What is this ?

by frenchbabyface 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    Shotgun !

    Well I'll try to find an original pics (I mean real material) now that you've said that I imagine people in the ancien time around the fire (the restaurant) with big stones with hieroglyphe on it to check the menu ! LOL

  • codeblue

    Frenchbabyface, thanks for sharing this info, how old is it anyways???? It does look much like chinese characters, that would have been my first guess!!!

  • frenchbabyface

    Ok I took a little time to find material but stop at this :

    it seem that HERODOTE said it all (Egyptian civilisation and Hieroglyphes are from Ethiopians origines) also PLATON and ARISTOTE did ... So ... I'm not gonna loose my time on this anymore (just wait till the "real" truth comes out for good)

    The question is why does they're writting about everything consideres as ok and not ok about THAT ?

    Also it is a bit obvious just because of the (kind of racist but well maybe there was a reason) egyptian interpretation of the word black (meant : becoming wise, adult) and white (stupid, killer, massacre) get a clue !

  • frenchbabyface

    CodeBlue : It does look much like chinese characters
    Also like you said it also looks like asian caligraphy ... SO
  • frenchbabyface

    and now if I go further on the reasonning : black have only 2 specific caracteristic

    black skin
    (and maybe from the begining only) nappy hair

    but they have every kind of caracteristics about : the eyes, the noses, bones face ...

    now asian are mixed ... and also the history wants to denial the first japonese habitants (as black)

    ALL IN ONE ... it's coherent (about the what we can see ... and what is denialed)

  • Satanus
    white (stupid, killer, massacre) get a clue !

    Were those egyptians racists?


  • frenchbabyface

    Satanus : Were those egyptians racists?

    Actually : I've found it racist when I've read it ... but then I thought well ... (stupid is a bit too much - cause nobody's really stupid / but killer, and massacre may have something to do with their experience on the matter and then that is probably why stupid comes into the interpretation as to say : destroyers for instance)

    And I would say now : Were those Ethiopians racists ... well not more than our (Western and European) interpretation of black and white since I don't know when - maybe always (white = pure / black = evil .... in substance) probably related to religion (division), So ... are our civilisation racist (somehow) ?

    Also even today the Japanese for instance do not have the same interpretation of the black and white (more the same as the ethiopians from what I've heard)

  • myauntfanny

    I think I might be beginning to follow. You're saying that we equate darkness with negative traits because of racism. Seems likely. How do African heiroglyphs enter into it? And I'm still confused about Napolean and the statues. I wish I knew what "real truth" is going to eventually come out, you've got me so curious.

  • frenchbabyface
    MAF : You're saying that we equate darkness with negative traits because of racism

    no not really (but it could be) also the ethiopians did equate white with negative traits ... So they are the same in this matter. And the reason could be only related because of their each ones own color.

    MAF : How do African heiroglyphs enter into it?

    We always heard that hieroglyphs was from Egyptians civilisation (but it's not) HERODOTE said it all (Egyptian civilisation and Hieroglyphes are from Ethiopians origines : means black people) also PLATON and ARISTOTE did. Means that this fantastic civilisation have been built by blacks (considered by European and Western people not even as human beings even well lets say even stupid ... and were slaves in their country)

    When you watch a movie on TV about Egyptians what do you see ? White PHARAOES (they were not white : but only got mixed years after years) Cleopatra for instance is known for being a metiss (why ? because the other were not metisse ? or only a few on different dynasties).

    MAF : And I'm still confused about Napolean and the statues

    That was only something I've said in the heat ... because we heard that he is the one who asked to his troups to broke some statues noses because they had obvious black features and he didn't want people to think/know about the fact that blacks have built this civilisation (which were talking about their level of intelligence means far away for what Europeans were thinking about it)

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