Coming up for air...

by SwampThing 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • SwampThing

    Good morning forum members,

    How do you do it? For those of you who have left the cult, how do you deal with the self-righteous, holier-than-thou, nose-in-the-air arrogance of the WTS and those mindless zombies who bow to its every command?

    I am currently halfway through Crisis of Conscience. Since my last post, I have also read a number of other WTS publications I bought on ebay. The more I study, the more I remember and recognize the subtleties of my 10 year relationship with the JW and his associates I have told you all about. At the time, I did not realize that I was being witnessed to. I just figured we were having friendly, philosophical discussions. But I am now learning the buzz-words and techniques they use when telling you about their god. I remember one time when a cohort of my ex-friend decided to grace me whith his knowledge that smoking tobacco was a sin. I laughed and responded with "yeah? Go tell an Indian." This guy's face turned red and and his head literally began to shake. That sould have been a sign.

    Never in my life have I known a group of people such as this bunch. What a pack of spineless cowards, asserting their 1 st Amendment Right to free speach when they knock on your door early on a Saturday morning. They enjoy the freedom to spew their twisted New World Translation lies in your face, then hide behind the very system of man?s laws which they profess to despise. And, to add insult to injury, they refuse to fight to defend the very rights they invoke, the rights they use to spread their adulterated version of God?s word. In other words, let some other stupid SOB give his life to protect my inalienable rights to life, liberty and happiness. What a crock!

    I will forever be indebted to the members of this forum for helping me with my research, and for opening my eyes to the onion-like design of the WTS. The more layers I peel away, the worse the thing smells. On a more somber note, my heart cries out every time some new member shows up on this forum and relates their story of the trouble they are going through while trying to regain their lives. I don?t contribute to those posts because I don?t feel like I share enough in common with you all to have anything helpful to add. However, I will commend you all on the way in which you accept these lost souls into your hearts and offer them comfort. This is truly a great group of people!

    So, back to my question, how do you do it? My greatest frustration right now is trying to deal logically with someone who believes it is acceptable to lie to those who are not entitled to know the truth. This, once again, demonstrates that they do not take responsibility for their actions. I?ve never encountered anything like this in my life. At the very least, most people are fearful to lie in court, as the punishment can be quite severe. But what do you do with a JW who views anyone who is not a JW as the enemy, and therefore it is acceptable to lie to them? Unbelievable! I have gained a whole new respect for those of you who still have family members in this cult. I could not imagine my own family treating me in the same way as this guy I befriended some 10 years ago.

    Thanks for allowing me to vent, and I hope I have not broken any forum rules by expressing my frustrations.

    Your friend,

    Swamp Thing

  • Farkel

    : So, back to my question, how do you do it? My greatest frustration right now is trying to deal logically with someone who believes it is acceptable to lie to those who are not entitled to know the truth.

    Ask your friend if Adam and Eve were entitled to know the truth about the knowledge of good and evil when they were first placed in the garden of Eden. He would have to say no because they had not yet proven to God that they could pass God's test.

    That being the case, it was perfectly acceptable for Satan-snake to lie to them, according to their very own logic. Therefore, Satan was not the bad guy after all.

    Watch your friend try to get out of THAT one!


  • jgnat

    Swamp Thing, you are a quality friend to go to this much effort to understand your former friend's inexplicable behavior.

    I am also a never-JW, but I think I contribute to the JWD experience in many ways. I think it is time to stop apologizing for not having shared the experience of the X-JW. By reason of being human, you belong.

  • HappyDad

    Swamp Thing,

    You now have insight as to what many of us xjw's have put a large part of our life into.....only to learn the "truth" in this stage of our lives. What we now have is FREEDOM in many forms.

    How do I do it? Compared to many in this forum, I am lucky that I have no family to worry about or think about. My daughter has also faded from the religion and that makes for a great relationship. I have two brother's-in-law who are JW's but I rarely speak to them so they don't know about my fading. I'm sure they would call me apostate but I haven't sinned against God. The WT has their own concept of apostacy which is contrary to what the dictionary calls it.

