Elders Won't Let Elderly Sister Stay In The Bathroom

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie
    At my KH, we always had chairs in the restrooms.. there was even a special section in there for nursing mothers. I just can't believe the elders are making such a big deal about this.

    Ditto, on this too. Man what is wrong with those guys. Even the elders here not known for being understanding, don't give the people hassles on this. They do talk about it behind your back....but what is new.

    Soledad, I found that people sprayed cologne on their coats so the coatroom would never work for many people.

    Isn't there some strong, mouthy sister that could stand up for this poor woman?

    Blondie (no longer attending and too far away to do it)

  • rocketman
    In all the congregations in this area, there are phone hookup capabilities for anywhere from 2 to 6 people depending on the intelliegence of the elder body as to how phones work

    Since it depends on elders' intelligence (an oxymoron for sure) I'd wager closer to the 2 than the 6.

  • blondie

    rocketman, you are right. Only 2 when the total BOE are dumb, and 6 where they had a MS with some technical savvy.


  • JH

    Next thing you'll know is that they'll be spanking her in the washroom, just like they do to young kids.

  • Special K
    Special K

    JH.. after reading everyone's response .. and then yours..all I can say is "you made me chuckle"

    Maybe they do have a phone hookup but this elderly lady still wants to interact on some level with the congregation.

    I'm sensitive to smells too and avoid certain places because of it.

    It's really hard when it comes to things like this. Perfume and colognes are just not natural smells..eewww

    Let us know how it turns out for her Min.

    Special K

  • JH
    I'm sensitive to smells too

    Me too, and that's why I avoid the washroom...

    When it becomes impossible to go to a meeting because of health problems, why not stay home.

  • patio34

    Well, that is a problem. In California, my area, one hall remodeled and when they did, they added a room just for chemical-sensitive people. Before that, they requested that only "people without scents" (lol, it sounded like "people without sins") sit in a certain area.

    Another hall has a large library that anyone could sit in and that would be pretty scent free.

    It seems pretty insensitive (pardon the pun) that anyone wouldn't recognize and assist people with that problem. Even at work, it's an issue that people can NOT wear perfumes around someone else with sensitivity. Of course, "worldly" people can be a lot more reasonable, lol.


    Edited to add: Of course, the right answer is to get out of the cult!!!!

  • 4JWY

    I also had the problem with those wearing perfume, or even smelly hair products. Often I would have to change my seat during the meeting when I realized I was about to pass out. It got to be somewhat embarrassing especially when someone would arrive late and happen to sit nearby and stunk. It was so obvious that I was getting up because of them, sometimes with the whole family, and moving to another spot. Even worse was when the next place I chose was just as bad.

    The announcements made about this problem never got through the fumes to those that needed to hear it.

    It's a good reason to stay home.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey patio..

    I've been here having a good laugh over this one

    Before that, they requested that only "people without scents" (lol, it sounded like "people without sins") sit in a certain area.

    I've been sitting here saying over and over again.. Any brothers and sisters here today without sins please sit in that room over there.. hahahaha.. It does sound like that.

    Special K

  • JT

    since wt is a biz and she is at a required biz meeting i doubt most US companies would allow employees to sit in the bathroom while corp biz and new sales techniques are being discussed,

    the elders as regional manager are merely doing their job, give the guys a break- smile

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