Pasted from a jw board!

by claudia 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    if they really believe this nonsense, there are plenty of
    college equivalency exams available in the US (CLEP, DANTES,
    GRE. etc.) I doubt the 'Awake' would be fitting study material
    for any of them.


  • ozziepost
    For example just reading the Watchtower and Awake can give any one a college education that far surpasses any education they may or may not get in the world of schooling

    A classic cult saying!


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • claudia

    VM44, im not sure how to send direct links, however the name of the

    board is great crowd. the thread is titled "school drop out"

  • cynergy

    Hi Claudia,
    Just a quick history on JW boards . . . The management of Great Crowd was stripped from Aisne within the first month or so after it became the "new spot" (pre-WOL) for JWs after the first mass-exodus from Witnet. Anyway, Aisne seemed to disappear w/o a trace after closing her coolboard months ago. Lots of people are wondering what happened to her.

    Anyway, the post you c & p was from meeka/vktoria on Great Crowd. Here it is for any interested ones:

    Hope you don't my helping hand.


  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I think that reading the literature and studying for parts on the meetings may help one to read better than someone who doesn't read at all, and may help one reason on some matters better than someone who doesn't think at all, but I think one's genes probably make the most difference to one's ability to think and learn than any other one factor.

    I don't think ones education necessarily means success. I have seen the dumbest ones in my school class make the most money after going out in the world. I have also seen the brightest ones have success. Too bad I never had the drive to succeed since I had to keep my time free to attend meetings and keep the flock in line.

    My wife just go laid off from work when we got home from vacation. It's going to be slim pickings for a while since I'm retired and living on my retirement check and SS. I'm really not that worried, but it could be hard to meet my bills. Most former JWs seem to be somewhat like me, just making ends meet, but getting by.

    You may wonder why my wife is working and not me, she is six years younger than me and not able to draw any SS yet.

    Damn, why am I telling all of you this???? I guess I think of you as friends and just wanted to chat for a while.

    Ken P.

  • slipnslidemaster
    I would not have the vocabulary that I have today, if not for the publications and "theocratic ministry school". I definately don't think them to be better than a college education, but I do believe that they have helped me with my reading and speaking skills.

    I agree with you here to a certain extent. I contribute alot of my public speaking skills and researching abilities to the TMS. I have no fear of public speaking, unlike most people, and I feel that my writing term papers and such was helped by writing talks out constantly.

    I do feel that the magazines are written for the "average" 8th grader though. I never could read that crap for very long without getting very bored.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Do, or do not. There is no try."
    - Yoda

  • hippikon

    One of my biggest handicaps in life was not getting a good education early. It has been very difficult to catch up in adult life.

    BTW Undecided – What I have in my jeans only helps me think about one thing.

  • claudia

    Thanks Cynergy, I need all the help i can get!

  • Introspection

    It is likely that such a statement is made because the author of the message is NOT educated. I doubt even the Society would claim that reading these little readers digest type magazines surpass a real education, they would just say there is a worldly influence, it makes you greedy and all that. If they've never been to college or even high school, how would they even know what they're talking about? Of course, it's just another belief with no real basis.

    "It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

  • RunningMan

    Would anyone like to trace the development and growth of a myth?
    See below.

    Watchtower 06/15/83 p31:
    "It has been said that by reading the Watchtower and Awake magazines,
    along with other publications of Jehovah's Witnesses, a person will receive,
    over a period of years, a considerable and broad education."

    It then launches into the remarkable experience of a person who passed a
    high school equivalency exam after only a grade 9 education.

    Watchtower 06/15/88 p32:
    "Helpful as guides to daily living. That is what a woman from
    Toronto, Canada, called the publications of the Watchtower Bible
    and Tract Society. She added: "I am a university graduate,
    and I must shockingly admit that I have learned much more through
    your publications than through all my years of study."

    She's not the only one who's shocked by that admission.

    The same article was repeated, almost word for word, in the
    Watchtower of 02/15/91, p32. Even the picture was the same.
    So, now we know the memory capacity of a witness - 2 years,
    8 months.

    So, an offhand comment about high school, gradually grows into
    a statement of precise fact regarding university. The WT, once
    again, creates something out of nothing.

    Really, people, if you can get the equivalent of a degree from
    a WT magazine, then National Geographic should be mailing
    me my doctorate any day now.

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