Nancy can't watch scary movies.

by Nancy Drake 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston

    I'd suggest sticking to horror movies that people take less seriosuly than the novice fan such as:

    CARRIE-- Brand new evening gown? Check. Corsage? Check. Bucket of pig's blood? Check. Have a great prom, you guys!

    I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER--A gang of teens accidentally run over a classmate, and are pursued by the Gorton's Fish Sticks guy.


    THE EXORCIST--Viva Captain Howdy!

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake


    Alan, I used to get nightmares about Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood - only in my dreams she was twelve feet tall and could trip you with the wind!

    Not only have I also had nightmares about her, There was a woman in our congregation who LOOKED like Lady Elaine Fairchild! And she was ALMOST that tall. She was very creepy and had a goat farm and her husband was an ex-drug addict who would twitch when he gave talks. Looking back , she was probably just a nice hippie lady who happened to look like the evil puppet.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Thanks for reviving childhood terrors.

    When I was about three or four, I had the scariest psycho-sexual dream of my entire life, and it involved this monster from "Sesame Street"

    Imagine this guy coming into your room in the middle of the night, rushing to your bed, and ..... TICKLEING YOU!

    I woke up screaming from that one! I remember waking up my parents too! 36 years later, and I still am not comfortable looking at the guy.

    Ironically, he is nicknamed "The Beautiful Day Monster".

    Anyway, just thought I would share.

    Also, the Louis Jordan version of "Dracula" that British TV did back in the late seventies scared the s$%t out of me too!

    Hey, that's the ticket, I'll sue PBS for emotional trauma. Should get about a lot of money, about ....$20 a month, but only if you call now, before this year's fund drive is over!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Nancy, that walkie-talkie thing would have scared the shite out of me.

    My daughter and I like to torture each other after we see a scary movie. I'll never start it, but if she does something that scares me, all bets are off. For example, after we watched "The Others," I can't remember what FOSHLL did to me, but my retaliation was combing all my hair over my face and saying in a high-pitched voice, "But I AM your mother..." That one gets her every time. He-he.

  • Brummie
    but my retaliation was combing all my hair over my face and saying in a high-pitched voice, "But I AM your mother..."


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