April 2001 Service Report for Canada

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  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi there RunningMan:

    These figures are very interesting to this fellow Canuck.

    They certainly paint a different picture than the speaker taking the WT painted at the DC a couple weekends ago. He added into his talk some comments on how well we Canadians are doing in the world figures and everythings just hunkydory here.

    Frankly, I'll believe these facts before I believe anymore twisted "facts" or "couching" from them again.

    Had Enough

  • Moxy

    funny, our DA (the other half of Had Enough's) didnt have much mention of stats. the final talk did mention april numbers i believe, noting that these were 'the FOURTH highest' ever.

    i guess the days of 'x number of consecutive peaks' are gone and now we'll be happy to make it into the top 10 every now and again.


  • RunningMan

    I would just like to defend my "conspiracy theory".

    Each month, publishers must submit their report, which is
    compiled by the congregation secretary. The report must be
    in the mail to the society by the 6th. If a person is on
    vacation, or cannot be reached, their numbers are not
    included in the cong total.

    If the person puts in their report on, say, the 7th, then reports
    again on time at the end of the month, the secretary will
    report two publisher reports for the month. The society has
    no idea that this has happened.

    Over the course of a year, the average comes out OK, but the
    monthly peaks and valleys are distorted. That's why the
    peak always comes in August, and the low point in July.

  • Moxy


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