Give up one of your five senses

by Terry 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    You must lose one of your five senses. Which one do you give up?







  • jgnat

    I think it would have to be hearing. Though this is probably the most socially isolating handicap. Why? I already know ASL. Music lives in my soul, I don't need to be plugged in.

    1.Taste? - an important sense to keep from poisoning myself. I couldn't be a cook any more.

    2.Smell? - an important sense to keep from poisoning myself or burn the house down. I couldn't be a cook any more. I could no longer enjoy my food, a daily pleasure.

    3.Touch? - I would lose sensitivity for my most prized talents.

    4.Sight? - I couldn't paint any more. I would miss the nuance of human expression.

  • StinkyPantz

    Sight, no way. Touch, too dangerous. Hearing.. hmm.. maybe. Taste relies a lot on smell.. if you lose smell, you're going to lose a lot of taste too.. so.. I'd just choose taste.. and that's my final answer.

  • Elsewhere

    Sorry, but I have to be a geek smartass right now... There is one sense that everyone seems to forget about.






    6. Cochlear Sense - This is the sense of your inner ear that allows you to sense motion and rotational forces. It is also what is responsible for motion-sickness when your brain does not know how to interpret the signals being recieved from the cochlea.

  • jgnat

    Elsewhere, I ain't giving up my cochlear sense either. No way I wanna be a dizzy broad.

  • micheal


  • blondie

    Hearing, hands down. I have had experience working with both blind and deaf people and at one point in my life have faced the loss of both sight and hearing. Fortunately, I still have both but I knew then that I would rather keep my sight and lose my hearing.


  • WildHorses
    Taste relies a lot on smell.. if you lose smell, you're going to lose a lot of taste too.. so.. I'd just choose taste.. and that's my final answer.

    True, but just think of all the weight we could lose. If you can't see or taste food, you will be sure to only eat enough to survive.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Like Blondie and jgnat I too know sign language so being deaf would have its limitations but I could manage

    I've lived with someone who was blind and learned a lot about adapting to that world. It doesn't scare me

    Taste? taste has to stay

    smell - waaay too many smells in this world I can do without plus I'm allergic to a lot of things or sensitive at least

    touch? well my toes are already numb. it is an odd sensation. Kind of weird and although I'm not thrilled with it probably the easiest to do without -

    nope changeed my mind - take the smell away - please

  • dh

    if i had to give one up.

    taste - the reason, because the taste & smell senses are very similar, smell being more broad, taste being more finly tuned. i believe my sense of smell would compensate for all the things i wanted to sense, and not having a taste sense wouldn't bother me too much.

    have you ever dreamed of the freedom of being born with no senses at all?

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