how about you?

by teejay 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? Scrambled with cheese
    2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? night owl
    3. Be polite or honest? honest
    4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? brunettes
    5. Coffee or tea? coffee
    6. Introvert or extrovert? extrovert
    7. PJs or nekkid? nekkid
    8. Comedies or dramas? comedies
    9. Superman or Batman? Batman
    10. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
    11. Dogs or cats? cats
    12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? penthouse
    13. On top or on bottom? bottom
    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? yes, Kristina, 2001, her dorm, sweater and jeans 15. Color photos or black & white? black and white
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mickey Mouse
    17. Cynical or idealistic? idealistic
    18. Religious or anti? anti
    19. Summer or winter? winter
    20. Liberal or Conservative? Liberal
    21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? home
    22. Beer or wine? beer
    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic
    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? contemporary
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? facts
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? penguin
    27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? drums
    28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? beach
    29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? tux
    30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? dishwasher
    32. Favorite color? black Kansas District Overbeer

  • Scarlet

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? Scrambled With Cheese (PR Capone its the only way to eat eggs) 2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? both I like to stay up late and wake up early
    3. Be polite or honest? Polite 4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? brunettes
    5. Coffee or tea? coffee
    6. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
    7. PJs or nekkid? nekkid
    8. Comedies or dramas? dramas
    9. Superman or Batman? Batman
    10. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
    11. Dogs or cats? cats
    12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? penthouse
    13. On top or on bottom? top
    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? yes but I will never tell
    15. Color photos or black & white? Color
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse?Mickey Mouse
    17. Cynical or idealistic? Idealistic
    18. Religious or anti? anti
    19. Summer or winter? winter
    20. Liberal or Conservative? Conservative 21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? out on the town
    22. Beer or wine? beer
    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic
    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? contemporary
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? facts
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? Cat
    27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? Piano
    28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? Beach
    29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? t-shirt and jeans
    30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? dishwasher come on now move into the 21st century
    32. Favorite color? blue and pink

  • kwintestal

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? can I say over-easy? 2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? night owl, unless I was up early
    3. Be polite or honest? polite
    4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? brunettes (why didn't you ask this before Mrs. Kwin started checking this site out?)
    5. Coffee or tea? coffee
    6. Introvert or extrovert? what does my belly-button have to do with anything? 7. PJs or nekkid? nekkid
    8. Comedies or dramas? comedies
    9. Superman or Batman? Batman
    10. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
    11. Dogs or cats? love my kitty 12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? ranch please 13. On top or on bottom? I love a nice bottom
    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? last night with Mrs. Kwin!
    15. Color photos or black & white? colour
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mighty Mouse
    17. Cynical or idealistic? idealistic
    18. Religious or anti? ANTI
    19. Summer or winter? summer
    20. Liberal or Conservative? socialist
    21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? out on the town!
    22. Beer or wine? beer
    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic
    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? traditional (that's all the second hand store sells)
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? ideas
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? elephant (who says size doesn't matter)
    27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? banjo
    28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? give me the beach
    29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? t-shirt and jeans
    30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? Mrs.Kwin 32. Favorite color? yellow lately Kwin

  • scootergirl

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? scrambled

    2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? early bird

    3. Be polite or honest? honest

    4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? brunettes

    5. Coffee or tea? coffee

    6. Introvert or extrovert? extrovert

    7. PJs or nekkid? nekkid

    8. Comedies or dramas? dramas

    9. Superman or Batman? Batman

    10. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

    11. Dogs or cats? dogs

    12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? ranch house in the country

    13. On top or on bottom? top

    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? yes; um..Patrick, 1985, in the dark room at high school, wearing clothes!,

    15. Color photos or black & white? color

    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mickey Mouse

    17. Cynical or idealistic? idealistic

    18. Religious or anti? anti

    19. Summer or winter? winter

    20. Liberal or Conservative? Liberal

    21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? home

    22. Beer or wine? wine

    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic

    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? traditional

    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? ideas

    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? bird

    27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? guitar

    28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? mountains

    29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? t-shirt and jeans

    30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon

    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? hand wash

    32. Favorite color? purple

  • under74

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? scrambled
    2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? night owl
    3. Be polite or honest? honest
    4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? brunettes
    5. Coffee or tea? coffee
    6. Introvert or extrovert? introvert
    7. PJs or nekkid? pjs
    8. Comedies or dramas? comedies
    9. Superman or Batman? superman
    10. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
    11. Dogs or cats? neither
    12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? shack out in the woods
    13. On top or on bottom? bottom
    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? I remember many
    15. Color photos or black & white? depends
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mighty Mouse
    17. Cynical or idealistic? cynical
    18. Religious or anti? anti
    19. Summer or winter? kinda like the fall
    20. Liberal or Conservative? Liberal
    21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? home
    22. Beer or wine? both work
    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? i'm a pessimistic optimist
    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? traditional
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? facts
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? sloth
    27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? trumpet?
    28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? mountains...and there'd be a beach at the bottom of the mountains
    29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? t-shirt and jeans
    30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? hand wash
    32. Favorite color? I like many-no favorite

