Who ARE the 144,00??

by TallTexan 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    LT --- That's the same scripture I'm sure the dubs like to use and probly most christian religions but what it comes down to is that after reading all the restrictions on women in the congregation in pauls writings it's impossible to see where this equality is . We are all heirs to a promise if we believe in christ but some have a different promise and far more duties in the church than others .IMO

  • LittleToe

    Paul had his opinions, no doubt related to contemporary custom in Jewish communities of the era.

    I wonder how he's getting on right now...

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    On this Jehovah's Witnesses are closer to the truth. Mainstream Christians believe they are going to heaven yet Jesus indicated just the opposite, a small flock, a narrow road etc. The Bible Students have this one right also.

    In my opinion, "heaven" for most Christians and non-Christians will be the earth. Not a bad place if I say so myself.


  • LittleToe

    Sabrine:Have you really looked into the BS position on this one?
    As for the WTS, they haven't got a clue!

    IMHO, it speaks of one flock, one shepherd - Israelites and Gentiles brought together as one.

    Whether or not the "new earth" is a physical one, may be a matter for further discussion, but the old one is eventually gonna burn (supernova?)...

  • XQsThaiPoes

    LT: Red giant then white dwarf.

    Also what about all us herretics and pagan where is our road.Yeah if you are part of that flock fine good for you, but what about us?

  • LittleToe

    If you ahve a concern for your "soul" what are you doing about it?
    If you don't have, don't believe in God, or don't believe in an afterlife, what do you care?

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I don't believe in souls or uniqueness of self. I just want preservation of consciousness, or at least data. Oh yeah and hot chicks.

    You can't do anything about it. I mean the holy people have the market cornered. It is erronious to thing believing something is paramount to some type of salvation.

  • LittleToe

    You seem to be making some categorical statements, there, buddy

    Are you expressing your opinion or "ultimate truth"?

  • heathen

    Maybe XQ is questioning what's true . I think the bible is clear that those who do not believe in christ are accursed children . The key to salvation is jesus christ .

    Greenpalm--- It does appear that the the WTBTS had some of it right but again confused things to the point you can't trust their possition . Most christian religions do teach that when we die we are either heaven bound to be with God or we are hell bound to the devil . They forget about the paradise earth altogether . The old testament is full of prophesy about a paradise earth and so is revelation .

  • LittleToe

    Heathen:Quite a number of theological scholars dally with the idea that once the old heavens and earth are removed there shall be a new creation.

    After all, since they agree that souls will be united to physical (albeit glorified) bodied, where will they stand?

    The WTS isn't even original in this thought IMHO.

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