IMPORTANT IDEA! Petition the Society and embaress them for their hubris

by Terry 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I'm in, but notice how many people have responded to this thread?

    Sorry to say, but this place is all talk, and no do. Many others have had suggestions that were brilliant only to leave bewildered by the lack of enthusiasm. There is even a place here where 'campaign ideas' are 'discussed', yet nothing is discussed, because nobody gets behind anything, and nobody is invited in, because there's nobody in there!

    Not to mention that the Watchtower is reading your thread right now.

  • seattleniceguy

    Hey Shamus,

    That's funny you mention the campaign area. I've asked a couple people about getting in. I always thought really cool stuff was going down in there and they didn't trust me yet or something. I thought the UN campaign would have been my ticket in, but.... :-)

    Not to mention that the Watchtower is reading your thread right now.

    That doesn't matter. What are they going to do, write an article? Anyway, it wouldn't be published until next year. Those guys are so slow on the draw. Sheesh.

    But yeah, I've been slightly discouraged by the low turnout on this thread. That's another reason that we have to think of something that a small core of dedicated people could accomplish. Like it or not, we're not going to have a Million Man March on Brooklyn.


  • bebu

    I like the idea of "Armageddon"--how appropriate. And if such a campaign whacked the knees of the WT, how ironic that the WT would be the victim, not the survivor.

    Here is a very rough draft of a letter. But to whom would such a letter be sent? And when? A letter to the editor? Or something like it to a news correspondent?

    A Call to Bring on Armageddon... for the Watchtower!

    Dear Fellow Citizens (News correspondent),

    I am a disfellowshiped (excommunicated) JW, who wants to explain something to you. I want to alert you to the fact that the WTBTS is tearing up families in its bid to prevent news about various scandals from reaching its members and causing a mass exodus. There are a lot of skeletons in the closet of the WT, and for a JW to learn of them and question the WT is to become disfellowshiped. And with that, permanently cut off from all contact with our loved ones still following this "organization".

    Our loved ones are prevented from listening to our questions and protests about what we have learned, so it appears the only recourse is to reveal what the WT desperately tries to keep hidden, exposing them for their inhumane practices. That is the reason for this letter to you.

    We protest that the Watchtower secretly affiliated for 10 years with the UN, whom they call the "scarlet beast" mentioned in Revelation, as an NGO. All while proudly condemning other religions for this very thing! (UN website address, freeminds address of WT article.)

    We protest that the WTBTS' assets and income place it among the top (#) businesses in New York.. but it HAS NEVER PROVIDED charitable services at all while it claims to be the true Christianity--it is merely a publishing corporation posing as a religion. (site address of $ statistics, etc.)

    We protest that the WTBTS's policies toward child abusers has resulted in their KHs turning into a pedophile paradise, while victims and their families are routinely excommunicated for daring to report suspected abuse to authorities (, dateline transcript...).

    We protest that the greatest WTBTS's "hope" is THE ANNIHILATION of ALL NON-Jehovah's Wittnesses (99.99% of the world's population). By Jesus Christ himself at 'Armageddon'. (reference site from It is not sufficient to trust Christ to save you... you need to trust the WT to save you from Christ!

    We protest that we are unable to discuss or reason with our loved ones in this religion about ANY of these and many other issues. They are commanded to never have any contact at all with disfellowshiped members--especially those who are disfellowshiped for disagreement with the WT, whom they label vile apostates. (JWD / reference sites of WT exhortations)

    The world is unaware of the thousands of families torn apart by the cruel policies of the Watchtower. JWs who find that this dearly loved religion is actually a lie are caught between keeping quiet or losing their families and friends. Depression crashes in. The Watchtower depends upon your ignorance of its doctrines and policies and scandals in order to exist. The Watchtower cares, more than anything, about its reputation...

    So, it's time for the world to learn the truth about the WT "Truth". And it is actually easy, as you can see! The internet is the bane of the WT, for there resources and evidence may be found and examined. Therefore, if anyone wishes to verify the doctrines, practices, and countless scandals inside the WT, we urge you to visit any of the websites or links given here(list: freeminds, quotes, shaun's research, JWD, etc.) or write to (freeminds).

    Because Armageddon, if it ever comes, surely must come first for the Watchtower.