  • MerryMagdalene

    No boths? I have a lot of boths, but I'll play... 1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? scrambled
    2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? so night owl I often end up an early bird as well
    3. Be polite or honest? Both (sorry, just can't compromise here) 4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? ravens
    5. Coffee or tea? tea
    6. Introvert or extrovert? introvert 7. PJs or nekkid? pjs
    8. Comedies or dramas? comedies
    9. Superman or Batman? Batman 10. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
    11. Dogs or cats? dogs
    12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? Ranch
    13. On top or on bottom? top 14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? yes; David; 1997; doing a slow, shy "dance" around a plum tree under the stars; jeans and ?
    15. Color photos or black & white? b&w
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mighty Mouse
    17. Cynical or idealistic? cynialistic? I guess that's another forbidden "both"...ok, idealistic
    18. Religious or anti? alter- 19. Summer or winter? winter 20. Liberal or Conservative? Liberal 21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? home
    22. Beer or wine? beer in the summer, wine in the spring and autumn, brandy in the winter 23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic
    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? comfortable
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? ideas "Imagination is better than knowledge."--Einstein
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? seal 27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? drum
    28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? beach near the mountains 29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? t-shirt & jeans
    30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? hand 32. Favorite color? grey

  • MerryMagdalene

    ...forgot to say LMAO @ Nosferatu !!!

  • Soledad

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? I hate eggs. 2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? early bird 3. Be polite or honest? honest
    4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? baldies 5. Coffee or tea? coffee
    6. Introvert or extrovert? introvert
    7. PJs or nekkid? pj
    8. Comedies or dramas? dramas
    9. Superman or Batman? superman
    10. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
    11. Dogs or cats? cats
    12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? penthouse
    13. On top or on bottom? bottom
    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? yes a guy named "Shad" 1993 in his house wearing a hoodie
    15. Color photos or black & white? black and white
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mickey Mouse
    17. Cynical or idealistic? cynical
    18. Religious or anti? anti
    19. Summer or winter? winter
    20. Liberal or Conservative? Moderate
    21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? Out
    22. Beer or wine? Wine
    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic
    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? Traditional
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? Ideas
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? Leopard
    27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? violin
    28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? beach
    29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? t-shirt and jeans
    30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? hand wash
    32. Favorite color? black

  • Country_Woman

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up?
    2. "Early bird" or "night owl"?
    3. Be polite or honest? politely honest 4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? no preferency 5. Coffee or tea? 6. Introvert or extrovert? my family says I am talking to much 7. PJs or nekkid?
    8. Comedies or dramas?
    9. Superman or Batman?
    10. Chocolate or vanilla?
    11. Dogs or cats? my dogs don't allow cats - but I do like them. 12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? 13. On top or on bottom?
    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? to long ago to remember
    15. Color photos or black & white?
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse?
    17. Cynical or idealistic?
    18. Religious or anti? anti JW
    19. Summer or winter? spring and autumn 20. Liberal or Conservative? a bit
    21. Quiet night at home or out on the town?
    22. Beer or wine?
    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? most of the time 24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary?
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? bit of both more
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? elephant 27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? organ28. Home in the mountains or on the beach?
    29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? better something between. 30. Face-to-face or spoon?
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? 32. Favorite color? purple

  • Xena

    1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? sunny side up 2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? I have one good hour mid-day 3. Be polite or honest? polite
    4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? strawberry blonde 5. Coffee or tea? coffee
    6. Introvert or extrovert? an introverted extrovert
    7. PJs or nekkid? pjs
    8. Comedies or dramas? comedy
    9. Superman or Batman? superman...take away batman's "stuff" and he is just another dude
    10. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
    11. Dogs or cats? cats
    12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? ranch
    13. On top or on bottom? bottom/top wherever whenever
    14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? I don't kiss and tell
    15. Color photos or black & white? black and white
    16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mighty Mouse
    17. Cynical or idealistic? cynical
    18. Religious or anti? somewhere in the middle
    19. Summer or winter? fall
    20. Liberal or Conservative? Liberal 21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? home 22. Beer or wine? Wine
    23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic
    24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? Traditional
    25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? Ideas
    26. If you were an animal, what would you be? White Tiger 27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? harp 28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? mountains 29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? tux 30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
    31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? dishwasher 32. Favorite color? black

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