Did the WTS make an atheist out of you?

by JH 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    I'd have to think my life experiences plus my education helped me become skeptical of all claims of a unhuman or superhuman nature.

    I do have personal experience with human solutions to human problems. I have never seen one religious solution successfully applied to a human problem. For example, I have never seen prayer (serious thought) fill a glass with water.

    If anyone could demonstrate that feat, my opinions are subject to change:-)

  • garybuss

    deleted double post

    then corrected spelling of deleted:-)

  • eljefe

    I am holding out on the final decision. I keep thinking that I am too angry at JW's to separate God from JW's.

  • Athanasius

    No it didn't make me an atheist. Nor did my experience with the WT cause me to reject Christianity.

  • Odrade

    I have personally rejected the bible as being divinely inspired. I believe none of it in a religious setting, though I do think it's a fascinating historical document. The jury is still out on god though. I do NOT believe in "Jehovah" as such. I don't think I believe in a personal god. I don't believe in Jesus as "God's Son," though I do believe he existed, and I also believe he may have been one of those enlightened individuals--like Ghandi or Mother Theresa. I tend to be skeptical of any other religion too, and I'm easily triggered into anger and bad feelings by any organization that has that sentiment of exclusivity.

    So yeah, the WTS pretty much crapped out my whole religious concept, as well as a bunch of other stuff.


  • shotgun

    I agree with Gary..the WT did not make me an atheist but it certainly made me skeptical of everything.

    Once I became skeptical it led me to research most of my former touchstones like the bible being the inspired word of God...It crumpled under scrutiny as well...

    Now I only want to believe but logic and reason prevent it. I don't believe in God anymore..at least not in the common concept of God...a lovem and leavem creator of sorts ..maybe!

  • gumby

    Dammit you bastards......JCanon is God! How many damn times do I have to tell you guys? Sheesh!


  • Robdar

    Yes, I became an atheist when I left the witnesses. I eventually got over myself.

    I do believe in God. I do not buy the story that the Bible is the unrefutable inspiration of God. Rather, I think that the Bible is inspired by man and woman from their desire to know and emulate their creator. The Bible is rich in metaphor and symbology. Too bad that so many people interpret it literally--they are missing it's true message.


  • Robdar
    "Would you like to have a roll in ze hay?"

    Good lord, somebody throw a bucket of cold water on this woman! She's a beast!

    *people and their hormones, sheesh.*

  • onacruse

    The WTS almost, just almost, on the very edge of the precipice, made me an atheist...

    but that didn't happen.

    As one long-time poster pointed out to me, well over a year ago: "Craig, you've been more of a receptacle for information than a thinker."

    And he was right.

    The result: I started thinking, actually thinking, about the information I'd accumulated, and have come to conclusions with which I feel a great peace, and a deep sense of logical and existential continuity...

    though others may disagree with me in those conclusions.

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