WHY DO YOU INSIST on clinging to the Bible as anything other than fiction?

by Terry 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    I examined it carefully, after i stopped believing. I dropped it. In fact, i realised that much of it was written for propaganda purposes. I suppose that there are some nuggets in there. But nuggets more plentiful can be found in many other places, not just ancient writings, but writings from the last hundred yrs as well.


  • shotgun

    It only makes interesting debate and maybe also a slightly useful tool to trip up WT teachings which most often stray from it.

    The only part I still cling to is the Song of Soloman because Gumby likes me to read him the verses about "breasts like two young Gazelles" and "a lovable hind like a mountain goat" those verses always make him cry.

  • bebu

    Well, I consider it nothing less than divine fiction. However, I actually consider it much more than that.

    Speaking only for myself, I find that the Bible resonates with me more deeply than anything I've ever read. (Even more than your writings.) Mainly, if I know nothing else, I know this about myself: I am a great disappointment to my own highest ideals. So I know I need help bigtime. I have come to this conclusion after decades of constantly doing my best. I believe in an Ideal. I'm not trying to be dramatic or negative; I'm being starkly honest. Yes, I have determined that I need a crutch, and I have found that the gospel is an enormous relief to me. It heals me. It is hardly just a bunch of fiction to me by how it changes me.

    Terry, I truly don't care if you laugh or scorn me. I stand by these words.

    NOBODY knows anything that isn't available to every one of us.

    A dog and a man watch a beautiful sunset. The man will call it sublime; the dog's attention is not held to it at all. The sunset is available, but more than mere eyeballs are needed if we appreciate it as sublime. Beauty, goodness, justice, sweetness, are not material things, but they are real.

    All cultures thru time have held a belief in the supernatural, so the "There" has been seen by men from the beginning (but not by their dogs). Atheism denies something very natural to our hearts.


    PS: I do not intend to get into long debates; I do not have time for it. I'm simply answering your basic question.

  • gumby
    All cultures thru time have held a belief in the supernatural


    Why has man/woman thought about a higher power/creator through time? Because evolution from a non thinking source cannot produce the complexity of life seen in the hearts and minds of honest thinkers.

    On the other hand, there seems to be honest thinkers who can concieve of the contrary.


  • AlmostAtheist
    We had a thread like this about a week ago

    Yes, but it didn't contain the phrase "feckless dreck"...

    Now the topic is complete!

  • formerout

    Even though Terry seems to want to convey to all of us that his theory is absolute, (which seems to be a contradiction in itself), there is some validity to his comment, IMO.

    The other point that I might elaborate on, Terry, as Gumby, Valis and Brummie touched on is that people search for and hold onto things based on THEIR OWN perception of what they believe will make them satisfied.

    With imperfect parents, grandparents, etc., this undoubtedly leaves the option open for imperfect kids.

    The biggest problem with JW's and other similar high-control religions is that they preach that they are a cure-all when in fact they are more of a disease. This denial of reality fosters even more problems and eventually leads to complete changes in philosophy, (noticed by us but not most people)when their delusional teachings make them look so extreme that true human intuitions take over, exposing their previous teachings as false to the rest of mankind.

    In an ideal world, they would, first and foremost admit that they are not perfect. When this idea of perfection entered into our existence I am not sure of, but it has been playing havoc with our innate human nature that understands that perfection is not possible.

    Perfection would include a ying but not a yang.... not possible. I recently asked my very devout JW Uncle a question that I'm sure is similar to questions that a lot of us have asked our JW friends/family. I said, "In the new system, if I purposely run head-first into a tree, will it not hurt? Will I not be paralyzed?" His response was that if I did it on purpose it would be disrespectful to Jehovah, the giver of life (and ironically the same guy who gave me the choice to do so.... teehee) and I would likely be cast out of "Paradise". I asked, "What if it was after Satan was gone for good and I was already perfect?" "Well then that couldn't happen, if you were perfect already."


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I've moved past the scriptures, Terry. However, I *can* do bible-speak with those still not aware of its incredibility. After all, there's no hard and fast rule as to what a person must believe, which is why I examined it and put it down. (for myself.)

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    "Well then that couldn't happen, if you were perfect already."

    You should tell him that someone forgot to tell that to Adam and Eve when they purposely crashed their perfect teeth into the fruit.

  • Cicatrix

    Hi Terry,

    I found this article online whilst surfing around. It may give you some insight into your question.That is, if you are truly wanting to understand, and aren't just espousing your own agenda;)


  • Cicatrix

    "Why has man/woman thought about a higher power/creator through time? Because evolution from a non thinking source cannot produce the complexity of life seen in the hearts and minds of honest thinkers.

    On the other hand, there seems to be honest thinkers who can concieve of the contrary."

    And there are also thinkers who see no controversy in the concept of a thinking source using evolution to create;)

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