Am I making the right decision?

by crizlee 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    OK im a senior and its time for me to make decisions. i either have the choice of going to this art institute thats near me, i wont be able to live on campus. I really want to go to University of Texas but my parents cant afford it let alone will they support me for living in austin. I'm in the top 5% of my class so im automatically admitted, and I really want to go their to use my potential. And i want to get out of my house away from my parents because they'll enforce their religion on me as long as I live under their roof (they are jehovahs witnesses btw).

    I was thinking of joining the Navy once I turn 18 in may. Im gonna celebrate my birthday in may also (ive never been able to celebrate my birthday). Then once I get scholarship Im going to the college I want to go to. Would this be a wise decision?

  • xenawarrior

    crizlee, congrats on being in the top 5% of your class!!

    With regard to the Navy- If you are thinking of entering solely for the educational benefits, I'd take another look. We are at war and you will inevitably be deployed and won't be able to use those benefits for quite a while.

    If you want an education, being in the top 5% of your class you are in a position to get all sorts of financial aid and scholarship money. All you have to do is look for it-it's there.

    Good luck with whatever you choose


  • Elsewhere

    Top 5%? Dude (or Girl - I can't tell), I'm certain that you can get some great scholarships and grants. Go to your guidance counselor and ask about these things. Also, call Financial Aid office at the University of Texas and ask about a Pell Grant. If you are in a low enough income level they will pay all of your tuition (this is how I got through college).

    With your grades, there are people, organizations, and companies who will trip over themselves to give you money. All you have to do is make yourself known to them.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    crizlee, first congratulations on being in the top 5%! Second, I want to back up what XW had to say. With all due respect to the honorable men and women serving, this is a dangerous time. Your skills and talents might be better used elsewhere.

    As for UT (I live in Dallas), GO! Find a way, make it happen. Talk to your school counselor, talk to anyone. There are partial scholarships, even take a student loan if you must, but get your butt down to Austin when you graduate high school.

    I was like you, a high honor student when I was in high school. My senior year, the school counselor called me in to grill me on why I wasn't going to college (I was the only honor student not to take the SAT). I very smugly sat there thinking I didn't need to since Armageddon was coming any day. That was 1980. Worse, she told me she knew of a 4 year full scholarship as she knew we lived in government housing (she had really gone to a lot of trouble for me). Naturally I listened to the Witnesses and turned it down. So instead of being a psychologist, or a journalist or even a teacher, I work in a dead end job I hate.

    So my friend, GO to college. There are ways. Find them and use them. Do it now and you won't regret it.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Would this be a wise decision?

    One thing is certain: It is a decision. Whether it is wise or not I have no idea. What I do have an idea on is your outstanding grades Crizlee. Very well done . You clearly have potential. The question is how do you benefit from that potential ? I would suggest that you contact the University and discuss your situation with them. You definitely have "the will" and perhaps they can guide you to "the way" (to make it happen).

  • xenawarrior
    So instead of being a psychologist, or a journalist or even a teacher,

    ah, (((chris)))- you may not be paid for it but you are all of those things too !! I'm sorry that you weren't able to pursue higher education though P.S.- it's not too late

  • shamus

    Why don't you just pioneer?

    (sorry, just being an ass... have no advice)

  • crizlee

    my parents have high income, they're just cheap. i have the option of going to a local college but i wont be able to live on campus, id have to travel back in forth from home. they let the people in the congregation get to them, they told my parents ill fall out of the truth if i live in the dorms. my friends have had for life even treat me like im disfellowshipped when they found out i was falling out of the truth. i really want to move out ASAP. i cant take it anymore.

  • Carmel

    Like you I couldn't wait to "get out" so I didn't wait until graduation. Even without outstanding grades, I was able to get into school, get scholarships and work/study. Once I made the dean's list doors opened even further. You can ride your wave as far as you want. It may mean working nights to afford an apartment or dorm, but it will free you from the family crap. My parent refused to even sign the documents declaring their income as I was "dead' to them so the school considered me "emancipated". There are ways if the will is there.

    Good luck


  • redhotchilipepper

    Hi there, It sounds like you have a pretty good idea what to do. You just need a self esteem boost. Your grade is awesome. I'm very impressed. Don't let your parents or any Jw hold you back. Follow your dream. Go where your heart wants to take you. Don't be afraid you have the drive, look at your grade level. I would go to the University and see what financial backing you can get from them or other resources. Go for it. We are all rooting for you. Let us know how things turn out. Tex, it's not too late to fulfill your dreams as well. Don't stay in a job that you hate. Go and do what makes you happy. Be all that you can be. We all know that you have it in you. Go and do it.

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