Ladies, don't you hate it when guys over analyze everything?

by Maverick 26 Replies latest social relationships

  • onacruse

    To emphasize the non-gender aspect of this issue:

    Kate and I have spent countless hours on the patio, discussing everything from psychology to sociology to quantum mechanics. Oftentimes I just have to sit back and listen as she explains things to me that I'd never contemplated, and in the conversation it becomes clearly apparent that she has analyzed certain aspects of life way more deeply than I ever have, or probably ever could.

    And this is a good thing

    otoh, I've met many a male that couldn't think himself out of a cardboard box, with one end opened.


  • myauntfanny

    I've always been the over-analyzer in my relationships, so I don't think it's a gender thing necessarily. I think it's just most people aren't that analytical, and if you are one who is, you're going to have to search long and hard to find someone who is as intense about it as you are. Which if you really reflect, you might not actually want. Two over-analyzers together can be a disaster. Someone has to bring instinct into the relationship, don't you think?

  • logansrun

    I wonder if I over-analyze?


  • onacruse


    I wonder if I over-analyze?

    Only just before your next scheduled electro-shock therapy...after that, you settle down.

  • Sunnygal41
    And here I always thought that guys with your *ahem* special endowments were never neurotic about women.

    No, Dan, what this shows me is that Mav is "more than just a large penis" I have long suspected, men have feelings AND a brain not attached to their balls. Ter

  • Sunnygal41
    I'll share a personal and private theory with you, if you like.

    Kids who have faced some sort of danger or crisis while growing up flip a switch in their head that makes them more alert and analytical. As a result, they are more wary. They sniff and prod and examine a little longer and better than their happy as a doorknob brethern.

    Terry, not trying to demean your intelligence or analytical abilities with my comment here, but, this has been a well known pyschological reaction for many years. It's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have it myself from growing up in an violent, alcoholic home. If you learn to work with it on the positive side, it can give you wonderful qualities. If you get stuck in the negative manifestations of it, it can make you an extremely suspicious, untrusting and aggressive individual.


  • Sunnygal41
    Anybody who doesn't allow your weakness and your strength to live within the relationship is slow poison to your very being.
    It's when neither side LISTENs to the other and communicates that there are issues/problems. If you can present your so-called over analysis and then participate in a discussion/debate of why that is or isn't the world view or truth, then there is nothing wrong with it. If you over analyze it and then take those thoughts as dogma, don't back down and won't listen to any other ideas or theories, then you just might be part of the problem.

    These two comments above, I think, are the meat and potatoes of this whole discussion, as presented. They nail it, in my opinion. It reminds me of an old saying: "It takes two to tango". Ter

  • dh

    we know you love to analyse! or is it examine

  • StinkyPantz


    Do you think men over-analyze moreso than women?

  • Sunnygal41
    we know you love to analyse! or is it examine

    LOL@dh!!! Well, doesn't the song say: "what the world needs now, is love, sweet love"?

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