IMPORTANT IDEA! Petition the Society and embaress them for their hubris

by Terry 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    Terry, I also agree with what you are saying.

    I think what's needed is for some of these ex-j.w. posters to call their local newpapers or contact media reporters and try to get them interested in their stories, and have them put in the papers, or aired on t.v. The problem is, many of these ex-j.w.'s would jepoardise losing their families in the process, so that's where the difficulty arises. Good idea, if you can get enough response.....Hubert.

  • sf

    {{ johnny }}


    The few who are actively opposed to the wt corruption and deception online, as Farkel has stated, DO much more offline than we DO online. It's just you aren't WITNESSING what we are DOING.

    Some of have operations that do not include any others in the process. Sometimes it is best to work alone.

    Yet, I can guarantee you, we are busy daily!

    I for one, do not openly discuss some of my more covert operations, understandably.

    Example: I am in yahoo jw chatrooms just about every day pasting up items that come to this board and that are posted on other boards and websites. I also post blondies wt study articles EVERY WEEK. It drives the jws crazy when I do this, as johnny can attest to. I suppose you could call me a pioneer. But please, don't.

    I have single-handedly weakened many of the so-called self-professed jws in these rooms just by what i DO. I am truly hated by many jws there. But as I point out daily in those rooms, true, dedicated, loyal jws AREN'T IN APOSTATE-FILLED CHATROOMS! They hate that too.

    Example: While offline, I distribute printed out material and items, coupled with website attachments to the PUBLIC. I make phone calls to news organizations, politicians and even Capitol Hill. Along with quarterly phone calls to the WTBTS itself to bring to their attention items I think they need to be aware of and also to let them know that their lethal policies will someday be known by all...not just their "good news".

    So, suffice it to say sir, much goes on off this board that many are not even aware of. That is because each of us have a choice in what we DO and SAY, on and offline.

    Johnny is not even, nor ever was a jw, yet knows about it because his father is one. Yet, he has STUDIED this organization and it's insane doctrines and policies IN ORDER to counter anything they throw at him. That is what he DOES (DO=ACTION, NOT JUST WORDS).

    I too study each wt article that is studied for sunday meetings. And the jws in the chatroom still can't grasp fully as to why. I just laugh at them. I mean, why would I? Right? hahahahaha It is simply to be fully aware of what they try to tell us is THE TRUTH. By studying it ourselves, and with blondies brilliant help, we are armed and ready. Right johnny??!! Crap, I'm persecuted as an apostate more than I ever was as an active, baptized jw!!! Go figure!!

    Take care now. And happy trails all!!


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