A Letter to the Elders

by AngelofMuZiC 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • AngelofMuZiC

    Dear Fellow Board Members,

    I need your help with something. My mother is still a member of the org, and as I see it, fully intends on remaining a member. She does not agree with everything the WTS says, (the elders don't know that) and she has told me that she would never disown me for them, nor have they asked her to. I don't want to pull my mother away from the org because it makes her feel like she belongs to something,(so she does.) but I have noticed that she is becoming more depressed everytime she goes to a meeting, because the "brothers and sisters" are not showing her the Christian love they so brag about. So I have written the following letter to the elders in her congregation. I'd like your input before I send it off. Here it goes...

    To the Body of Elders and Ministerial Servants:

    I am writing this letter because I have concerns for my mother--
    Although I myself am no longer a member, I still have respect for the organization, and I respect my mother's wishes to remain a member. I love my mother, and I know that she feels that this is truly God's ordained "faithful and discreet slave". For her, being a part of it brings her happiness. However, I am concerned because she has become increasingly agitated by the way some members have and are treating her. You are all well aware that my mother is advanced in age, and cannot drive. This prevents her from getting around as most people do. I know that in the past, some brothers and sisters have offered to help her out with things like doctor's visits, grocery shopping, recreational activities. I think you should know that a very, very small number have actually followed through on thier offers. I understand that most in the congregation are busy with work or other responsibilities, but as I recall, it is always recommended in the publications and in discussions to make time to help those in need, and try to include those in the hall that don't have family, who are elderly or infirm, or who have special economic needs. My mother's case-ALL OF THE ABOVE. Yet, my mother RARELY have been invited on outings or included in gatherings by anyone in the congregation. She has RARELY been asked if she needed a ride to see her doctor or if she needs help shopping. But more disturbing is that my mother was very ill for a period of two weeks. During that time, she never received even a phone call to see if she was okay, or if she needed anything. She rarely gets phone calls or visits from anyone, except the sister that brings her to the hall, and that is only to see if she is going that evening. Occasionally, one sister asks my mother to join her in field service. According to what I was taught as a member, the congregation should take primary interest in the spiritual health of everyone. This would include making provisions for my mother to be out in the ministry. She seems to feel that people are trying to avoid her, though she doesn't know why. I have known in the past that some witnesses tend to avoid those who have a disfellowshipped, disassociated, or an inactive family member. This is most definately unchristian behavior and highly unfair. I hope this is not the case here. My mother should not be penalized for the decisions I have made. In fact, the congregation should be trying to build her up and encourage her, so that she does not lose her faith. I am not writing this letter to offend anyone, or to make accusations. I am only doing this because I know for sure that these issues have been bothering her for quite some time, and she does not have the courage to bring them to your attention. I have told her on many occasions that she should, but she tells me that she doesn't want "to be a pest" or "to be a burden" as she says. She should not be made to feel as if she were pestering or burdening the congregation. These brothers and sisters should look upon it as a blessing to be caring for those in need, something that is shown by many scriptures to be pleasing to Jehovah. I would appreciate it greatly if you brothers could observe and discuss this matter, so that you may be able to help her. I do what I can, but it is hard because my job requires many hours, and I am currently in training for my EMT license. These activities do not leave much time left, except sleep. Also I cannot offer her the spiritual comfort and support she needs, because I am not a member of the organization. I share different beliefs and I do not want to compromise her beliefs by sharing mine. But I can tell you, she really loves Jehovah and she really needs your love and encouragement. Thank you for taking time to listen to my concerns, and I hope you can help.

    Joanne Voorhees Seng

    -So what you ya'll think? Too wordy? Did I knock'em dead?

  • Pathofthorns

    The letter is not a bad idea if you want to be a pain in their butt and give a little more of a reminder as to why you left and their own hypocrisy.

    Your mother ultimately has to realize that how they treat her is basically what she signed on for until the day she dies and little is likely to change.

    Perhaps the elders will have a few people express some interest in her welfare and help her out with rides and make a few phone calls to her. This "coached" love should last about a month at best before things return to the way they were.

    Plus there is always the "why didn't you approach us?" line, as they don't care for anything written from "apostates". They always manage to turn it back on the publisher for not doing their part, when in reality they do very little for the elderly or anyone in need until they are forced to or it becomes absolutely critical.

    It is a sad thing with elderly Witnesses. If your mom is quite old, sometimes you hope they get to pass on before the fantasy crumbles completely just so they don't have to deal with the fact that they wasted their life on a dream.


