How many brought to the JWs by the door to door work?

by undercover 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Minimus stated in another thread that 99% of newly baptized JWs are children/teens of JWs. Another poster said that they knew of only one person baptized in 20 years of door to door work.

    Let's do an informal, unscientific poll/survey:

    How many here were brought into the "truth", whether baptized or unbaptized publishers, by means of the door to door work having no prior experience with JWs?

  • jaredg

    man i wish this board had polls. anyway for your poll to work wouldn't you need to know both who came in from the field and who was brought up in it? i think a more people became jws by informal witnessing than by door-todoor work. but being raised in the dubs is def. the most popular way for their numbers to rise.

    by the way i was raised a jw.

  • undercover

    I'm more interested in how many (or not) were reached by strictly door to door work. I know of only two people who were brought in by the door to door work. Everyone else either was raised in it, knew a JW on the job or was a relative.

    I guess we could break it down to:

    1. door to door contact

    2. informal contact (school, work, neighbors, etc)

    3. raised by parents or introduced to the religion by other family members.

    I too was raised in it.

  • kls

    My husband was recruited at work and then he recruited me . So not us

  • Odrade

    My parents were door-to-door converts. That was 30+ years ago. They were baptized the summer of '74.

  • Netty

    Raised in the truth, parents were brought in my the door to door work in 1970. Wonder if it was more common to be brought in by means of the door to door work in the early 70's, before 75? Doesnt seem at all common anymore.

  • Mysterious

    Raised a witness and parents were contacted the same way. In this area anyone remotely close to my age was raised that way as well. Although you wouldnt know it from all the people gushing about "youth" or even my former "classmates" accepting literature at the door. I can assure you none of my friends would make that mistake again.

  • Undecided

    Third generation JW.

    Got two families in by door to door work back in the 60s.

    Ken P.

  • DireStraitJacket

    I was raised a witness..
    My mother was a door 2 door convert, mid eighties.
    At least half of the congregation I went to were brought in by door to door work.. but it was a wierd congregation, others I visited were mostly made up of families.

  • GentlyFeral

    My husband was brought in as a door-to-door convert at 18; he was studying German at the time and was charmed by the little old sister's German accent. She was not much of a preacher, as I recall.

    He helped bring me in by witnessing to me at school -- falling in love with me didn't hurt, either. We're still together 31 years later & both out for nine years.

    gently feral

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