    And hearing experiences of other xjw's just reaffirms my decission to leave.

    Please stay on this forum. Someone like you can still help someone from falling into the trap of "studying" with a jw.

    The best to you ST.


  • avishai
    How do you do it? For those of you who have left the cult, how do you deal with the self-righteous, holier-than-thou, nose-in-the-air arrogance of the WTS and those mindless zombies who bow to its every command?

    I go stand next to them when they're outside of safeway. I'm the one holding Silentlambs brochures saying "Do Jehovahs witnesses protect child molesters?"

    Hey, swamp thing and jgnat, it's great to have someone with your perspective here, someone who has lived a real life. Something many of us never had. So keep it up. I love both of your intelligent and well thought out posts. You guys rock!!!

  • Corvin
    How do you do it? For those of you who have left the cult, how do you deal with the self-righteous, holier-than-thou, nose-in-the-air arrogance of the WTS and those mindless zombies who bow to its every command?

    I simply take a humorous perspective when it comes to their self-righteousness . . . until . . . they try to get in my shit. Then I get right up in their faces and become truly menacing. They back right the eff off, and yes they are spineless cowards, barking dogs and arrogant-arsed hypocrites.

    Avi, I want some of those broshures.


  • bem
    I go stand next to them when they're outside of safeway. I'm the one holding Silentlambs brochures saying "Do Jehovahs witnesses protect child molesters?"

    avishai: You do that...Dang good for you....

    Swamp Thing and jgnat I too appreciate the two of you (May I learn from jgnats ability to be patient with chat trolls..... bem asks for patience with trolls)

    To answer the question haven't done real well with jws myself frightened a couple off with my tattoo and Tequilla T-shirt last week-end. and am thinking the big ole' red dragon on my sons T-shirt might of offended them away too..... Not an expert here ST but the jws have conditional love... And please don't trust everyone on this forum most are amazing warm friendly and funny people. some of us are in pain. and there are those that will help....but beware of trolls.Cause they will irritate.

  • jgnat

    hahahaha, bem. Don't worry, Swamp Thing. Bem's horror of chat trolls does not have anything to do with you! We had a CAPS LOCK DEFICIENT invade chat for a while. All gone now. Nothing to see here.

  • czarofmischief

    I try to hit them where it hurts them personally.

    Every dub has a secret that they are hiding. Something they want to do, but know they shouldn't. Something they engage in secretly. Something that the world wouldn't give two figs about while the dubs make you feel bad for even thinking about it.

    I'm not talking about crimes, I'm talking about so-called sins, which are just control mechanisms put in place by the borg.

    For instance, some women hate hate HATE to be told to be submissive. So when I pick up on that aspect of their personality I point out that the Lutherans have female ministers. I point out that women do a phenomenal job in many aspects of Christians life; why not handle the mics? Why the rag on the head when they pray?

    Young men often get very upset when they learn of the WT's intrusive policy on oral sex within marriage. How it is discouraged and described as foul and a perversion that imitates homosexual practices. Many of them instinctively, and correctly, point out that this is "going beyond the things written."

    The more strident the personality, the greater the suppression of the inner conflict. Oftentimes it takes some time and getting to know the person to know what their button is. But everyone has one. The WT is an abusive authority, and has pissed off every single one of its members at some point or another over one of its meaningless restrictions.

    CZAR of the "They asked for it" klass

  • cruzanheart

    It's a stage, Swamp Thing. When you leave the Witnesses, there are various stages of recovery, kind of like leaving an abusive spouse, or getting over a divorce, or working through memories of child abuse. First, you have to accept that something happened for which you were not responsible. Then you have to be angry about it. Then you heal. Before the healing is complete you will have the most amazing feelings of anger, disbelief, astonishment -- it's quite overwhelming to listen to a Witness after you've been out for a while and realize that you once felt like that! I still get angry, but it's not as intense. More of an irritation than an explosion.

    I think the last stage is acceptance and peace. You move on and make a life that is suited to YOU, not to someone else's ideas of what you should or should not do.


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