I know I may a big ole baby...

by Country Girl 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    .. and it might not seem important to anyone else. I just put the best cat in the world to sleep this morning, and I feel like a murderer. He had cat AIDS, and he was so sick this last year. I might be very inhumane, but I waited til it got this bad to put him to sleep because I didn't want his life to end. Actually, I was too cowardly to be with him in his last hour.. but my husband stayed home from work and took him and was with him. He was buried this morning under his favorite tree. I am having a nice headstone painted for him by one of Austin's best artists. I know this is a really stupid post because there are so many people that are suffering so much hardship.. and so many people having hard times. But we really loved this kitty. He used to be a BIG kitty, he weighed 20 lbs. He had 24 toes, he was polydactyl. He was half Siamese and half whatever. He was a great person, too. Whenever we got a foster kitten, he would foster the kitten, too. He always was full of love, and would clean the kitten with his tongue, and be so kind to it. He loved my son, and would play with him for hours on end. My son would play with him a bit, and when he would go out of the room the cat with jump on his body and attack him. That kid had more fun with that cat. When I told my son what we had to do today, he just said "Mom I can't take this." and hung up the phone.

    Rowzer loved the parrots and they loved him. It was a mutual admiration society. When I would open the parrots' cage to clean it, Rowzer would jump up into the cage and take a nap. The parrots would just stay on their perches and talk to him, wondering if that cat was ever going to get out of their cage. I just left im there because he was happy. I have lots of pictures of the parrots on Rowzer. He was such a great cat. The parrots would sit on him, and he would just take a nap, and they would groom his ears. Eventually, some of them came to know his voice, and would imitate him. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

    Whenever I was sad, Rowzer knew it. He would jump up wherever I was and rub his face against mine. All of the foster kitties that we had, he made them his own. We kept one, named Earl Gray, and they were the best friends..as you can see by this picture. Today, it was strange, all the cats that I have, they didn't show up to eat.

    I want to devote this thread to Rowzer, and wish him a good voyage across the rainbow bridge. I will miss you my sweet friend. <sob> I hope to see you on the other side.

  • Princess

    Oh, I'm so sorry CG. Cats can be such amazing friends.

    (((((Country Girl)))))

  • Insomniac

    ((((Country Girl)))), I'm so sorry. Saying goodbye to our animal friends can be so hard. Your kitty sounds like a great guy, and I'm sure he was aware of how well loved he was by you and your family.

    edited to add: Don't you dare feel like a murderer. You did the best and most loving thing possible for him, giving him a painless end when he was sick.

  • cruzanheart

    (((((Country Girl))))) Rowzer is probably having a wonderful time chasing Dexter over that Rainbow Bridge! You did the right thing, hon, both by putting him out of his misery and by grieving for your old friend.



  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Thank you. I wish I could express how much I miss him. I feel kind of bad because there are so many worse problems than this..but I just wanted to devote this thread to him, and memorialize how much he meant to our family. He was just such a cool cat. He was sometimes mischevious, and would sit at the front fence and stick his paw through and irritate the dog next door. He once chased a German Shephard off our property. I miss that guy... He was Garfield personified.

    Thanks so much for acknowledging my post about him. it's a stupid post.. and it will be lost in the anals of this board.. but I just wanted to say something about Rowzer.


  • ohiocowboy

    How beautiful that you dedicated this thread to your cat. I am sorry that he was sick. It sounds like you were a wonderful mommy to him, and showed him lots of love. A painted headstone sounds like a nice thing to do. I hope things start looking up for you again soon. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{CG))))))))))))))))

  • hubert

    Sorry to hear about your "feline friend".

    A few years ago, my wife and I had one cat that we truly loved. A small cat, and very, very clean. It was our daughter's cat, and when she moved, My daughter couldn't keep it, so we grudgingy took it in. I'm not usually fond of cats in the house, but this one became another "kid" to us. As soon as I came home and sat in my chair in front of the t.v., she would either jump up and sit on my lap, or on the top of the back of the recliner, next to my head, and just stay there and pur. we'd find her in the funniest places at times, like if you left a bureau drawer open, she'd climb in and go to sleep. In the morning, when my wife would let her in off the breezeway, she would jump up on the bed, give me a tiny 'me'ew, and curl up at my feet and sleep, till I woke up again. On one occasion, she just sat 4 inches from my face, and stared at me until I woke up. What a surprise to wake up and see a cat that close. I gasped, and jumped, and she took off. LOL !! She was great for catching spiders, too. Not one bug in the house. She ended up with feline leukemia, and we had to bring her to be put to sleep. I cried when they handed us the box that she was in. We'll never forget her, and never will find a cat that great again, but we have lots of memories of her. We buried her in our back yard, next to my wife's flower garden. ......((((hugs))))


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Country Girl, it's far from a stupid post, and what a wonderful cat you had...I'm so touched. I love cats period but this one sounds amazing. I'm so sorry you lost him.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    It seems so stupid that I posted this. I look back on it now, and it's just seems so amazingly shallowl I was honest with my feelings and how I felt, and it still seems amazingly shallow because there are so many bigger problems facing the world and I'm bitching about my cat that died. I just wanted to acknowledge his life, and good he was.. and now .. I dunno. Somehow I feel that every little bit of good does a bit of good. I don't know.

  • FMZ

    CG, my thoughts are with you and Rowzer.

    I usually don't even get choked up at this kind of thing, but when I read your post I broke out in tears... Love for a pet can be very special.

    You will see him on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.


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