reason on this....

by myelaine 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • outbutnotdown

    I am also a big supporter of the missionary position, Michelle, however I am all for many of the other positions as well.

    Just had to add a little levity to an otherwise stale topic. No offense intended.


  • myelaine

    dear brad,

    I knew i left my self open (no pun intended) for comments like yours and so I was going to add at the end of my post.

    Does that sound "dirty"?

    I didn't just so i could hear from you

  • Terry

    To me, Jesus' words come across as a hypothetical question.

    "Who really is...?"

    Like his question at the end of a parable: "Who did his father's will?"

    Usually the answer comes down to provoking the response "The person that really DOES the right thing" as opposed to the person who "claims" to do the right thing or the person who does the wrong thing.

    A SLAVE is a slave.

    Since when does a slave set up a corporation and become the Power of Attorney of a master?

  • myelaine

    Dear Terry,

    When that slave is the beginning and the end.


  • seven006

    reason on this

    ***I just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important. 2 Tim 3:16 states: All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.***

    Since you said "reason on this" I will.

    Reasoning dictates that simply because the bible says it is inspired by god, you must believe that statement to be true. I wonder if you were born in the Middle East, China or India, you would believe the religious books of those areas of the world and their particular belief in god would be true. Eastern religion and philosophy say that their teachings help people be well equipped to do, and be, good as well as enlightened and balanced. Who's is right? Which book is truly inspired and by which concept of which god?

    Reasoning would open ones thinking to examen more possibilities then what is thought to be true based on ones geographical location and it's social conviction to which god is the true god and thus dictating what volumes of ancient writings are thought to be truly inspired.

    ***Now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to Gods Word to help us, to equip us, to FEED us for every good work.***

    Every good work is also fragmented into individual interpretation of specific concepts of exactly what "good work" implies to the one interpreting it. Good work to a Christian god fearing KKK member means burning crosses in front of the houses of Jews, Blacks, Catholics and who ever does not agree with their interpretation of the god inspired bible. George Bush thinks that he has god from the same exact bible you speak of inspiring him to snuff out a few thousand Muslims in an effort to do good works. The Muslims see it differently according to their god inspired book.

    ***The Bible is inspired, thats why it is called Gods Word,***

    Again, reasoning would say that statement can only be made by those who believe in this specific religious book and it's god. Jump on a jet, stand in the middle of contrary religiously influenced country and you may have the majority of people surrounding you adamantly disagree with your statement.

    ***It is even alive (Hebrews 4:12). This being said, one might say that the Bible is the only "faithful slave" around these days. Virtually unpolluted since the day it was first written down.***

    There are many historians and literary archeologist who will disagree with you on this statement.

    ***Men have put their different spin on its contents which is why we have different "religions" based on its contents. But the contents haven't changed. The "living" Bible has remained faithful. This Bible as we know it was not compiled at the time that it was written but we have it now, during the time of the end. Virtually unchanged. How faithful is that?***

    Blind acceptance in your statement will agree with you on this. Reasoning and asking for historical and archeological proof will not.

    ***This Bible has also discretely made it into just about every house on the planet.***

    There are 1. 3 billion Chinese and 1.1 billion people in India that may disagree with this. The billion or so Muslims all over the world may not have it on their book shelves either.

    ***Also what is more discrete than a book set on a table? Nothing out of the ordinary there***

    Again, what book in what area of the world do you assume is there? Not all cultures have living rooms and coffee tables or even dining room tables. A bible sitting out on a table in the geographical areas I mention above would make it very much out of the ordinary.

    ***Have you got a problem in life that causes you to ask what are God's views on the subject, lets just see what food he can dispense today. Look a banquet of council, all in this discrete little book.***

    I am sure you will disagree with me and that is fine, but, not all the answers to all life's problems are found in the bible or any other religious book for that matter.

    When reasoning is thrown into the picture, it expands thinking beyond the confines of specific religious theology and geographical based spiritual concepts. SOME who profess to be Christian and believe in the Christian bible as absolute historical and spiritual fact accept what ever other Christian leaders say as fact. No real reasoning and no basic use of logic is used when trying to differentiate fact from religious myth or tradition, just blind acceptance. Blind acceptance is not inspired by anything, nor dose it constitute the use of any real reasoning, it is just acceptance.


  • myelaine

    seven 006,

    You are right God has made allowance for people that never get to know Jesus because of the circumstances they were born into.

    Galatians 5:22-23 Gods laws of the spirit

    Hebrews 10 :14-18 people showing the fruit of the Spirit (because the laws are written on their heart) are forgiven

    He that lives by the Spirit of God's laws, dies physically within the spirit of those laws.

    He that does not live by the spirit of God's laws ...Matt 25:46


  • seven006


    It is nice that you agree with me and I'm sure your're a real sweetheart, but I'm also sure you know that is not what I said. In line of what you just said, and using some of the same words, I'll agree with you and say this, People have made allowances for those who have never known anything accept the religious theory they born into.

    Ya see, I used a bunch of the same words you did. I think we are almost in full agreement on syntax. Not many Christians on this board ever agree with me. I'm in happy land now. Thank you.

    Take care,


  • Gretchen956

    I congratulate you that you love the box (religion) you find yourself in, myelaine. Sure isn't the only box out there, they come in all different flavors. Suprisingly enough (or not) those inside their box usually can't see anyone else's. Nor can they see anyone not in a box. I'm sure your box is very comforting to you.

    Personally I like the open spaces where I can see and make my own decisions. I deplore and resist dogma. I have a very strong spirituality which has nothing to do with your box or your bible, which by the way has gone through more changes than you will ever believe possible due to your box. I certainly don't need any redemption, I don't believe in the "original sin" concept, and I respectfully decline your offer of divine intercession in my "unbelieving" state. I have been there, I have studied much, I have read that book a total of 7 times. I'm one of the few that I personally know (I know there are lots more) that really understood the revelation books (actually they were quite entertaining as theory, short in practice though). So if I'm an unbeliever it is not through ignorance, but through knowledge, searching, and an open mind and heart to other forms of spirituality.

    Good luck to you, and much happiness within the confines of your belief system. And I kind of like the double entendre of this analysis too, btw!


  • Carmel

    "All scripture..." would of course include the Bhag Va Ghita, The Quran, the Zenda Vesta, the Aqa Das and other scriptures left out of the Old and New Testament of the Bible. That being said, they are indeed, all good for guidance and you are right that interpretation had accounted for over 2000 divisions in Christianity alone. But that does not account for all the other relgions and their subdivisions.



  • funkyderek


    When Paul said "all scripture" do you believe he meant the 66 books now commonly accepted by most Christians, or the 73 accepted by Catholics, several of which were not even written at the time, and were not compiled until centuries later? Do you think he was including his own writings? And was he including the book he quoted from in verse 8 which is not now part of the accepted canon?

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