Wondering whether or not to join the Air Force

by Patrick_Ryan 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster

    I vote to join the Air Force. The disciple and direction sound like something that you need right now. Sounds like it will help shape you into a man and direct your energies into something positive that you can use later in life.

    After your tour of duty is up, you can always re-evaluate the organization. The end will be "just around the corner" then too. After 120 years, what's a couple more between friends?

    Slipnslidemaster: "Do, or do not. There is no try."
    - Yoda

  • r51785

    Patrick, two points:

    1. The first Gentile to become a Christian was named Cornelius. He was an officer in the Roman Army. You can read his account in Acts chapter 10. Read the account carefully. Notice that nowhere is he told by the Apostle Peter that he was wrong to be an army officer, or that he must resign his commission.
    2. Secondly, if you believe that we are in the "last days" as the WT would scare you into believing, go to your local library and check out a book called "A Distant Mirror" by Barbara Tuchman. Tuchman was one of the great historians of the twentieth century. I'm not going to spoil things for you by telling you what the book is about, but suffice to say after I read it in 1979 I no longer believed the WT talk of the "last days."

  • Wounded Heart
    Wounded Heart
    Instead of running from the problems here I need to help them, not just with payments like I've been doing but I need to get my father to quit drinking, my mother to ditch her boyfriend and get reinstated, younger brother to quit doing drugs, plus, he doesn't want me to leave.

    you cannot make anyone stop doing something nor can you change someone who does not want to change. your father, mother, brother are all responsible for themselves and what they do. the best you can do is let them know that you are there to help if and when they are ready to change things in their lives.

    about the AF: for me it would boil down to this: would what i am doing in the AF harm, mame or kill anyone either directly or indirectly? what would happen if the US went to war? how would i feel about having to take part in active warfare? what if i had to take up arms and protect the US? could i really live with myself knowing that i took part in killing another person?

    a friend of mine joined the army. he called in tears one time because of the stress and the fact they were teaching him how to kill a person. he was sooo upset. sad to report, he got past that heartfelt emotion and now has no qualms about killing. i look at it as he lost himself when he went thru that training. he is a totally different person. please give this very serious thought. and please make sure that joining the AF is not just to escape your problems. problems will follow you to the AF. problems only go away when confronted and resolved.

    please let us know what you decide.

    NOTE: the above responses are based on my personal beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. i answered after thinking of how i would handle this situation if it were me.

    Wounded Heart

    Love by giving to & accepting others unconditionally = true, pure love

  • Princess

    After reading your post I think you have already made the decision in your heart. You know the best thing FOR YOU is to join the AF. It bothers me that you feel you should stay behind to take care of your father's drinking, your mother's cheating and your brother's drug use. You need to break free and live your own life. I bet you haven't done that yet have you? You family knows they have their own problems and they have the power to change them. You do not. You need to take care of yourself for a change. I personally do not think God cares if you join the air force, the elder's do. Whose opinion do you value more? Since you don't leave until October, stick around this board and read a bit. It should help.

    Good Luck,

    "...and they lived happily ever after."

  • DreamMaster

    Hey Dude,

    I say go for it!

    IMHO people between the ages of 18-22 are too young to be into college and they can't really get out of it what it was intended to give them. They end up young idiots with degrees running the show. They don't yet have the cognitive abilities to make a fully informed responsible decision so running the show is most definitely not the best job for these kids. See the world, build some character, have some fun across seas because when you get home it will be time to make money.

    Pick your career carefully and use the time to learn evrything you can especially other languages. By the time you get home you'll be in the perfect frame of mind to pursue your degree and masters and graduate at the top of your class.

    Think about it! and Good Luck!

  • Tina

    Hi pR,

    My son upon leaving the WTS joined the Army. We discussed it and he wasn't sure if he wanted to jump right into college,or what. Like you had many questions and issues yet to be resolved.
    He spent 4 yrs as a paratrooper. Today he says it's the best decision he made . He not only got money for college,he said it provided him with some 'grounding' while thinking about his future.
    He said it gave him a sense of esteem,accomplishment,and comaraderie he never would have had if remaining 'in the trooth' as a pioneer.

    One issue he didnt struggle with as you seem to be doing,is putting the onus of his decision on "Satan" . He knew this was nonsense and simply the WTS boogeyman used to control an individual and their decisions. As far as his and my belief there is no satan. Simply the challenge of taking responsibility for our own lives and the decisions we make about it.

    My suggestion is go for it!! It's one of life's greatest learning experiences. I have a friend that recently retired from the AF. He made it his career. He was Crew Chief on the warthog. He loved his job,the places it took him all over the world and mostly the people he met and friends he made along the way.

    Do it! Once out of the oppressive WTS enviornment ,you'll see yourself and the world with all new and more realistic eyes. Wishing you the best.Tina

    PS Patrick,
    Let us know what you've decided. Whatever decision you make,we are here to support you! hugs,Tina

  • cornish

    It seems from your posting that you are still affected by the programming you had as Jehovahs witness I think it is important that you firstly do some independant research into the Jehovahs Witness and prove to yourself whether they are the truth or not otherwise you will feel guilty if you make a decision without deprogramming yourself from watchtower indoctrination first.

  • nytelecom1

    Why would you ever want to join an org. that tell you what time to get up, tells you what you will eat, shows you how to make your bed, how to organize (sp?) your room, gives you a work assignment that you would probably not want, and makes you shower with a bunch of other very bizarre men......wait..wait ...were we talking about Bethel or the Air Force

  • cornish

    On The subject of the nearness of Armageddon the ridiculousness of the watchtower arguements of the nearness of the end can be seen by two opposite scenes.

    When there is a lot of trouble in the world the witnesses claim that this is proof of the times of trouble demonstrating the near end.

    Conversely when things in the world scene are looking better and things are looking up this is also seen as proof of the nearest of the end because of the Miss application of second thessalonians about a thief in the night and peace and security.

    So whatever happens even opposite things in world events will always prove to an indoctrinated Witness that the end is near ,yes they can believe two opposite things mean the same thing.

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