Convention time this weekend

by Doubtfully Yours 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Spent a bunch of money getting the car ready for the trip, buying silly clothes to avoid the looks I'd get if we show up with the same old KH outfits; plus the money spent in hotel stay and the food consumed at lunch and dinner out the 4 days. It's an awful expense when you factor in the time taken off from work for this event too.

    The outcome of all this effort? NOTHING NEW, of course!!! Just the same old talks and warnings I hear day in and day out at the Kingdom Hall.

    I'll try to make the best of it, but I'm sure to be bored out of my mind most of the time. Do you have any recommendations on what to do that's fun to pass the time while sitting there all those hours?

    The money spent in these events balances out with the money non-believers spend in their holiday celebrations. The only thing is that the non-believers get some real fun out of their celebrations.

    Anybody else going to the convention, or that has gone already and has something new to tell me?!


  • blondie

    Not going. I have enough info from this DB to fake it if I meet anyone that went. This will be my 3rd opportunity to go that I will miss. After ezekiel3's synopsis, I'm glad I will be spending my time in more rewarding ways. I suggest you bring a boombox or the modern equivalent and tune into sports or your favorite music station. Go out to eat at the lunch break too and be late getting back. Leave before the song and prayer so you get a headstart getting to the hotel and getting into the pool. Have a big party in your room with plenty of "refreshments."


  • RunningMan

    Well, you might want to check out some notes that will prepare you for the spiritual banquet of which you are about to partake:

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Doubtfully, no, I won't be attending again this year, thank goodness! But the kids came back from their DC last month with basically, NO NEWS, so I figured, normal DC then. Sorry you have to go - what a drag.

    Running Man! You and Mary write the most hilarious convention recaps ever! Keep it up, you really capture them! Awesome!

  • ezekiel3

    If you have to go follow these handy tips:

    1. Most DCs broadcast a FM signal for hard-of-hearing. Bring your headset portable radio and enjoy whatever station you want. Or sit in your car in the parking lot and listen to the program, the seats are more comfortable there.
    2. Bring your binoculars and watch the "Watchers" (the term for JW brothers who constantly scan the audience for trouble makers, a division of the "Observers" security department). They usually post at the opposite ends of the nose-bleed sections.
    3. Copy my notes from WTD and compare! (See my posts in "beliefs doctrines and practices" back a couple)
    4. Clap spontaneously whenever the speaker pauses.
    5. Pack your home-made lunch in a McDonalds bag.
  • Elsewhere

    1. Pack your home-made lunch in a McDonalds bag.
    2. LMAO!
    1. the mole
      the mole

      not going this year either. i posted some of the rumors i heard which all came back as nonsense. my convention was last month at cow palace..i was invited to this weekends d c with my of auburn and surrounding areas is this weekend so most of my family will be there thats another reason for me not to go...and your right the money to go there and stay plus food does add up...just remember they advised a simple pack lunch and not to attend any place to eat surrounding the convention..the org wants the money donated to them..lets us know of any breaking news! i havent heard the way the money i would have spent at the assembly is going to be used at the HOT AUGUST NIGHTS IN RENO...yeahhhhh....i have fun...the mole

    2. shamus

      Take my advice; don't go. If you feel you must make an appearance, stay till nooon then leave and do something interesting. Nobody will miss you if you keep a low profile. I did that at my last DC, and have never gone since. I missed them a little, but now not in the least. I couldn't think of a worse way to spend my saturday listening to that nonsense.

    3. Nosferatu

      DY, I'm sorry you have to spend money and attend a useless gathering.

      Make the best of it, pack your 8-track player, earphones and a ton of D-cells. Whenever the 8-track changes programs, it'll make a nice distracting ker-chunk, much worse than the sound of someone opening a warm Cott cola!

      Bring one of these ones, and maybe someone will declare a bomb threat!

      Here's another suggestion, get yourself a good book to read. Take one of your old NWTs, rip out a bunch of the pages, and glue your good book inside. It'll look like your studying!

      Or how about writing some poetry in your convention notes?

    4. Country_Woman
      The outcome of all this effort? NOTHING NEW, of course!!! Just the same old talks and warnings I hear day in and day out at the Kingdom Hall.

      The first convention I went to, I was asked "Is'nt it great to be here ? " and I answered :"for me it looks just more of the same"

      A very disappointed elder.... and I told him that in my opinion we were asked a lot of times for money.

      "one big beggar party" - well he said, I suppose you can look to it that way too

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