Gossip Gossip...

by Englishman 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    It's just become general knowledge in a WSM congregation that the wife of the ex PO was removed from the pioneer list for selling clothes.

    ..Selling clothes along with the Watchtower & Awake whilst out in the ministry work! Apparently, she'd been doing this for about 30 years. She majored on her RV's and Bible studies. Her technique was to go on her RV's, whatever, with the mags and then say to the householder something like: "I remember you telling me that you had a little grandaughter of 5 years old, so I brought along some party clothers for her". The householder would accept the clothes gratefully, assuming that they were a gift, then Sister *** would announce that she only wanted £x or £y for them.

    She was warned about this on many occasions and in the end was removed from the pioneer listings.

    Different, though!


  • frenchbabyface

    LOL ... nothing to add

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hahahaha! Oh Englishman, WSM seems to have quite the collection of interesting characters! How fun.

  • iiz2cool

    She should have been commended! She, unlike most pioneers?, had something of value to offer the householders.


  • Maverick

    If she had done that in New York the WatchTower Bosses would have had her slapped around for not giving them a sizable piece of her action $$$$$$$$$$$!

  • ozziepost

    From what I personally know, there are many instances of dubs "working for two masters" whilst out in the field service. Imagine those return visits!!!

    We have one "sister" here downunder who sells a lot more than clothes on her house-to-house 'ministry'!!! They (the men householders) get quite an offer!!!

    Imagine!! She actually gets invited on to the circuit assembly program to give some experiences!!!!!! (If only they knew what she was really doing!!!.....or perhaps they do!)

    Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside down class)

  • iiz2cool

    And to think of the money making opportunities I passed up! Many householders, upon discovering that I worked in the IT field, wanted me to work on their computers, but my bible-trained conscience? wouldn't allow me to do it.

    Man, was I stooooopid!


  • kwintestal

    Every pioneer has a hidden adjenda of some sort. That's a funny one!


  • redhotchilipepper

    I'm surprised the JW's didn't catch on to this idea and teach all the JW clones to do this and give them a percentage. I wouldn't put anything past them now. Just when I think I've heard it all something new arises. Tsk Tsk.

  • redhotchilipepper

    Good one Walter!

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