Kent, Do you have reason for resentment?

by Spartacus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spartacus

    Kent, do you hate black people? Do you harbor resentment toward blacks? Why? Do you judge a person by his or her character? Was your family directly impacted by racism? I am hoping you were trying to get emy's goat. But doing so offended me. Not a big deal but worth my time to tell you a few things.
    I was raised to hate white people. There was a point in my life if I could exterminate all white people I would. Sounds crazy. Of course I don't think that way anymore thank goodness, many of my dearest friends are white. I started thinking for myself on this issue when desegreagtion of schools started when going to the 8th grade. Then Mom left my Dad and I was enrolled in a school that only had 5 blacks in the whole school. Man that was a culture shock. Kent don't let hate blind you dude. Do you have reason for resentment?

    My family as an example: My father was born in 1913, mother 1924. They came up in 2 different worlds. My Mom grew up playing and going to school with white kids in Topeka Kansas in an orphanage.

    My father grew up in Bastrop TX picking cotton. He lost his uncle who was lynched and burned when Dad was in the 5th grade, the last grade he completed. The 3 mile walk was too dangerous because of white hatred. Uncle Zeno's offense, he did not agree to sale land to some white folks in the area. Dad’s family bought so many acres of land each month that accumulated to 235 acres. 145 acres remain in the family.

    Then my Dad lost his oldest brother. Just to show my father’s family mentiality during that time his brother was named Master, really no joke. A white mob tied Master to railroad tracks and watched the whole thing. The Mob left the body there to rot. His offense, he wore a military type uniform in town. That offended white men for some reason. His brother did not get a chance to visit his family before he was slain. That deeply hurt my father, my aunts told me he has never been the same since that happened. Years later Dad became a preacher/pastor to help him to cope with his pain. My father’s family moved to Oklahoma leaving the rest of the extended family in Bastrop. 35 years rolled by before Dad visited TX again. My dad was so stricken by his upbringing and experience in Bastrop, it took a dear uncle's funeral for him to visit his homestead. That event was one of my earliest memories I was 5 or 6 years old and it was the first time I met family in Texas. Anyway, my father hated white people with all his heart. He would go out on the town now just to find some white man to bash, hurt badly. My mother would have to bail him out of jail sometimes. He was blind with hate and he taught it in our home. However, my Mom always gave us the other side, the right one. Thank God for Momma!

    My brother is still caught up with hatred for white people, he is a long haul truck driver.
    There are a few more stories I could tell you more about racism my family had to deal with, maybe another day.

    Kent this is a very sensitive issue with me. Obviously for you too but I would like to know why? Why are you so sensitive about the issue of racism? I have seen what hate can do and it is a real problem in America but it's getting better. Posts like "certitfied nigger" does not help matters, it just digs up sleeping a monster called HATE.

    Anyway, I hope you understand that this issue is a very painful one to discuss for some like me.

    Take care Kent, Spartacus

  • Kent

    Nope, I don't hate anyone of any color. I don't care if they're green, blue, red, yellow or black. It's the person under the skin that matters - nothing else.

    When it comes to quasi-humans like emyrose, it's simply that she's behaving just like the stereotype of the typical "nigger" shown by the Holywood film-makers. The little thing I used above, where you asked if I frequented KKK sites, was just damned funny. You might say you do NOT find it funny - but fact is this was just a stereotype of the "nigger" - the one emyrose is working so hard to be.

    You are black, so what? I don't care Spartacus. It doesn't matter what color your skin is. As far as I know I have not quarreled with you, or any other blacks on this site - as long as they didn't attack me. To me it doesn't matter - but it seems the Americans are so fucked up they are unable to have normal relationships between people.

    The little "KKK" tips-page on how to become like our beloved emyrose could be changed to fit rednecks, whites - whatever. It's a stereotype - just as emyrose tries to paint the world black and white. It's not!

    The world is filled with colors, and shades of grey. Unfortunately some people are too stupid to get that. 14 days ago I said that the word "nigger" to me had nothing to do with race - but the person under the skin. Mommy said the same, and she's from the US. This proves I'm not quite allone having that view - and emyrose is a nigger in the true sense of the word.

    But, that has nothing to do with you, or any other black person on this board! I find a person like teejay to be one of the most stupid morons I've ever met - but that doesn't mean I hate Americans - does it? I have told him so as well, but that still doesn't mean I hate whites, does it?

    When emyrose is keeping on like she does, I simply respond the same way. I don't have the time to write sensible answers to sheer crap - and I find the writings of White Pride, KKK and what ever to be just as good as emyroses crap.


    The fact that you were "rised to hate white people" tells me your parents were sick people. They were - rising their children to hate others is insane! I have never been rised that way - and I don't hate any race. What I hate is stupid assholes believing they are better than others based on color, where they live, or things like that.

