Watchtower Quotes

by Beans 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beans

    Well I haven't done any promotions for the site latley and I see so many people new to the forum. So for those who are unaware of our beautiful site full of Watchtower quotes un-edited, come over for a visit!

    Hey if Watchtower quotes are considered apostate you may not want to see the contradictions within the Watchtowers own publications.



  • StinkyPantz


  • Quotes

    Thanks Beans!

    I've recently added some things, look for the bright shiny "NEW" icon!

    My favorite new addition: Prohibition: "A Scheme of the Devil". Complete with scans of the original 1924 Witchpower.

    Hey, Hey, HEY! I agree with Booze Rutherford on this one!!! (hic)

    ~Quotes, of the "Jonadab Slave To The Computer Updates" class

  • Quotes

    BTW, I was thinking about my site recently when I was reading about the Chinese governments internet censorship. Someone said (regarding the Chinese gov't) "These people are afraid of factual information plainly presented." Sounds familiar, no?

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    thanks again quotes and beans; i have printed out many times from your site and handed it over to jw's . when they call me a liar. 2 things happen they shut thier mouths and run the next time they see me. but before they run out of hears lenght. i remind them how uneducated they really are... john

  • Quotes

    Glad it helps, Johnny.

    Off the top of my head, here of some of the JW LIES that the Quotes sites exposes. I have personally heard ALL of these:

    "I think taking a blood transfusion was ALWAYS a matter of conscience"

    "The society never published anything about 1975, it was all just some over anxious brothers"

    "The society never practiced Pyramdology. That is an apostate lie!"

    "There is no such thing as a giant pyramid at Russells grave. That is an apostate lie."

    "The society never had a diatribe against Aluminum cookware. That is an apostate lie!"

    "The society never said that medical vacinations are a violation of law covenant (similar to blood transfusion arguement). That is an apostate lie!"

    "The society never, EVER called itself God's Channel, I've NEVER heard that"

    "The society never, EVER called itself a propheet, I've NEVER heard that"

    "Of course I can have oral sex with my spouse. I've never heard anyone say it is wrong. I do it all the time"

    "1914 was the establishment of Jesus in heaven, just like Watchtower ALWAYS said, ever since 1879. 1914 happend just like we said it would (but were not prophets!)"

    "JWs don't hate anyone! Not ever former members"

    "JWs in Germany bravely exposed and defied Nazism as early as the late 1920s"

    "There is no such thing as a secret elder's manual. That must be an apostate lie. I don't know what you are talking about" (Paraphase of testimony by a Canadain Bethel big-wig at Vickie Boer trial)

    "So what if WT joined the UN? What's the big deal? Its not a big deal. Why are you making such a big deal about it?"

    And last but not least, my favorite lie from the land of Watchtowerism:

    "We have a message of good news" (See Picture Gallery and ask yourself how "good" this "news" will feel for 99.9% of the world whose "flesh will rot" where they stand? Even if you believe this stupid xenophobic idea is true, as do the JWs, to call it "good news" it truly ridiculous).

  • blondie

    This is a wonderful site especially if you don't have access to a WT-CD. Even if you do, if you have to find a quote quickly, this is the site.

    Blondie (faithful user of the Quotes site)

  • robhic

    I have referred to this wonderful site many times. It truly has some excellent matierial and I thank those responsible for it. What a good job you've done.

    Reading that literature makes me laugh, angry, nauseous, incredulous and woozy all at the same time. How did you all do it? But I have a quick question: How does the intrepid user of the Quotes site get around the objection(s) of those on which one would use the material? (Like a JW at the door...) Don't or can't they just say the quotes are false or incorrect or changed from the real WT literature? Like it's the work of Apostates and such?

    I would guess that the burden of proof to show the quotes are false is on the person disputing them, but I can see problems when confronting someone with a quote that smashes their reality to bits. How far back can a JW be expected to have access to records? How complete are the KH libraries should the inquisitive JW wish to see for themself?

    Just curious and thanks again for such a tremendous site.


  • MerryMagdalene

    I haven't been to the Quotes site yet, this is the first I've heard of it. I just came to the forum today to see if anyone has yet compiled a simple, clear list of glaring inconsistencies within the teachings of the WTBTS, contradicting either themselves or the Bible that I could refer to. I will definitely check the quotes site, but if anyone knows of any other resources that might help I would appreciate a posting here that I can check back on. Thanks!

  • Quotes

    robhic, excellent point. I have a friend who was never a JW and keeps a printout of the Racial Attitudes handy and asks JWs (when they interrupt his Saturday morning) if they still believe blacks are "cursed" and their skin colour is a sign of this curse. (This packs a double-whammy, since his mother is black -- I guess that makes him half-cursed???)

    The response is usually always the same: a priori denial of the veracity of the quotes. "Where did you hear that? You can't beleive all the garbage opposers say about us!"

    When he shows them the printout and asks "Watchtower, isn't that your magazine" they are unphased and continue to insist the quote must be bogus. His challenge to them to prove their defense by looking up the citation on their own and see what it really says is never accepted.

    One of my long-term goals for the Quotes Web site is to have scans of all material that is not on the Witchpower Library CD-ROM. It is a little harder to deny when looking at a scan, rather than just a web page printout. Of course, they could always claim the scan has been digitally manipulated, but that is so lame!!! It takes way to much time just to scan all the crap they have; who on earth would have time to digitally create fake-scans?

    MerryMagdalene, I hope the Quotes site is usefull, but be forewarned: you may have to really think about the significance of the quote to grasp the point, because nowhere do I step people through it with my own commentary... I just supply the quotes. But the main, overall point is generally pretty obvious: Watchtowerism has a history of doctrinal flip-flop-flip-flops, has demonstrated profound lack of understanding of the bible (which they claim they have completely figured out) and based on this pathetic history can't be trusted to claim safe rulership over the lives of monkeys, let alone 6 million humans. At least that's the way I see it when I take up their challenge to examin their record.

    ~Quotes, of the "I don't know if the Sodomites will be resurrected, so why would I pretend that I have all the symbols of Revelation figured out" class

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