What Was The Stupidest Rule In Your Hall?

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    That up to the age of about 11 i had to be slapped and hit by my Parents at the Kh,just for being a kid who fidgeted a lot. Great memories huh

  • jwbot

    There were a lot of restictions (well unwritten rules) about what to wear when you are a teenager-most of them I broke. No one could really "get me" though because I did not dress like a witness, neither did I dress "worldly". Examples: chokers, baggy pants, I wore mens clothes, skater clothes. Since I grew up in rural Maine, none of my classmates wore that type of stuff so I was ok I guess.

    I always hated it that "sisters cook and brothers build" crap. I couldn't cook....I was a better builder! I wanted to be the announcer on the microphone at the quickbuilds but apparently that was mens work too!!! Even my dad did not understand that... Oh what else...

    Video games/computer games/internet were looked down on. *gasp* "You are going to college for computer science?" *gasp*

    No parties. Even get-togethers put on by an elders wife (my mother) were looked down on. They might stumble people! My mom tried to put on a theme party...dress like your favorite decade but "people might link it to halloween since people dress up for halloween!" And my mom fell for it and canceled the party! I was very disapointed...

  • Mary

    I got in shit once from our elders for volunteering at a Soup Kitchen on Saturday mornings instead of being out in Service, especially as I was foolish and cooked the soup myself. If I "wanted to help" someone, I was lectured, I should have asked one of the elders if there was anyone in the congregation who needed help, not go to a "worldly" establishment. Besides, knocking on the same doors for the last 120 years is FAR more important than going to a Soup Kitchen ..........Ya, imagine my wanting to try and help the poor and the hungry. What WAS I thinking of??!!

  • Cicatrix

    "We got blacklisted mainly because we tried to start a program to do this and they didn't like it. "

    You too? LOL-I thought mine was the only congregation that did that.

  • confusedjw


    "people might link it to halloween since people dress up for halloween!" And my mom fell for it and canceled the party!

    Oh My God! C.A. at it again? Or someone he trained?

  • confusedjw

    Mary Mary Mary:

    Ya, imagine my wanting to try and help the poor and the hungry. What WAS I thinking of??!!

    Didn't I tell you that you would ALWAYS have the poor with you? - Jesus

    (good for you for trying! )

  • minimus

    No "programs".......Can't try to organize help to a person UNLESS you get the elder's ok. Even then---it's with conditions!

  • confusedjw


    bring meals for the sick and those who had babies,etc. We got blacklisted mainly because we tried to start a program to do this and they didn't like it.

    Jesus Christ! Just because they arranged for this *once* in the first century doesn't mean that people should just go around distributing food to the elderly or those hard pressed. For Christsake get out there and place magazines or indulge in deep personal study (NOT THAT DEEP DAMN IT!). Clean the hall or write letters to those who have just lost loved ones (see abituary), but for the love of GOD don't go starting programs on your own! That is usurping the authority of the F&DS you low life publisher. Who the the hell do you think you are!?!?!?!

    Why do I feel like poking myself in the eye?

  • Balsam

    The multitude of rules they had for men's haircuts, no beards, sometimes even no mustaches. No colored shirts woren by anyone on the plateform. Poor guys they always caught it I thought. I had a husband and 3 sons and it seemed the boys were always targets for being criticized for their hair, or clothing , even their shoes.

    Not being able as an adult to go see an R rated movie even though it might have a historical subject, like Rob Roy movie, or Last of the Mochicans. I was so glad when they came out with VCRs, then we could watch what we wanted without sneaking around.

    Or how about how many holes you can have in your ears for ear piercings? Our congregation was no more than two per ear. One Elders wife though was scrutinized because she had 4 in each ear before she arrived in our congregation. LOL

    Men having to wear a shirt and tie,in the door to door even when it was hot as blazes outside.

    Women not being allowed to wear slacks out in service when it was freezing cold outside.

    Pioneers, Elders wifes must be an example to the congregation in proper behavior at all times. And Elders too. Ministerial servants. We know darn well hardly anyone did this. If they did they were so up tight and anal they were horrible to be around.

  • Stefanie

    White undershirts so you cant see the man nipples..lol

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