    To "celebrate" Armageddon, we would need to pick an action which non-JWs can copy or enquire about in advance. Perhaps a ribbon... black? Upside down? An upside down tower on a button or a shirt? ...? A web address on a button? As part of the campaign, a website to simply click "I read your info! Thanks!" and/or "I'm a JW and this was news to me..." so we can get a tally of the impact? Perhaps undaunted Danny has some other ideas...


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Maybe everyone can look up the addresses and names of the families in their neighborhoods, print up a letter outlining all of the items that were brought forth, do a printing and copying, and send them to them. It's really easy in some places to get this information online: just go to your county clerk's website, type your address in, and then you can get to the information about your neighbors on the plat record. Even if 25 people were to do this in our neighborhoods, think how much can be accomplished. Someone would need to organize the states/counties/countries, though.

    In addition, bus benches are relatively cheap to rent. Perhaps a few could rent a bus bench and come up with a catchy slogan and refer everyone to Randy's site... or maybe a few in cities could share the expense, with the few $ of donations and rent a billboard.

    Just a few thoughts.

    Country Girl

  • Terry

    My usual gripe about even the best websites with "info" on Jehovah's Witnesses is the tone.

    Sarcasm, a dismissive posture, assuming one's conclusions in the premise, polemical language,

    Ad hominem, disrespect, piling on and a general non-objectivity are delicious to read and entertaining IF YOU ARE AN EX-JW! But, if you are still in the belly of the beast and teetering on the brink of escape such an attack website will rally your defenses and trigger your conditioned response of defending the "Faithful and Discreet" slave(drivers). {See what I just did there? Sarcasm!}

    A new website entirely devoted to JW's on the Brink and entirely devoid of the above shortcomings would be most effective in the long run.

    My Petition idea, to be effective, needs overwhelming response. Without it we have nothing. The Brooklyn headquarters loves the idea of letter-writing campaigns. Why? It grabs the notice of news organs. It is publicity-generating. T'would be poetic justic for them to be the target of one, don't you think? But, the numbers would have to crushing.

    Anybody know how many FORMER JW's are walking around with war wounds? Anyone want to hazard a guess?

  • seattleniceguy


    For Witnesses on the brink, the articles on are exceptional. I would like to copy that tone, but perhaps include more articles for non-Witnesses, and give the site a better presentation layer.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    an other web site is not what's needed. we have plenty of them already. i would guess to say that less than .001% of people with the internet even go to jw sites.i think a campaign to other churches to warn their followers about the wt , may be the most effective method. as thes people are religious, which will have a domino effect. or a mass media onslault . writing the wt is a waist of time. un less you call them out in the media, even then they are master of deception, on how they answer. public awareness is the only way. john

  • Junction-Guy

    I would be willing to help in any way I can, however my financial situation has been in dire straits for some time now. I would be willing to write letters, picket, Radio and TV interviews, whatever.


  • Terry

    Randy Watters has suggested that everybody write letters and send it to one person in charge of using those letters. Co-ordination then becomes a matter of timing.

    The problem I have with letter writing campaigns is it smacks of artificiality. The Watchtower letter writing campaigns mostly gave everybody their cue of what to say. The same is true in political campaigns. Somebody sends out an e-mail with "talking-points" and whatever is said that day always includes those points.

    For a grass roots tidal wave to swamp the Society and drown them in adverse publicity something more is needed.

    1.Local Tv or radio attention

    2.National TV and radio attention

    3.Talkshow attention

    4.Availability of interviewees

    5.A key issue of striking importance and a list of victims by name and location.

    6.A reason for the campaign; a purpose people can get behind.

    7.A requested action that is demanded by way of response.

    8.Examples of improper response on the part of the Society

    9.A galvanizing action

    Without at least those points you merely have a kind of grumbling disaffection and perhaps sour grapes.

    Either we want to be heard; either we want to force the governing body to listen and respond to specifics or we just bend over and let the old KY do its work.

  • hubert

    I think maybe a brochure sent to ALL christendom churches explaining how this cult is undermining all the other religions, and drawing unsuspecting people away from their respected religions, could be the way to go.

    I don't think you would get any response from the Watchtower, as all I hear them say when they are confronted is, " The Watchtower officials were not available for comment". Then, it just goes away. No response, no action.

    It's easy enough to find where the mainstream churches are, on the internet. Print out brochures and mail it to them. Start a procedure that will pay for the postage, from ex-j.w.'s, on this post, if they are willing to chip in, which I feel they would. I know I will. ... Hubert

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