Question on DF'ing

by Agent Smith 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    OK...If 2 dubs divorce just because they hate each other, they are not free to remarry.

    If one of them does remarry, he or she will be Df'ed. Lets say that this person gets married with another dub....What happens to that person? Do they also get DF'ed?

  • DaCheech

    I would be the mate would get df'ed

  • Agent Smith
  • glitter

    This happened in my old congregation - a dub cheated on his wife with a co-worker (repeatedly) and denied it. His wife divorced him and years later remarried - another dub. They were both kicked out but worked to get reinstated. The ex-husband was DF'd himself and living with the co-worker - but as he was "innocent" at the time as there was no proof he was cheating it was the wife who was committing adultery!

    Gotta love that JW logic!

  • Balsam

    I knew of a situation like this. The man who was divorced by his JW wife because she could not stand him. He remained active in the JW's, she did not. But for years the did nothing. Then one day this brother went off and married another JW woman, though he was not spiritually free to do so. He and her were publically reproved but neither were disfellowshipped. They repented for breaking the WTS law, and basically got a slap on the hand.
    The Elders were sympathatic to his plight, and felt helpless to help him. His ex-wife never got involved with another man ever again.

    I talked to her here about 5 months ago, she has no use for the witnesses, and had wondered how her ex had pulled off getting married again without being disfellowshipped. Sympathy of the elders basically is what saved them.

    Now if he had not been a faithful man, even once an elder, and continued straight though serving the congregation and had not married a JW gal it would not have gone so well with him I am sure. His activity is what saved him from disfellowshipping.


  • littletree

    i'm not sure, but something similar happened in my family. my grandmother married a divorced JW whose ex was "wordly". he figured he had sufficient enough evidence to prove that she was unfaithful (they'd been separated for years and years), so he went ahead and married my grandmother- an elder from our Hall was even in the wedding. anyways, when he didn't go along with every little crazy thing in the congregation, the elders decided to investigate whether his marriage to my grandmother was legitimate, a YEAR later (the elder who was in the wedding even denied being in it... like we didn't have PHOTOS!). to make a long story short, my grandmother and her new husband (now of 8 years) were not disfellowshipped, but he did lose his position as a ministerial servant. maybe they went lightly on them because they were seniors! lol. they changed halls, but are still JW. wacky stuff.

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    Thanks for the info guys

  • minimus

    Since both are fornicators--they both get it.

  • Farkel

    I heard a story about a dub couple that got divorced. After being apart for a year or so, they decided to get back together and before legally remarrying, they started sleeping together again. They were DF'd for fornication!

    What an idiot religious organization. Scriptually speaking, though they did nothing wrong, and in fact I just thought of a way to "beat the WTS system."

    Suppose two young single dubs want to have a committed relationship and sex with each other, but don't want the responsibilities of marriage. But they get married anyway, and then quickly get divorced. They continue to have sex. When the elders confront them, they say "legally we are divorced, but we are still scripturally married, aren't we? The elders would have to answer yes. "Which standard of marriage is more binding: Caesar's or God's?" The elders would be forced to admit God's standard is the the more binding.

    "Ok. You'll have to excuse us from your silly little Committee Meeting now. We want to go home and screw, and you can't do a thing about it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


  • DaCheech

    The new viewpoint on disfellowshipping is: ONLY is the person is unrepentant

    so depending on how much elder ass they kiss, this will or not happen!

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