Should Churches Be Tax Exempt?

by Xena 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    Definitely in general...but when they want me to start buying drinking mugs (like Benny Hinn) then definitely NO!

  • lazyslob

    Why should they?

  • dustyb

    churches shouldn't be taxed as long as they use the money to assist in the development of their community. this whole thing went over in france where the french government taxed the JWs and a few other religions because they were using all the money that was donated, but they weren't using it to develop their community for the better. so if the JW's start building bars and stuff around the area, don't tax them =D

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Not at all. Religion is kinda like a "heavenly insurance" corporation. Just another business, but wearing sheep's clothing.

    Frannie B

  • Mary
    dustb said: churches shouldn't be taxed as long as they use the money to assist in the development of their community. this whole thing went over in france where the french government taxed the JWs and a few other religions because they were using all the money that was donated, but they weren't using it to develop their community for the better.

    I agree. If churches used the monies they got from either "voluntary donations" or tithing, to help feed the poor, help the sick and the "fatherless boy", or help build a better community, then I would not want to see them taxed, as they would indeed be a "charity". However, as we all know, much of the monies that is received by the Organization/Churches, does not go towards doing charity, but goes for salaries, fancy homes and lawsuits. The government needs to take a very close look at ALL religions to see exactly what they're doing with the money they have.

  • DaCheech

    You got my vote!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Only for true community service not servicing only parishoners: Money received for renting space for non-profit or support groups i.e. AA, Meals and support of the homeless or children. etc., etc., etc. All else should be taxed.

    I'm sure JW's would get around this with field service. But hey, did you ever get rich from field service? I knew several who used gasoline, auto maintenance, bookbags, and other items for tax deductions, including claiming dollars for hours "donated", etc.

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