Is It True That Since Leaving The JWs That You're Totally Angry & Unhappy?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    Oh, I've had my moments. I was a bit lost when I left, not sure what to do on Tues, Thurs eves, and Sunday afternoons. But my growing alcoholism helped fill and forget the hours. It was touch and go there when I had to get away from 1st husband and almost offed myself (russian roulette), then I discovered I really could get a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Had 2 more since.

    Since I left, I've raced sailboats, skippered cruising sailboats for friends, and sailed the Mexican pacific coast and otherwise traveled Mexico, the US, and Carribean with my spousal unit. I've gotten clean and sober, found a higher power who is far more infinite and loving than Jehovah, and discovered my native american roots and spirituality. Learned some about paleantology, archaeology, and anthropology. As a highschool pull-out because I had enough education to be a wife, I worked my arse off and became a successful computer nerd (software tech and trainer, systems administrator), without going to school other than a couple of classes.

    Today I am disabled with FibroMyalgia and arthritis, and working on getting my SSD.

    Today I am truly happy. No one messes with my mind, except me!

    Hugs on y'all's journey


  • kls

    If i could get my husband out i wouldn't fell so angry or unhappy but then i feel for so many that are hurt by the cult. The cult made us the way we are.

  • garybuss

    The Witnesses worked overtime to keep me aggravated when I associated with them. I feel much better away from them. I have been away from them 30 years now and I can't imagine being under the management of the "BROTHERS".

    Since I have left their club, I have never seen one group with so many mean, rude, bigoted, dogmatic, ignorant people and I am happy to be away from them.

    I haven't read the other replies. How did mine stack up? :-)

  • willyloman
    I feel much, much better for being out of the JW org. And as I continue to root it and its effects out of my life, things continue to improve for me.

    Ditto. Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, you can't put it back in.

  • Insomniac

    I'm so much happier since leaving! I used to have this constant, low-grade flu thing, I never felt good, ever. Maybe it's coincidence, but my immune system is a heck of a lot better now, I almost never get sick. I have even developed a much closer relationship with God since leaving, and that's made me happy, too. Wish I'd left years ago; it's been nothing but blessings since I did.

  • minimus

    So.........if you get out of the organization, chances are you'll feel better!

  • Cygnus

    I quit the Witnesses and now I suffer from anger/depression. I take 80 mg of Paxil a day, 2 mg of Klonopin, I self-medicate with 6-8 pills of 20/600 hydrocodone a day, sometimes I take a Xanax or three, I'm up to about 40 beers/drinks a week, not counting shots of Black Velvet whiskey, my business and personal relationships have all gone to hell, I feel like a walking time-bomb so I take 150mg of Haldol. On top of all of this I at various times scold and criticize my parents, my siblings, and even God himself without remorse. My girlfriend left me, she took both my dog and my truck, and I foreclosed on my house and live in a group house of five other degenerates. So I'm thinking that the Kingdom Hall isn't such a bad place after all. What do you all think?

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    I was always angry in the organization. I understand the rules in the real world (people will stab me in the back, duh) and could never understand the double standards and the constant twists in application of scripture or principle. The very thought that service to God was subjective and determined by others was pathetic. My whole world revolved around trying to live up to the whims of imperfect men and God was never in the picture.

    My greatest private victory was getting a CO to admit that the flock is at the mercy of the biased perceptions of elders. They dictate spirituality and not Jehovah. Whether the elders would answer for it or not would just continue anyone's anger. Why endure that? They do not believe in accountability because their actions prove otherwise. They are too busy looking after the needs of the flock. (sincerity excuses their faults)

    I wanted to preserve my emotional health the best way I knew how. Truth and subjective reasoning just don't mix. Faith and fact are not the same unless you are a JW. They believe in absolutes and that's what makes people fly jets into skyscrapers. Just an opinion; but, I'm not trying to take anyone with me.

    JWs are loyal to the edicts of an organization and associate that with reverence. More power to them. I guess happiness is a state of mind after all, I choose to be happy while they believe that my teeth are gnashing. Thinking that gives them a lot of happiness I'm sure. I'm just one of those 100 lambs that have strayed from the flock and wish someone would be like the shepherd in Jesus' illustration that cared to bring me back. I think that they are too HAPPY with themselves to care about Caleb or anyone else. JMHO

    I'm out! My not making my point is making me angry.

  • Mysterious

    Well any time I get unhappy I just remind myself it could be worse..I could have 5 meetings a week and service every saturday...for some reason that cheers me right up..

  • Carmel

    Me thinks Cygnus has hold of one of my legs and won't let go!

    carnel of the "imensly happy" class

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