?'s for Believers in God

by chappy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • chappy

    For those here who still profess belief in God I'd like to know if religion is still an important/necessary part of that belief system. If so, do you attend religious services? Which religion/belief system do you ascribe to? If none, how do you worship or maintain a relationship with God? Do you feel that God looks "more favorably" on any particular belief system? Are there any that He rejects?


  • candidlynuts

    i believe in God.. I also believe that the only judge is Jesus so i dont worry about human judges. i dont attend religious services. i live my life the best i can with what i have.

  • Satanus

    I think that the way i see god falls into the pantheist. To answer your questions:

    For those here who still profess belief in God I'd like to know if religion is still an important/necessary part of that belief system.

    No. Sunsets are, though.

    If so, do you attend religious services?

    I try to watch a senset when i can.

    Which religion/belief system do you ascribe to?

    Um, the tao?

    If none, how do you worship or maintain a relationship with God?

    The connection is always there. It cannot be broken.

    Do you feel that God looks "more favorably" on any particular belief system? Are there any that He rejects?

    Nope. None.


  • JamesThomas

    When the chains and limitations of beliefs (all beliefs) and religions are removed, where is God (our Source and ultimate Being) then?

    It's right here; It's you; looking out -- at Itself.


  • Gordy
    For those here who still profess belief in God I'd like to know if religion is still an important/necessary part of that belief system. If so, do you attend religious services? Which religion/belief system do you ascribe to? If none, how do you worship or maintain a relationship with God? Do you feel that God looks "more favorably" on any particular belief system? Are there any that He rejects?

    Yes I still "profess belief in God" (why the italics?) its very important for me me. When I left the JW's after 30 years I left a man-made organisation NOT god.

    I now attend a Pentecostal church and have done so for 4 years now. I now feel I have a stronger closer relationship with God.

    Yes God looks on "favourably" those who accept His Son Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation. Whether they attend a church or not.

    He rejects all those "belief systems" (i.e. Religions) that reject His Son as Saviour.

    Christ has nothing to do with religions (belief systems) its between you and Him.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    For those here who still profess belief in God I'd like to know if religion is still an important/necessary part of that belief system

    I would fall into this category as I believe that the elements of the Universe were created by an advanced and powerful life force.

    If so, do you attend religious services?

    No....way too boring. I only go for funerals and weddings and I have been to 5 different Christian denominations for weddings and funerals and 1 very very long but interesting Hindu wedding.

    Which religion/belief system do you ascribe to?

    I don't.

    If none, how do you worship or maintain a relationship with God?

    I am always mindful and thankfull of the good things or "blessings" in my life. I also try to be mindfull of others who are not so blessed. I have never seen God in a temple so I do not believe that I need to be in one to maintain a relationship with her.

    Do you feel that God looks "more favorably" on any particular belief system

    I don't know she hasn't mentioned it to me.

    Are there any that He rejects?

    I do not know. I would like to think that God would frown on behaviour or beliefs which are unkind. I have always been mindfull of the 10 commandments, probably due to my Catholic upbringing. I would think that harming others would be a behaviour or belief system which God would frown on (this would include cult leaders who knowingly take advantage of people by telling them lies about the world ending in order to cause fear and anxiety for financial gain in selling Apocalyptic literature or CDs).

  • LittleToe

    IMHO religion can be a stepping stone to "connecting with the Divine", but once that connection is made it can be a very slippery stepping stone if it continues to bear all your weight.

    Human-beings being gregarious, there's something nice about communal worship, but again IMHO, if you haven't got "spirituality" in the first place, it can be a little futile (at any level above the normal enjoyment of a concert, or somesuch).

    As for anything else, you may need to ask Him yourself

  • JamesThomas

    Dear Gordy,

    I understand where you are coming from, for I was once there too. But then one day I realized that if I had the power to save all from suffering and sorrow, I would.

    I would do it, not because they worshipped me, or accepted me, or even knew I existed. I would do it anonymously, simply because it feels so good and right to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I bet, you and most other folks would do exactly as I would. We're not so special, really.

    So, please tell me, how am I to worship and adore, and place as "The Most High", a deity whose love and compassion is more limited and more conditional than yours or mine? Seems kinda silly, doesn't it.

    Doesn't it seem far more likely that it is not that God, is more limited and less loving than we, but rather the ideas and interpretations of a god fed to us by scriptures and religions is at fault? Is the weakness in God? Or is it in religions teachings? You tell me.

    Personal I feel that the true God is always more, and never less. Which is one reason I am not a Christian. (I don't mean to offend anyone. It's just a fact)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I take it from square one. Is there a Creator? Looking at the wonderousness of the world and Universe, it's not difficult to believe that some intelligent Being designed this. And since we are part of His design then there are indeed "plans" for our lives. Take the 'treasures' from the best writers that speak of spirituality ... learn, search and keep working for that knowlege that you seek. For every action there is a reaction ... truth distills upon those that sincerely search.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I heard a quip in a movie we watched last night. I don't remember the name of it,,, it was really fluffy, and had Owen Wilson and Morgan Freeman in it, local in Hawaii on Oahu.

    "God is an invisible friend for grownups". Amen

    Actually, I do believe in a god. As far as religious teachings I lean toward Bhuddaism and Dharmaism, but I'm lousy at meditation. (better at medication .... ;)

    I personally believe that god said so and we had the Big Bang, engineered to create the universes. I believe in creative source evolution.

    I think science is the best way to view god as I believe god is the core of the universes, and the energies and laws that pertain to the universes are god's laws. From the infinite to the finite. The Alpha and the Omega.

    How did I get to where I believe these things? I began with a simple opening up to believe that there is a higher power, and I'm not it. It lead to exploring other beliefs, beginning with American Indian spirituality. It just kept growing and evolving, as have the universes.



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