    I'm amazed people in the US are so occupied being politically correct that they forget to use their brain!

    I do understand your problems, Spartacus - and I do understand this is painful. But I hope you understand that I judge people by their actions - not by their color. When I use words like "nigger" I use the stereotype - the idiot, the clown - like emyrose. That's why I actually did find the above tips on being a certified nigger actually fun. That's exactly how I believe emorose is :))

    I have nothing against you at all - and if we ever meet. I'll buy you a drink!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Fredhall


    Since Kent is confined in Norway all the time, he never seen a non-Norweign before.

  • Spartacus

    Cool man. BTW, my father was sick with hatred not my Mom. I knew you were a OK guy, nice to see it in print.

    Yeah America is fucked up with this political correct shit. I'm tired of it too. Damn you in Europe somewhere. I would buy you lots of drinks, I'll get you drunk if you let me, LOL.

    Later, Spartacus

  • Roamingfeline


    Thanks for a very moving post. Your father wasn't insane, he was DAMAGED by what was done to his heart. If any of us were in his shoes, we might do the same. Who knows?

    BTW, I've been to Bastrop. I have a friend who lives there, and I was born not too far from Topeka. So I know of the places and the attitudes there. I'm glad you had the sense and the knowledge to see past your father's past.

    You see, my father hates blacks. With a passion. And he doesn't have ANY of the reasons your father had to excuse his belief and behaviors. He truly believes that the KKK posting which Kent posted is the correct one. On the other hand, my mother, bless her, never had a prejudiced bone in her body. My mother taught that to me, but somehow didn't get it through to my brothers. They are all racist to this very day. So I can understand where you're coming from.

    No amount of Progressive thinking can make up for what your daddy suffered. And I can't say that I blame him. I haven't walked in his shoes. I'm just glad you didn't continue to perpetuate the hate, as it would truly serve no purpose.

    Thanks again for the good post.


  • Francois

    Kent, not all Americans are rednecks. Nor are all Americans "fucked up." You are painting with a mighty wide brush there, Ace. Stereotyping is the formal referent. And it's pretty ugly wherever you're aiming it.

    Not all Americans are concerned with political correctness. You hear so much about it because the American media has betrayed its charter, its reason for being. Far from being the independent "fourth estate" keeping the people informed about the predations upon its freedoms by a grasping federal government, it has become the chief cheerleader for the government and for the leftists in the body politic of this country who are leading us into socialism certainly, communism likely. You just can't believe the representations of Dan Rather and his ilk.

    And Hollywood doesn't let the truth get in the way of a good story. It's not a good idea to get your ideas about people from their perpetuation of stereotypes. Anytime Hollywood wants to depict a dumbass in a movie, for example, they usually give them a southern accent. The south has no monopoly on stupidity.

    Perhaps you could give these points some consideration before whipping out that wide, wide brush you're using.

    Many thanks,


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Francois

    Duplicate Msg Deleted.

  • Kent

    Hi Spartacus

    I'll get you drunk if you let me, LOL

    I would be honored, Spartacus :)

    I have no problems understanding why some people hate whites either. I don't know where your father came from - but I've seen pages online where some assholes proudly shows pictures of blacks that is lynched, hanged, burned etc. When you see that happen to your family, ANYONE would be filled with hate against the ones responsible.

    However - it's not a RACE doing any of this. It's individuals - and the color of these sick fucks really doesn't matter. You will find the same shit in every culture during history - and slaughtering others has been the favorite sport. Even the biblical God has that sport as his absolute no 1 favorite of all times!

    Anyway, my friend. I will be honored to buy you a drink - and to let you get me drunk :)))

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • AGuest

    Hey, Spartacus... may you have peace!

    SIGH! I am not sure if you are aware, but in light of all the 'finger pointing' going around on the subject, I believe that in truth, it was I who started this last 'round' of verbal abuse. Not that I used the language and lingo some have, but I made a statement that riled someone... and... well, 'the rest is history'.

    Although I have personally left that particular battle (its productivity was lost quite a while ago), your post here compels me to comment. First, I want to commend you for your attitude, in light of what your family has suffered, and say that that is exactly what I meant. You see, I am black and so have, of course, experienced racism personally (albeit not only from whites, and I stated that).

    But I chose a LONG time ago, and with even more purpose and intent since coming to 'know' by Lord, to NOT 'return evil for evil'... and NOT conduct myself in the same manner as those who decry such conduct. I just can't 'see' the difference... but instead 'see' hypocrisy. And I have a hard time with hypocrisy. Maybe because I have been subjected to it all my life... from ALL facets, including my own race.

