Sunday Talk: U.N. Worlds' most corrupt organization.

by integ 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • integ

    Yes, It's true. I went to the Sunday talk this past week, and the speaker actually referred to the UN as the "worlds' most corrupt organization." I wonder if he was ad-libbing, or if that is still in the Societies outline. Does anyone know if that anti-un stuff is still in the outlines? I thought the Society was trying to get away from bastardizing the Un. I hope they don't get away from that. It would make it so much easier to show others the hypocrisy of it all.


  • Farkel

    : Does anyone know if that anti-un stuff is still in the outlines? I thought the Society was trying to get away from bastardizing the Un.

    They were: when it served their needs.

    Then they weren't: when it served their needs.

    Then they were: when the got busted for their hypocisy and since they can no longer get the benefit of belonging to the UN as a NGO, it again serves their needs to bash the UN.

    This is all Bible-Based(tm).


  • frankiespeakin

    I would say the brother wasn't following the outline. he probable figured that if the nations are all under satan's control so when you get the whole gang of nations under one roof then it has to be the most corrupt. I think the WT wants to clean up its image with the UN for economic and social reason but has to do so slyly and slowly so as not to get the friends worried.

  • Makena1

    Maybe he is a secret member of the John Birch Society ?

  • sf

    Too bad you didn't get it on tape then send it off to the U.N. stamped with Watchtower Legal Departments approval all over it.


  • jgnat

    Must be a maverick. The talk I heard was about Jehovah's comfort. You know, how the magazines and the elders provide imperfect comfort in these sad times. And how much comfort Jehovah's people get in considering the Paradise Earth soon to come.

  • integ


    Actually it WAS TAPED. I can get access to it. I know the sound guy who was taping it in the back.

  • Pole

    I think someone wrote a thread about the last summer convention they had.

    In one of the talks the speaker boasted about the increasing undertstanding JWs had received from Jehovah.

    The speaker mentioned a few newly revised doctrines, and one of them was the identification (in the late 1990s) of the "detestable" thing from the book of Daniel as the UN.

    I guess the Witing Dep. are schizophrenicly confused about the issue. They're simply manipulative and inconsistent. No wonder.

  • Gopher

    And I thought they always pointed to the evil empire of false religion, "Babylon the Great", as the world's greatest hangout for Satan and his deeminz. After all, doesn't Revelation tell us that 'in her was found the blood of all the prophets and all that have been slaughtered on the earth'?

    Pole -- nice adverb: "schizophrenically". I think they're using the meetings to drive their followers slightly insane.

  • sf
    Actually it WAS TAPED. I can get access to it.

    Well then, will you be sending it to the United Nations, Paul Hoefel's office?

    I'm very serious here.

    Where can I hear it?


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