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by homme perdu 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu

    I have been raised all my life in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization. I am not baptised. After recently reading Reasoning from the Scriptures I began to question the organization. In the chapter False Prophets pg 137 section If Someone Says- 'My minister said that Jehovah's Witnesses are the false prophets', paragraph 2 reads,

    Or you could say: I'm sure you'll agree that specific evidence should back up such a serious charge.Did your minister mention any specific examples? (If householder refers to some claimed "predictions" that did not come to pass, use material on page 134 (What true prophets foretell comes to pass, but they may not understand just when or how it will be), and from the bottom page 135 to the top of 137 (Have not Jehovahs' Witnesses made errors in their teachings?)

    The book does verify that the Jehovah's Wtnesses have made mistakes. The book does not go into detail concerning the predictions that did not come to pass. I decided to research these "predictions" on the internet and found that there were several accounts of false predictions. To this day I still do not understand why the Watchtower did not acknowledge Mather 24:36 (NWT), ("Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heaven nor the Son, but only the Father.") before making any kind of predictions.

    In the chapter Jehovah's Witnesses pg 202, section How old is the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The section failed to provide a numerical date of the origen of the Jehovah's Witnesses for the exception of 1870's which is considered by the book a modern day restoration of the first century Christianity. The book also provide the following scriptures, Hebrews 11:4 - 12:1, Rev. 3:14, John 17:6 as support. In the scriptures the words, witness, witnesses, witnesses of Jehovah/ God are present. Out my nineteen years of life I have never ecountered any historic evidence that support the claim that a religion by the name of Jehovah Witnessess existed before 1870's. The claim overlooks the existance of Judaism (NWT, Ga 1:13). It is clear to me that the Watchtower has magnified the significance of the word witness.

    Finally what really disappointed me is the association of the Watchtower and the United Nations. I am warned almost at every meeting that the Jehovah's Witnesses should be careful of who we associate with. It was determined long before the involvement of the Watchtower in the UN, that United Nations was a demonic device. I still do not know why the Watchtower was involved with the UN,but regardless why the Watchtower was invovled it is the association that should be acknowledged. I plan to ask an elder, Why was the Watchtower involved with the United Nations" and have a copy of the UN and Watchtower document from the UN website. I hope I do not get shunned because half of my family are baptised in the organization and I do not want to jeoperdise my relationship with them, especially my mother. Due to this possibilty I am thinking about having a recorder in my blazer during the discussion so I can defend myself if the elders inform the congregation and family that I am making lies in order to destroy Jehovah's organization. The Jehovah' Witnesses have pros and cons. Unfortunately the cons surpass the pros. I am not sure how long I will remain in the organiztion. My beliefs are still influenced by Christianity. I always ask myself what Christian Denomination does Jehovah approve. They are all founded by men who are not biblical figures. I am in a state of confusion, disappointment, and desperation.

  • ThiChi

    Wow! You can tell that you are a thinking person. That can be dangerous for a Jw.

    Welcome! What part of Texas do you live? I was Born in El Paso, now living in California...

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu


  • kls

    Hi Homme glad to see you give an intro. Tread very carefully when you ask questions to an elder or the org. You could be putting family relationships on the line. They will ask how you heard of these things and may think that you are visiting Apostate sites which will cause problems with family and JWS. They ( the elders ) will give you a lie as to their association with the UN but remember it is the WILDBEAST so any association with the UN was against their own teachings.

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu

    I know they will ask where i recieved the information. I will say my ex-coworker asked me who I will vote for and I replied that because I have been raised in the Jehovah's Witness I am neutral opinion concerning politics. Then my ex-coworker tells me he doesnt understand my views because the Watchtower was involved in the UN. I reply, I do not take your comment serious because you have no source. Several days pass and he present me with a UN website document that supports his claim.The tricky thing is how to explain to the elder how and why did my ex-coworker and I meet for a second time because he will ask me if I give him a wrong answer he say that I am associating an apostate (opposer). I have to you use a good strategy to avoid being shunned.

  • kls

    Homme you could tell them that your ex-coworker had a JW at his door and the EX had done some research on JWS and came up with the UN site and found that the ORG was associated with the UN .Say that this ex-co had your phone number and called you to ask of his questions so you told the ex-co that you would ask an elder at your hall.

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu

    When I approach the elder I must be aware that he probably will submit other elders into the conversation. I must be calm and avoid using the word "I" too many times. I also must not share any opinion even they ask me how I felt when I was presented the document. I should reply, I did not have an opinion when my ex-co shared the information simply because it is partial, that is why I came to you.

  • kls

    Homme what answer are you hoping to get from the elders and why does it really matter? You know they where associated with the UN .You know they will have an excuse or deny it. What are you prepared to do with the answer you get?

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu

    Im not certain

  • bebu

    (((homme))) Hello back!

    First of all, I'm curious how you found the UN website--how did you hear of it? Did someone send you a link? Or did you learn of it off this site? Or from freeminds.org? I'm curious! And I'm grateful when I read a letter like yours, because it was due to the letter-writing efforts of this board (JWD) that the UN posted that letter on its website! YEA!!!

    Is there no one else that you could point to as giving this information? For example, I've never been a JW, but I would surely bring up this information to a JW at my door. If you know of a non-dub friend who would be willing to "admit" to sharing this info, if asked, then I advise you to use such a person. The elders have their back further up against the wall, for they are dealing with people who must be given real answers, and not simply dismissed and disdained as 'apostate'. And you, of course, are simply trying to help provide a 'real answer'... if only you could find one!!!

    Hope you'll check out the section called, "Best of" if you haven't already.


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