    I've had white guys call me a 'black bitch' because, well, I was black. But I've also had black guys call me such, too, because I wouldn't dance, ride, go with or sleep with them. I mean, what the heck... if I did, I was a 'ho'... and if I didn't, I was a 'bitch'. Dear one, if you think being derided by white folks sabotages your self esteem, imagine what happens when you receive derision from your own folks?

    And so, I decided that racism and hypocrisy... was racism and hypocrisy... no matter where it came from... if that was the INTENT. If a white guy was calling me such because he had a problem with blacks, then his intent was malicious. And if a black guy was, because he had a problem with ME... then his intent, too, was malicious. However, if either had said such... or any other slanderous word... out of ignorance, THINKING I wouldn't be offended and actually confused if I was... how could I take offense? None was intended!

    When I said to Emmyrose that BY HER STATEMENT she was a 'racist', for which I apologized in advance, but spoke truth, she asked for clarification. I provided the definition of the word... reiterated her statement... and tried to show her that her statement WAS racist. Perhaps I SHOULD have just said, "Your statement was racist", rather than implicating her. But I don't think I was wrong, just by the posts since that one.

    I just don't understand, though, why when 'they' say stuff it's racist... but when WE say it, it's not. I am sorry, but I just can't 'buy' that. Now, I know that there are MANY 'bruthas and sistas' out there who think I should jump on the band wagon... just because. But, in truth, that wouldn't be me. For me, that would be the same thing as seeing the hypocrisy in the WTBTS... and religion in general... and saying, "Yeah, but those are my PEOPLE and I will stand up for them, no matter what... right OR wrong." I'm just not that kind of person. And for any who would wish me to be, I am sorry. I just can't be that way. Ask my kids... wrong... is wrong... and such 'wrong' had BETTER not been theirs.

    Now, in response to my 'revelation' of what I saw exhibited from Ms. Rose's heart, I have been called everything from stupid to freak. And that dear woman is entitled to her opinion. I probably would have been more susceptible to HEARING her opinion, had she stated it a bit less... well, um... maliciously. But what I saw, instead, was MORE of that 'heart'... coming out. And I am SO saddened by that. For it meant that indeed, I HAD spoke truth with reference to her. As a black woman, that does not make me happy... it makes me cry.

    Why? Because I think Ms. Rose did what she was expected to do... what 'they' (and by 'they', I mean racist white people, NOT white people in general) expect 'us' to do and many think we WILL do... act ignorant. Act 'ghetto'. Act violent. Speak and act... without rhyme or reason... stupid. Along with many OTHER things, 'they' don't think we can hold intelligent conversations to begin with... and day after day after day after day... 'we'... prove them right. Dammit! (Sorry, Father...)

    Well, Spartacus, I can't give 'them' the pleasure. A wise woman once said:

    "A sign of GOOD breeding is... never let others know
    how much you think of yourself... or how little you
    think of others."

    With the exception of You Know (who just ires me due to his restriction of the kingdom from the 'little children' of God...), I try to ALWAYS exhibit 'good' breeding... not in SPITE of being black, but BECAUSE I AM BLACK. I am NOT ignorant, I am NOT ghetto, I am NOT a 'hopeless welfare case', I was NOT born 'street-wise', and although I CAN speak Ebonics, it is not my 'first' language. Perhaps it was my parents, grandparents, etc., but it was not mine. And that was choice my parents made for me.

    But if history is correct, and if what black people WANT to believe about our ancestry is true... we hail from kings. Perhaps I have the privilege, too, of hailing from such a family. I do not know. But I do know that I hail from the Household of God, which IS a household of kings and priests. Yet, from whatEVER household he hails, even in the face of the worst oppression and persecution, a true king... or queen... NEVER loses his or her dignity.

    Yes, 'our' dignity was stripped in former times, and there are those who would strip it again today. From among 'them'... AND from among 'us'. I will not, however, GIVE mine willingly. And I can see that neither will you.

    In my eyes, you are a 'true' black man, by your humble asking of Kent HIS position, and acceptance of his answer, without trying to read between the lines or FIND malicious intent... if indeed he stated there was none. For love... believes all things. Your love, to me, has been regally displayed.

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, serve to be upon you... you and your entire household... if you so 'wish' it.

    I bid you peace... to time indefinite.

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ.


  • Marilyn

    Hi Spartacus, You are too smart for Kent to hate you. Kent hates stupid people. Thus your posts woulnd't have attracted his attention. Personally, I don't think it's fare to hate stupid people, cause we can't help being stupid.

    I haven't followed all the racial posts - or any posts much recently, but your posts are always worth a read. Don't take any notice of Kent's ranting and raving. He's actually quiet a cool guy and his ethics are pretty darned reasonable. IMHO!!


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