  • Prisca


    You've written a great letter. I hope at least one elder will be shamed by what you have written and will provide more than a month's worth of attention to your mother.

    The neglect of the elderly is primarily a cultural problem that is spreading from the West into other cultures. Naturally the congregation is reflecting the society they are living in, although we all know they proclaim to all who will listen how loving they are. Yeah right! It's one thing to print it on paper or say it from the platform, it's another thing to put it into action.

    Path - love your comments, as always. Glad to see you still pop in every now and again.

  • BugEye


    That is an incredible letter!!

    I believe that you have covered most bases and that you have left nothing unsaid.

    Then again, I expect nothing less from you.

    I hope that your letter not only reaches the correct people but that they act on it.

    You are a wordmaster Joanne, and the next time I need a letter writing, I'm going to be calling on you.


  • joelbear


    Your heart is definitely in the right place. I have called elders from time to time when I knew things at my father's or brother's house were blowing up or about to blow up.

    Your letter may make you feel better but don't get your hopes up that people's behavior will change. Witnesses label people and it is mighty tough to near impossible to make them change those labels.



  • safe4kids

    Hi Joanne,

    Just wanted to second what the others have said, this is a wonderful letter. The love and compassion that you feel for your mother comes through loud and clear. I hope for your mother's sake that the elders respond lovingly to your letter and that she receives the love and kindness that the JWs claim to have. Please let us know the outcome.


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • ZazuWitts


    Good for you for wanting to bring this to your mother's elders/ms attention.

    Path does make some good points, however. Perhaps you should put in a sentence, or so, stressing that she doesn't know that you are writing the letter, and that these are your personal observations -- that she, personally, doesn't 'complain' to you, etc.
    I'm concerned that the part about her being 'critical' of how she is treated, will just make things worse for her (even if her feelings are expressed only to you.)

    I'm glad your mom continues her relationship with you, despite their shunning mandates. But, if they view her as 'complaining' to an 'apostate', even this might be called into question.

    Do you know of any one elder in her congregation that you view as an individual with compassion? If so, maybe you can send the letter to him.

    I've known of many similar situations...it always sickens and saddens me...sigh.

  • mustang


    Very good letter. I agree that it should be sent. I would add, as ZazuWitts says, that she has only complained to you and is exhibiting 'long-suffering'.

    'Long-suffering', BTW, is another of those often extolled JW virtues.
    Speaking of such JW virtues, they (WTS, Elders, congregation & so forth) are the ones that put themselves upon the pedestal as 'happiest people on earth' and full to overflowing w/ 'brotherly love'.

    It is becoming quite evident that the 'happiest people on earth' theme is propaganda, pure and simple. You (and others) are showing that the 'overflowing w/ brotherly love' theme is also propaganda. Many have recounted the 'love-bombing' that new ones are showered with. It seems to wear thin a few months after baptism.

    So, if the Elders get a letter such as yours, THEY ASKED FOR IT. They have honestly earned it. Do not feel ashamed.

    Will it do any good? Time will tell if the others observations are correct. The consensus says, no help.

    What will happen if you don't send it? Not much. So, you are left w/ 'nothing ventured' nothing gained'. This tends to say, 'send it'.

    The other thought that I might add is this: someone in recent times posted about a shepherding call that they received. I don't know if they said this or just expressed the thought to themselves. But their reaction to the Elders visit was that everyone was ignoring them, snubbing them, not associating with them and so one. This included both spiritual and social gatherings. Certainly, no one was taking the time or effort to build them up.

    This couple was in the enviable position of literally humbling the Elders and proving what hypocrites they were. The Elders would have had no choice but to leave w/ bowed heads and their tails symbolically dragging between their legs.

    Quite frankly, anyone having such an opportunity to honestly embarrass those self-righteous ones, should do so. It is a moral imperative.


  • Francois

    There's only one thing wrong with your letter; you didn't send it to everyone in the congregation, everyone.

    Suggest you break it up into small paragraphs and mail it to everyone in the congregation.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Yerusalyim


    Nice letter,hope it works. Are there no Senior Citizen's Centers in your area to help Mom with doctor trips, etc? In my Mom's Catholic Parish of some 400 Families, people are always helping one another out in this way. My mom has been taken to appointments when my dad is out of town. My mom sits with another parishoners disabled daughter, sometimes over night, when He is unable to care for her, even though one son left the Catholic faith. Yep, they need to show a bit more of this "love" they keep talking about, that, or get your mom to a REAL Church that will meet her spiritual and physical needs.

    Just a thought.


    God is truth, and light his shadow.


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