Why am I being haunted by JWs??????????

by little1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • little1

    In my 46 years I have known a lot of people. Only one time did I become involved with a JW-and that for 3 years. Since we broke up I find myself constantly confronted with them in both my personal and professional life and I can't figure out why. My best friend says I'm supposed to learn something from it, but I can't figure out what. I long ago gave up trying to change other people. I can only change myself.

    Recently I auditioned for and made it onto a performance swing dance team. I was asking the director what costumes we would wear and she said, "Well, we wanted to do a sailor motif, but one of the guys can't wear any kind of uniform because of his religious beliefs." I said, "He's a JW isn't he?" She said, "How did you know?" If he's on the hell train - I'm sure it can't be a borg approved activity to be on a performance swing dance team!- why not wear the uniform?

    I went to visit my family in rural Alabama. Guess who came to the door bright and early Sat morning? I rent out the facility where I work for special events. Recently a woman rented it for a formal dance for her daughter. I thought maybe they were home schooled and this would be like the equivalent of a prom. Nope. They're JWs! And spending a bundle on this event with facility rental, renting a dance floor, etc. This is not the first group of JWs I have rented to in the last year. The group before this utterly trashed the place-burned holes and spilled wax on the tablecloths, blew out one of the speakers, looked like they had a food fight in the kitchen-it took me 2 hours to clean that up!

    Why am I meeting these people at every turn?! I am at a loss as to what to say when they swell with pride and announce that "of course everyone loves to rent to us-we're JWs!" like there is some kind of golden seal of approval on them. I want them to just leave me alone! Am I destined to go through life with one stapled to me? Does anyone else see them as much as I do?

    My nature is to argue, convince, pepper them with facts and show them their misguided ways, and in a much younger incarnation I would have done just that. Now I know that each person must live their life according to their own beliefs, and it is not up to me to change the world, just to make me the best me I can be. But damn, they annoy me!

    Any advice? Symapathy? Words of wisdom?


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Bad Hair Day Sometimes when it rains it pours.There are less than 1 million JW's in the usa,with a general population of+300 million.. So they are much less than 1% of the pop.

  • little1

    Well, okay. But I'm still stumped as to why-coinciding with my fascination with reading these discussions here and delving into the inner workings of the borg-why are they coming out of the wood work? Did I just not pay any attention before? That can't be it, I dated one for 3 years.

    I just don't know...

  • ballistic

    I think it's just a phase. These coincidenses just happen. I have been out long enough to not recognise most of them, and they probably don't recognise me. I did once spot my old good friend and he had aged about 10 years, and we stopped and just looked at each other on the street and smiled.

  • baysixforme

    I can relate what you are saying with regards to different things that have occured in my own life.

    When I was pregnant...I saw pregnant women everywhere...in other words, I was mildly obsessed with pregnancy and consequently searched out others that displayed the traits of pregnancy.

    Similarly when I got a pup, my interest was with other pets/pet owners, breeds, peculiarities, etc.

    You have a curiosity presently with the J.W's, therefore you are keen to discover more about the type of person that adheres to such an unusual life-code.

    Enjoy your journey,dicover much on the way and follow your heart.


  • Tashawaa

    Interesting and weird...

    I only run into one (on the street) since I left. Its been 2 years.

    BUT, for the last year, I either hear or see the word "Thailand".

    Its like I can't escape this word. Before this last year, I NEVER heard it - now its like, 3-4 times a week, and in the most unexpected places and people.

    Is it "serendipity"????? Who knows? Hopefully you have no lessons left to learn associated with the witnesses.

  • little1


    I do have a curiosity for the type of person attracted to the lifestyle of a jW, and still am trying to dissect my ex and what makes him tick (or tic). I find that learning more about it A: makes me glad I was strong enough to resist the temptation to become a JW just to please him-something I would have done in a much younger existence and B: makes me glad I got away from someone who is obviously rather unhinged. I have had 2 crazy husbands already-I'm over my limit!


  • tonyend

    It's Jehovah's loving provision for you!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    It's your own obsession with them. If you were not obsessed with them, you wouldn't be here reading this, and wouldn't know the first thing about them.

    That's okay.. I'm obsessed too. I was raised in the BORG, and I'm obsessed with the Mormons, 7th days, Scientologists, you name it. The reason I am obsessed with them is because I want to know EXACTLY HOW a cult can capture a person's spirit and convince them to do things that a NORMAL person wouldn't do.

    Guess I'll never get over it since I am an OCD..hehehe. Watch the show MONK and you'll know how I am.

    Frienndly hugs.

    Country Girl

  • ohiocowboy
    Why am I being haunted by JWs??????????

    Maybe Karmic payback from a previous life???

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