all you who are thirsty! Come to ME... and drink!"

    He is the one from whose most inward parts streams of living water flow, so that when poured out on another bubble up within such one to impart everlasting life. Such water... "living water"... is the spirit of God... HOLY SPIRIT... which is the "blood" of life... imparted from the SOURCE of life... Christ. He... is the Life.

    May you and all those with ears to hear, hear what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying, to all those wishing, all those thirsting:

    "Come! Take "life's water"... FREE!"

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Dirt Rocker
    Dirt Rocker

    I don't personally believe that the bible is the word of god, but my family (parents) do for sure..

  • frankiespeakin

    Well I don't know if I qualify to post to this subject,, I'll let you be the judge:

    I was raised a Catholic,,became a agnostic by time I was 13. The Jehovahs's got me when I was 18. I got out of them in 2001,,hooked up with the pentecostal,,and tried to keep beleiving in the Bible,,but slowly my eyes began to open and now I know the bible is just myths. When I finally beleived that the was Bible myths,,Oh Happy Day!

    Oh Happy Day!

    I was free from a tyrantical OT God that was always looking over your shoulder to condem you if you screw up(had to kill his own son just to keep him from blowing up with anger and destroying the whole human race.). So when I knew no god like that was looking over my shoulder it was a releif. And now I still want to be a good person and try to do what right even without a vindictive punishing God scaring me. Oh every now and then I get the willies and think some kind of God is judgeing me adversly but it quickly fades,, I still pray to "God" or "Hubert" or "myself" just for comfort when i worry or want money to pay my bills,,or thread the eye of a needle,,or can't find my car keys,,or buy lottery ticket,,whatever. But I joke with this God too,,call him an idiot,,tell him I don't even beleive in him,,ask him for outlandish things that i would never even think of asking the Bible god because he's such a prude.

  • LittleToe

    My opinions have been expressed in the thoughts of others, but in good Wt-style, I'll put the answer in my own words

    My favourite book is John, and there we find that Jesus is singularly called "the word of God".
    I would rather have faith in "God" than a wad of paper, and find the latter object of faith to be misplaced.

    I sincerely believe that the writers were recording their personal experience with the Divine, and that various facets are seen because of this. Then there are those who appear to have genuinely tried to write or re-create their history. For that reason there is much wisdom to be found there, and experiences that often parallel our own (which can be a comfort in times of needing assurance).

    How do you define "word of God"? Since it contains words that are allegedly from God, and the overall body of experience is "of" Him, I have no difficulty allowing it to be called that. I would, however, draw the line at saying it was written by Him personally as He "possessed" the hands of the scribes.

  • Golf

    Christians believe in Christ, that being so, what did the Christ believe in? Without question the Bible has been fiddled with, but all of it? How many of us have bought merchandise that require assembling? Have you experience missing parts to the assembly? How about the diagram, was it the correct one or did it include other models and it confused you? I know I have. The Bible being fiddled with has missing parts or the wrong parts were inserted, hmmmmm. In short, if the Bible is not a book of information for us humans, then what do you suggest and is your suggestion bullet proof? Guest77

  • LittleToe


    Christians believe in Christ, that being so, what did the Christ believe in?

    That would seem to work on the premise that a Christian is merely a follower of what is written in a dusty old tome about him, rather than directly a follower of him.

    Is belief a "head knowledge" thing or a "living trust" in an individual?
    The bible is a book of information, but it's what lays behind it that is of the real importance (IMHO).

    Your analogy is excellent.
    I found myself comparing what I had previously "learned" to the real thing and thinking "so THAT'S what it was supposed to look like!!!".

    Here's another, for you:
    I believe it was the Spanish conquistadors that saw folks appearing to worship the sun every morning, when they visited the Americas. They slaughtered them for blasphemy, not realising that the worship was actually being rendered to the "One behind the sun".

    Such a distinction is often forgotten regarding religious writings. Unfortunately the believers themselves often initiate it.

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