Strange Encounter With Dubs Just Now

by Stephanus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    I was just up at a neighbour's place, standing at the door talking to her, when two Dub ladies came up the path on what turned out to be a return visit. The neighbour said "not today" and hid inside and I dismissed myself, following the ladies out of the yard. What was strange is that they didn't acknowledge me at all, even though I was right behind them. When they got out the gate, I tried talking to them - the following was the ensuing "conversation":

    Me: Got any spare Awake!s?

    Them: No (no attempt to continue talking to me)

    Me: Any Watchtowers?

    Senior Lady: No - we're not out on those sorts of calls today.

    Me: Are you doing return visits, then?

    Them: Yes

    Me: Have you done this area recently?

    Senior Lady: No, not for a while.

    Them: (heading for their car) Goodbye

    Does this strike anyone here as a little odd? Here is an obvious case of an "interested one" trying to engage them in conversation, but they're not even remotely interested themselves! They could have both clocked up some FS time, AND placed some literature really easily, yet they did their darnedest to get away from me! Is this normal?

  • Badger

    ...maybe they knew you were out?

    Geez, that is my Reg. Pio. days, I would have talked your ear off for an hour.

    That's got to be some kind of sign of WTS dry rot.

  • Elsewhere

    Maybe they know you are an eeeeevil apooooostate!

    You wouldn't happen to look like this would you?

  • kls

    That is odd they are usually on people like a pack of vultures, you just smile at them and they feel they have a victim.

  • avishai

    I had to hunt one set in service the other day too..

  • Stephanus
    ...maybe they knew you were out?

    The funny thing is: I was never "in".

    You wouldn't happen to look like this would you?

    No, but I do look like this:


  • Stephanus
    I had to hunt one set in service the other day too..

    What's the story there?

    Are we witnessing a gradual shift in the Dub FS culture? It's not the first time I've had less than satisfactory dealings with Dubs on FS:

  • Flash
    Are we witnessing a gradual shift in the Dub FS culture?

    Maybe their taking it upon themselves to decide who is worthy and who is not.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Perhaps they took you for a rapist and were unsure whether October is a Scream or a Don't Scream month.

  • boy@crossroads

    I think most witnesses are actually afraid to get into a discussion with someone who looks like they have half a brain. Their afraid someone might actually be thinking about whats being said.

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