Wt mag 2/15/03pg10- United Nations-paid for/provided baptismal wading pool

by sf 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sf

    A good friend sent me this piece of delicious 'morsel'. I'm still chewing. Have a taste! [ pix included for your viewing pleasure ]:


    Wicked Wild Beast Wading Pools

    Didja think that the Watchtower Society's involvement
    started and stopped with their (now former) membership status
    in The United Nations' N on- G overnmental O rganization area? *


    The jehovahs who view the United Nations as a Wild Beast
    and have portrayed it countless times in their propaganda
    as being Violently Destroyed...
    don't mind at all USING the United Nations' resources.
    They even boldly show in their Watchtower Feb. 15. 2003 - page 10
    a United Nations-paid for and provided wading pool being USED
    as a BAPTISMAL POOl to dunk their new Kult Konverts.

    The Watchtower article is about collaboration
    between United Nations HCR and the Watchtower Society
    regarding refuges camps in Tanzania...

    If 'seeing is believing', then check out the UN's HCR symbol
    emblazoned all around the United Nations wading pool
    and no, there is nothing "subliminal" going on here!

    By clicking here and going to the UNHCR webpage,
    Can you clearly see the United Nations Symbol?

    What is a nice, diplomatic word for 'SCHTINKING HYPOCRITE' ?

    We were unexpectedly sent this Croatian Watchtower issue's
    picture appearing inside the ragazine, by an online poster
    from across the pond, and I emailed him in response
    asking for a translation of the caption beside the picture-

    "Dvorana Kraljevstva
    u naselju Lukole (desno)
    Krstenje u naselju Lugufu (dolje)"

    He replied that the English translation is:

    "Kingdom Hall in camp Lukole (right)"
    "Baptism in camp Lugufu (down)"
    (Can anyone out there speak Croatian to confirm?)
    (Better yet, does anyone have the ENGLISH WT of 2/15/03,
    or since the dates on foreign mags don't always match the dates
    on the American mags, does anyone have the SAME Watchtower
    in English, which carries this UN/WT/Tanzania article+picture?)

    AnyWhichyWay you look at it, the Watchtower Minions,
    no matter which land they be in -Tanzania-or-Timbucktoo-
    they sho' 'nuff 'get down' with USING Worldly Organizations
    like the United Nations or Red Cross or United Way, etc.,
    and if it takes the "Wicked Wild Beast Model Wading Pool"
    to get their people to 'break water' and get dunked
    outside the 'Thatched Kingdom Hut', then so be it!

    The Watchtower USES the world,
    and then their fondest desire is to see it DESTROYED.

    Watchtower make me think of Black Widow spider.
    Has her way with the male when she uses it for mating,
    and then after she's sated, she eats him alive!
    Thusly, the Watchtower USES people... and, then,
    either throws them away or destroys their lives.

    The Watchtower doesn't give a rat's patooty about helping
    people in a 'charitable works' way, unless it is the jWs who
    have suffered some kind of negative impact in some country-
    and then they will send material aid to their brethren.

    Or, if they think they can convert some natives in land
    to enslavement in their Watchtowerkult, they sometimes
    help these peoples in a material way...
    but for the most part, the Watchtower's-Prevailing-Attitude
    is "since jehovah is gonna destroy them anywho,
    why should we feed and cloth these poor, durty pagans" ?

    they let others provide the charitable goods and works,
    and will even accept it for themselves if they are in an
    impoverished country and they need a pool to baptize
    their finished bible studies and transform them
    into full-fledged kultists, why, they will accept
    material goods directly from the EVIL Wild Beast,
    the United Nations itself...
    that is, BEFORE their Watchtowergod DECIMATES
    this Wicked Wild Beast in their Twisted Dream Delusions:

    How Many Times Does the WatchTower
    Destroy the United Nations on this Page?

    Disclamer: Now, we ain't paranoid or anything, wellll, maybe a wee bit-
    just enough to stay healthy, but just in case the mysterious
    stranger what sent me the Croatian WT pic is 'setting me up'
    and done digitally-doctored some other WT pic and made it
    look like a MassBaptismUnderTheUmbrellaOfTheUN'sWadingPool,
    and there really ain't no such pic, and the Goobers are
    thinking they done 'put one over' on the 'Postates...
    well then by all means we want to take this opportunity
    to get down on our knees and apologize profusely to the Kult
    for carrying out a campaign to put them in a Bad Light...
    (snick!chortle!giggle!stifle!)... and we retract this picture
    and all our words accompanying it, as we would NEVER want
    to have anything to do with that, unless it was just plain
    telling the Truth about the Truth(tm)... and then, and then,
    we just let the Kult Kow Khips fall where they may.


  • sf

    And if you are a rich eater, we suggest these tasty tidbets:


    sKally, messenger klass and proud to be

  • gumby

    sf.....great job my friend! Maybe you could sent this link to the U.N. editorial dept as a reminder. Although I'm sure they have seen all the slamming of them by the WT.....you have to wonder why the U.N. doesn't tell the society to kiss their ass.


  • kls

    WOW thanks Sf. But when i try,,WWW Intrex thread i get only the word context

    I want to be clear on this . This is in the Feb 15 WT right?

  • Dino

    You've got the sexiest voice on the planet!

    Thanks for this.


  • Dino

    BTW, do you think I will EVER hit 1000 posts?

    Love ya!


  • sf


    And thank you kindly for the compliment. Although some internet jws in chat would beg to differ. hahahaha, but they don't count!

    Yes, Feb. 15 2003 Watchtower, page 10.

    If you'll notice, I fixed the link. It should come right up now.


  • Mysterious

    I think I saw this the other day as well. Oh here we go. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/77388/1.ashx

  • kls

    Sf thanks the link works now . Keep digging and good work .

  • BrendaCloutier

    I'm not gonna be one to jump on the band-wagon here. I looked at the WT pic. My opinion:

    The "wading pool" is a hole dug in the ground, lined with a tarp, and filled with water.

    The tarp has the United Nations HCR logo on it. I don't know if the logo is on both sides of the tarp. If it is, and it is the only thing available to make the pool, then they (JWS) did what they could to do what they do to save souls. If the tarp was printed only on one side, then they should have turned it over! May have been calculated, maybe not. The UN probably did not provide the tarp specifically for the baptismal pool, but for "normal" tarp uses, like temporary housing. It was the JWs that commandeered the tarp for their purposes.

    I don't think there was any conspiracy here. Only idiocy in not turning the tarp over.

    No, I'm not a WTS supporter. Just a calm mind amidst overeager finger pointers.



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