Bethel Family "Manual"?

by Valis 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman

    The Bethel Manual (last I knew) is called Dwelling Together in Unity, and a good chunk of it can be read HERE.

  • Valis

    Thanks definitely not worth $50 of my bucks, but interesting to read anyway. Muchas gracias matey!


    District Overbeer

  • Sirona

    New World Translation Bible, owned by a Witch for 5 years, complete with notes from demons in the margins revealing "inside" information on the battle in heaven and Satan's current projects to lure JWs

    Bargain at just £50!



  • NeonMadman

    New World Translation Bible, owned by a Witch for 5 years, complete with notes from demons in the margins revealing "inside" information on the battle in heaven and Satan's current projects to lure JWs

    Bargain at just £50!

    The Governing Body should snap that one up in a heartbeat! Nothing like having the inside track on the enemy's activity, right?

  • Bubbamar
    do they also have a section on how to properly shred documents?

    LMAO!!! Oh my god - THAT'S a good one!!!!!!!!!!

  • Farkel

    I haven't read it, but can probably guess just about everything that is in it:

    Dear New Member of the Bethel Family,

    1) Write down a list of everything you enjoy doing. Be thorough and honest with your list. Remember, Jehovah is watching you. After you have finished this list, carry it around with you at all times. This list is to be a reminder of all the things you may not now do from now on.

    2) If you smile or otherwise appear to be happy, you will be investigated. Bethel is for WORK, not for being happy.

    3) You are to be a shining example to the people of the world while here at Bethel. Therefore, do not go out into the world and get drunk. Stay in your room and get drunk.

    That about covers it!


  • GermanXJW

    >In the Society's buildings where there are elevators, those who need to climb more than three nights of stairs or descend more than six flights of stairs are permitted to use the elevators. Those who are infirm or those over thirty- five years of age may use the elevators at any time.

  • stillajwexelder

    They have a section on how to flush the sure to flush thoroughly. Blondie Blondie is correct - there was even a talk about it (manuscript) about 12 years ago at the District Convention - honestly - because some sisters were horrified - they told the crowd that the Bethel Family are part of Jehovahs Clean People and they are given instruction on flushing the toilet . This is totally true - I swear it

  • Confucious

    Yeah, Stilla...

    No floaters.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I found the following link to part 1 of "DWELLING TOGETHER IN UNITY"


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