NEW: Review of the circuit assembly. Darn!!!

by Doubtfully Yours 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    So, not only do I have to greatly sacrifice mentally by going to the darn assemblies 3x yearly, but now they've made it so that you have to pay attention and take notes because there'll be a review with questions and answers at the following meetings.

    Gosh, the mind control never stops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comments anyone?!


  • minimus

    I wouldn't go to another assembly if you paid me. Don't go.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Already went to the 2-day one. It was mentally painful, but I survived.

    Since I must lead this double life for a bit longer, I try and make it a social event of sorts. Hang out with my also 'spiritually weak' buddies.

    My poor husband wants even more privileges, but he's reached the top a man can reach with a 'spiritually weak' wife. I feel really bad for him.


  • whyamihere

    The assembly events were great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had the best naps!

    I had the best clothes there!

    And I got new shoes!

    Wow I guess I wasn't there for the right reasons!


  • iiz2cool

    I never took notes. I just never gave answers to questions in the hall.

    Once an elder tried to coerce me into answering by calling on me. A brother? handed me a mic. I took it and said, "I didn't have my hand up." The elder says, "Answer anyways." I says "NO!" and gave the mic back to the brother?.

    Don't prepare. Don't take notes. Don't comment at meetings. Sleep through them instead.

    Better still, don't go to them at all!


  • shera

    Be sick that night of the review.

  • 95stormfront
    My poor husband wants even more privileges, but he's reached the top a man can reach with a 'spiritually weak' wife. I feel really bad for him.

    "Spiritually Weak"

    I detest that vile term to no end in the context that JWs use it and have taken to task everyone of my JW relatives who've used it to denigrate me.

    I guess I'd rather have a considered "weak sprirt" than to live life as a JW and have it totally crushed.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    Once an elder tried to coerce me into answering by calling on me. A brother? handed me a mic. I took it and said, "I didn't have my hand up." The elder says, "Answer anyways." I says "NO!" and gave the mic back to the brother?.

    reminds me of a story, which I was not there to see, so may be a JW urban legend, but I was told it actually happened:

    an old bother had a habit of nodding off at the meetings so one cute elder thought it would be fun to call on him as he dozed....

    the old guy woke with a start and when given the mike, closed with prayer

  • RunningMan
    the old guy woke with a start and when given the mike, closed with prayer

    I've heard that story, too. It was always told with a local flair - usually an elderly brother who has now passed away. It has that ring of urban legend to me.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    I had the best clothes there!

    And I got new shoes!


    LOL! Brooke, Winning the "Best Dressed Award" at the Janesville Ass-Hall is about as big an accomplishment as being the best basketball player at a convention for midgets I should know, I won it 5 years running

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