Did you know any "Cool" witnesses?

by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Did you know any "Out of the ordinary" witnesses, who were completely different from the others?

    I remember once going on a trip with a brother and his family. They were going 100 MPH on the highway, just to show how powerful and smooth their cadilac was. They had money and liked to go shopping and buy expensive stuff. They were spiritual, but they were also "cool" and fun to be around because they were quite different from the average witness.

  • Gadget

    I was a cool witness......

  • JH

    I think Valis must have been a "cool witness".

  • Stefanie

    Yes, actually I would go to the beach with some...

    They were the ones who would say crap and hell. And were not embarrased to get drunk..lol

  • CeriseRose

    Actually I know quite a few, and the nice thing was is that some were appointed to the elder body. These ones *usually* were the ones who related well to teens and I think made a difference in the lives of quite a few of them (just from the standpoint of a positive role model...most of them were quite balanced in their faith).

    Like the elder who was into kung fu as an art and never told anyone until he trusted them. Or the one that, although married, would play hockey at least 3 times a month with the local teen group. I was always quite impressed that they seemed to be quite reasonable.

    In some cases I'm sure these people made the difference between some kid killing himself from his oppressive household and having a fairly normal/healthy life (well as relative as that can be for a JW). hehe

  • onacruse

    Yes, definitely.

    Just today, talking with a fellow JWDer, I reminisced about a fellow named Brock. He and I always had interesting conversations, including one about "the Bible says the wages of sin is death, and it also says that there were angels that sinned...so doesn't that mean that the sinful angels would naturally die, even as do humans?" Well, we went on for about an hour, and I thought that was the end of it.

    Well, he had a KMS talk that week, and he went off about that subject (which, of course, had absolutely nothing to do with the assigned material LOL). I was roflmao, and the rest of the audience was looking at each other with very puzzled looks on their faces. After meeting, the elders had a little closed-door discussion with Brock (especially since he was a MS).

    That was Brock, a real maverick. Good fellow and friend that I would love to talk with again.


  • StinkyPantz

    I was THE cool Witness!!

  • Quotes

    Let's see.... Beans; and "Big Dave".... together we were a cool version of "Three Musketeers".

    Which might lead some to conclude that I, too, was cool. *WRONG*. I has the "George Kastanza" of the group, there to provide needed balance; kind of like a sorbet!

    ~Quotes, of the "I could go for a sorbet right now" class

  • reboot

    There's no such thing........I remember staying with a 'worldly' friend of mine sitting in her garden watching the witnesses walk up her long drive while we lay on the grass....i was really embarassed as they looked so stupid in their suits on such a hot day... and realised people would look at me the same way(i was newly studying)....my friend called out to them, messing around ....

    'you lot are so conspicuous; ditch the bags and suits and we'll talk...'

    he answered 'Oh. we WANT to be conspicuous'.....

    .that was the reason I never went in service when i qualified....pure embarassment that I'd look a complete tit to the general public.

  • GentlyFeral

    Hm...you know, the funny thing is, "cool witnesses" range over the entire spectrum of "spiritual strength." For instance:

    • Had pilot's license, was Monty Python fan; daughter played drums. Elder, kind and approachable.
    • Sculptor, web designer, married to unbeliever whose business took the family all over the world. Husband eventually began studying. Biracial family. Devout, "good association."
    • RenFair participant, raised own vegetables, bees, goats; textile artist, spinner and weaver. Married to unbeliever. "Spiritually weak."

    gently feral

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