April 2001 Service Report for Canada

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    Special Pioneers (59): 118.2 Av. Hrs., 83.3 Av. Mags, 44.1 Av. R.V., 3.0 Av. Bi. St.

    Pioneers (7,072): 69.5 Av. Hrs., 48.0 Av. Mags, 22.8 Av. R.V., 1.4 Av. Bi. St.

    Auxiliary Pioneers (15,272): 50.4 Av. Hrs., 39.8 Av. Mags, 12.4 Av. R.V., 0.5 Av. Bi. St.

    Publishers (86,289): 10.1 Av. Hrs., 8.5 Av. Mags, 3.6 Av. R.V., 0.2 Av. Bi. St.


    185 baptized

  • Maximus

    Did they get the peak pubs they were after?

    Any idea what the peak was last year and the year before?


  • metatron

    (2001 yearbook in hand)
    pretty anemic - 2000 average pubs 107,742, peak 111,173


  • expatbrit

    The peak for the 2000 service year occurred in August 2000: 111,173
    So did the peak for 1999: 111,032.

    This April's report is a fabulous failure in a couple of respects. Firstly the total publishers figure of 108,692 is hardly above the 12 month moving average (approx 107,500). Last year in April, 110,510 reported (a drop of 1,818, or 1.65%, year to year).

    Secondly, last year there were 18,236 aux. pioneers; this year 15,272 (drop of 2,964, or 16.25%).

    Lastly, the 2000 report showed an overall decline of 1%. This would have been worse if not for two very high months of reporting: April and August. As this report shows, this year the traditionally high reporting month of April has paste with barely a blip. The current 12 month total shows a decline of 0.38%, with the traditionally slower Summer months still to come. I'm smiling.

    Expatbrit, freakin' out over stats again.

  • RunningMan

    You must get your KM before I do. Anyway, for the 8 months
    of the service year, ending April 2001, the average publishers
    is down by over 600, meaning that the yearly report will have
    a -1% growth rate, if this keeps up. Baptisms are on target
    to be below 2000 (last year was over 2300). This is a long way
    from the 5000 total of just a few years ago.

    Even more encouraging is the fact that for three consecutive months
    the publisher count is a minimum of 1300 less than the same month
    last year.

    I am looking forward to the July report, which is traditionally the lowest
    month for the year. I expect it will dip below 105,000, which will
    be the lowest number since the early 1990's.

    It certainly appears that the waters under the great whore are
    drying up.

  • RunningMan

    There's one more interesting statistic that we missed.

    In April, 2000 the total hours spent in field service in
    Canada was 2,329390. In April, 2001, the number was

    That's a decrease of 189,684 hours for the month, or

  • ozziepost


    What was the weather like this April? Was it worse than last year? This could make a difference to the time the pubs are out in service.


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • RunningMan

    I don't think the weather was a factor. In my area, April was
    completely average. If anything it was warmer than usual.

    I would also like to throw out another idea.

    Has anyone noticed a certain piece of number manipulation that
    the Society appears to use? If you watch the publisher counts
    for each month, you find that a peak is always preceeded and
    followed by extremely low months.

    For example, last year's peak of 111,000 came in August. Both
    July and September were 105,000. This could be explained by
    publishers not putting in their reports on time, so they are missed
    in one month and double counted in the next. Or, maybe the
    society intentionally misses some reports, so as to pad the next
    month, creating an artificial peak.

  • nytelecom1

    easy there on the conspiracy theory......the society would just go back and add dem numbers at the end of the month

  • outnfree

    I was curious about this (having lived in Canada from '86-'93) and am thankful for the comparative figures.

    Just wanted to say Welcome! to nytelecom1, whose reply I had noted on another post this PM. Seems another knowledgable NYC area dub/ex-dub is in our midst!


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