What Was The Stupidest Rule In Your Hall?

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    The father of the bro I was dating was an elder and very strict. He said that we couldn't go in F.S. together unless there was a car group of 5 people....car groups are made up of FOUR!


  • Mulan
    "These brothers and sisters who don't show up to clean: they're going to get to Armeggedon and be in for a huge surprise."

    I think that means that after Armageddon, the cleanup was going to be much worse than an occasional KH cleaning. At least that's the way I take it.

    In our area, for the quick builds and remodels, no T-shirts with messages were allowed.

  • minimus

    I thought it meant that God was going go punish them by making them do more of the work.

  • Soledad

    I couldn't think of any rules in my hall. not that they were less strict, it just seems like they were not fussy over minor details. the one exception, which I have written about before, was the local needs talk on the use of tampons. that was a major scandal in my hall.

  • TonyT

    Sisters having to place a napkin on their head before giving prayer in the presence of a baptized brother.

    You sisters be in subjection!

  • reboot

    having to be segregated in a special baby room at the back of the hall with huge windows at the front to breastfeed your baby...for a better view for those on the platform perhaps...

    soledad, yeah we had the tampon 'rule' too...no tampon pic Si?

    ...no music in your car on the way to meetings was a good one...and making sure your car was always hoovered and washed...:s..life's too short, surely?

    oh, and on no account try to occupy and play with bored babies in the row in front of you..it'll stop them 'learning' to sit still..and get you a stern look from the mother....

    ..but the best one was when I was told not to grow poppies anymore as it was illegal(??!!) and people would think i was a drug addict..yep-it was mentioned from the platform too ...lmao

  • ballistic

    We had a rule to fill the front rows first - because the families which came in late had to walk down the whole legnth of the hall and disturb everyone's nap.

  • Soledad

    oh it was just the opposite in my hall---the front rows were reserved for late comers, I guess to show everybody what a spectacle you can make of yourself for not being on time

  • Lostreality

    All of the following are simply frowned upon...if a frown is 2 elders in the backroom telling you that you are stumbling people by having more hair than them.

    1. No gotees of any sort.
    2. No soul patches
    3. no beards
    4. no sideburns (been vilotaing that one for about 6 years now)

    All of these were for the Assembly Hall Cleanup:

    1. No shirts or pants with any type of brand name on them. (They wanted to look just like the Watchtower pictures! Hmm..I smell photo-op!)
    2. No brand name shoes. We had to wear our meeting shoes, or take the labels off of our shoes (only in the recent 3 years or so)
    3. No labeled drinks: Gatorade, Powerade, Earth2o, ect. All labels had to be removed.
    4. No running (I asked why so many times)
    5. Cant choose your own jobs (sucked being an 8 year old with a 50 pound parking lot blower strapped to your back.)

    All of these were for meetings:

    1. No talking to your neighbor.
    2. Cant stand at the back of the hall. (They would rather we fall asleep, so we can get the info sub-consciencely)
    3. No drinking anything
    4. No more than 2 trips to the restroom, or you were pulled in the back room for "disrupting the meeting"

    ect ect ect....

  • Evesapple

    I remember taking the CO on a bible study with me, and he said that I was to conduct....so I had to where one of those doile (whatever the spelling) thingys on my head and explain to her why it was there...how embarassing.

    the other thing would be brothers could not where short sleeve shirts of any kind, even if it was a dress shirt. Sisters had to wear panty hose no matter how hot it was outside.

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