having fun with Robert

by seven006 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • Roamingfeline

    Dave, I must say, you never fail to amaze. Simply delightful, and very cunning!


  • larc


    MDS was disfellowshipped circa 1992. That began a seven year history of great Biblical importance. What happened at the end of the seven years was never clear to me. At some point the JWs are going to be "trampled" for three and a half years and their numbers will diminish to about 200,000. Several million are going to help heal the 200,000. That is all I can do from memory right now. MDS is more like Larsguy than You Know on the lunacy scale. Poor Logical almost got sucked in my MDS's craziness and several of us were worried about him, especially Mommy - Wendy. Fortunately, Logical got over it and that is why he reacts so strongly to the latest nut case, Larsguy.

    Larc - the local historian.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Dave, my man, I think You Know should be seriously afraid. I know that you can be a really good "friend" to him. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

  • Prisca


    I call myself a Christian, and just wanted to let you know that I wasn't offended by this. I thought it was quite clever!

  • MDS

    Hi Larc:

    MDS was disfellowshipped circa 1992. That began a seven year history of great Biblical importance. What happened at the end of the seven years was never clear to me. At some point the JWs are going to be "trampled" for three and a half years and their numbers will diminish to about 200,000. Several million are going to help heal the 200,000. That is all I can do from memory right now...Larc, the local historian.

    1. MDS voluntarily dissasociated himself -- Spring 1991

    2. Began 7-Year mission Preaching "good news" to Spiritual Israel (JWs) -- Fall 1994

    3. 7-year Preaching "good news" mission ends -- Fall 2001

    4. 70-Year Anniversary of Jehovah's Witnesses carrying God's Name ends also -- Fall 2001 (the same time) [Fall of 1931 thru Fall 2001 Total of 70 years]

    5. (a) After the 7 Year preaching assignment of bringing the "good news" to Israel (JWs) has ended and,

    (b) After 70 years of Carrying God's Name upon nation of Jehovah's witnesses, Jehovah will "dull sensibilities" of all JWs worldwide which means no one among them will respond to message if by chance they hear it after Fall of 2001 for many years. They as a nation will stay in God's disfavor for many years until He decides to "Restore" them to His favor. (undisclosed period of time.)

    And now, AFTER the fall of 2001, God moves to bring the "good news" to the "Gentiles" in fulfillment of Matt. 24:14 and Mark 13:10. These are persons who have never, known of Jehovah nor ever searched for Him before. They become a REPLACEMENT nation of all Jehovah's witnesses worldwide or Spiritual "Israel." This becomes a 18 month period or less, between Fall of 2001 and Spring of 2003, where Jehovah God will gather 200 Million Individuals from this world, who will be happy to "Wear His Name" honorably and wisely will be quite OBEDIENT TO GOD, in contrast to the nation of Jehovah's Witnesses earthwide. -- Isa. 5:26-30; 44:3-5; 65:1,2; Romans 10:19-21; 11:25, 26; Rev. 9:16-19

    This PHENOMENAL gathering of the 200 Million will in later years be known to all the world of humanity as the "Sign of the Son of Man." At God's designated time, around the time to "restore" the Woman or JWs as a repentant remnant, this large group will be presented to the world of mankind, and will "cure" or "heal" JWs as a nation. 1/3 of the brotherhood will respond and will have the "curse" removed from them, and will be permitted to "go to the trees of life," represented by the 200 million converts at that time...about 1/3 of them as a whole will be "healed" or "cured." Those who are willing to "repent" at this time. The other 2/3 will not repent, will continue to follow the WTS (revealed as Babylon the Great, by that time) but instead will receive the "mark of the beast" in strict obedience to the WTS. -- Zech. 13:8, 9; Ezekiel 47:7-12; Matt. 24:30; Rev. 9:18-21; 22:2,3

    6. The political nations will begin their "tramping" JWs worldwide, Spring 2003, after the Great War is over, and the gathering of the 200 million is up. The first 42 months will be EXTREME upon JWs...efforts made to wipe them out all together. In other words, they will no more be tolerated as a religion, when the "trampling" period begins. They will be completely OUTLAWED by the political nations earthwide! This 42 month period starts the situation, and the WTS realizes that they must "get the mark of the beast" to survive then as a religion. They will compromise very quickly into the 42 month intense persecution period. All JWs, during this time will be chased to the wilderness as Outlaws, because they are not expecting this and are not spiritually prepared to withstand such pressure from the governments. The 200 million will be expecting this and will prepare accordingly. God will preserve them and they will stand the test of time. In God's time, they act to assist the "woman" who is chased to the wilderness. But no date is revealed as the "Restoration" date for the 1/3 or the "woman" in the wilderness. -- Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Rev. 11:2; 13:5-7; 12th chapter

    Hope this helps.


  • seven006


    Do you see dead people?


  • You Know
    You Know

    Unfortunately it appears as if you are suffering the lingering effects of brain damage from having inhaled the toxic fumes of vaporized ink! / You Know

  • DannyBear

    Hey Dave,

    Just knew it wouldn't take long for Robert to crawl out and make some snide remark.

    Well we all know it's between friends. Eh Bobby?


  • Copernicus

    MDS said:

    Jehovah will "dull sensibilities" of all JWs worldwide

    You mean they’ll become even more “dull” then they already are? That WOULD take an act of God!

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