Best Helpful "Hint"

by patio34 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BrendaCloutier

    Oops, misquote.

    "Trying is the first step to failure, son."

    -Homer Simpson

  • Billygoat

    When I'm something stresses me out: Will this kill you?

    It helps keep things in perspective.

    When I'm hitting an obstacle of some kind: What can I live with?

    It helps teach me to compromise.

    When I think of blowing up at someone: Please pass the salt.

    This phrase reminds me to keep my voice unemotional and even, like I'm asking someone to pass the salt.

  • patio34

    Lol, dh, I'm laughing!

    Brenda, thanks for that wisdom from Homer.

    Billygoat, I love the "please pass the salt," one!



  • SheilaM

    "They can kill you but they can't eat you"LOVE IT........

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    "Hope for the best, plan for the worst" keeps me optimistic yet prepared.

    - CF

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I like your style! heehhe.

    That's the same way I do my housework. Pop a load of wash in, read some on the computer. Do the dishes, read some more on the computer. Mop the floor real quick, watch a judge show. Lazy housework is what it's all about.

    Country Girl

    *Edited to add: SheilaM: Tell that to Jeffrey Dahlmer.

  • confusedjw

    I *try* to think: "Are children dying?" - If not then the situation isn't that bad and I work up from there.

    Also "One out Baseball" - Let's make sure we get one out on every play.

    From another thread BillyGoat gave this "Hint"

    If a male coworker of mine tried to hug me from behind, he'd be getting a well-positioned heel in the groin!
  • little witch
    little witch

    Do I have an outstanding hint to help me out everyday? Yes I do, and here it is:

    This is my house and I will do as I damn well please. Amen.

  • bikerchic

    Patio great thread and I like your One Thing Only philosophy (OTO). Being in the business of cleaning other peoples homes I have a similar approach One Room At a Time (ORAT). I clean room by room starting from the hardest/most challenging room ending with the easiest job in the house because by then I need a break. I also pace myself knowing I have a certain amount of time to spend it keeps me on task.

    Now at home I find this approach to work as well because cleaning my own house with so many other interruptions which I don't have at work like answering the phone, the door, sorting magazines I would like to thumb through, watering the yard, feeding the animals ect....and the darn computer calling me....come play on JWD, lol. I reward myself with play at home, at work the reward is the sooner I get the job done the more $$ I make since I charge by job not hour. Oh and I always try to do one special something for my clients, they love it! I do this for myself too, last week it was waxing my kitchen floor I love the shine!

    Music while cleaning is a motivator for me too.


    When I think of blowing up at someone: Please pass the salt.

    This phrase reminds me to keep my voice unemotional and even, like I'm asking someone to pass the salt.

    That's a keeper! It reminds me of that commercial that's playing here where they just say "Thank you!" at a odd moment, I'm going to try that one too. It's a citi bank commercial, it's cute!

    Some favorite motto's I use:

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    What's the worst thing that can happen if I do _____?

    One second, minuet, hour, day, week a time.

    Gotta love it!

    It's all in the attitude!


    They can kill you but they can't eat you"LOVE IT........

    LOL, good one!

    Oh and for a real cleaning hint I love this one (maybe cuz I burn a lot of thing) squirt a little automatic dish washing detergent into the burnt dish add water and soak for 15 minuets and voilĂ  it all lifts off like magic.

    And those Swifter dusters are awesome!


  • xenawarrior

    "Don't eat anything bigger than your head"

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