My mistakes ...

by frenchbabyface 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface


    I'm back on my folders and get serious again and got to thinking about my langage skills (or not) and also about my english cause I have friends I want to informe about it (in english)

    I'm speaking English since I don't even really know when (as we were talking english sometimes in belgium - and also got english programmes on TV there)

    But I have the occasion to read me back sometimes on here to see what people have understood or not about what I've said, and what strike me is that I'm doing so much mistakes (that I could have avoided), and of course nobody tells me (you might think it's rude but I need it) and I wonder what kind of mistakes I'm not able to find out about by myself.

    Same thing in live, ok you may think it's cute making lots of mistakes as far as you understand me, but I need and want to be good at it.

    Ok so this is a call :

    a topic for correcting my mistakes (if you can and want to help me here) I'll be very nice. (Every kind of mistakes : Orthograph, grammar, idiomes, rudness ... EVERYTHING)

    Will you give me a hand (like cute and paste with correction when you can, and want) on this thread ... so I'll get a range of all kind of mistakes I do and those I should take really care of.

    thanks in advance.

    I didn't look back on this message about the mistakes ... it could be a good start

  • frenchbabyface

    I'll be very nice
    I wanted to say it'll be very nice
  • reboot

    ((((Fbf you want a whole thread highlighting your grammar mistakes? ))))))

    it does feel a little rude .........but i'll help if i can...


    I'm back on my folders(?) and getting serious again and started thinking about my langage skills (or lack of) and also about my English because I have friends that I want to inform about it (in English)

    I'm have been speaking English since I could remember (as we were talking English sometimes in Belgium - and also got English programmes on TV there)

    But I have had the occasion to read my posts on here to see what people have understood or not, about what I've said, and what strikes me is that I'm makng so many mistakes (that I could have avoided) and of course nobody tells me (you might think it's rude but I need it) and I wondered what kind of mistakes i'm making that i'm not aware of.

    Shall I list all of mine now?

  • frenchbabyface

    WOW .... thank you very much REBOOT
    go on to tell me whenever you can .... (it is really helpfull)

    (BTW) it is even worse than I was thinking

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Ok Frenchbabyface, I see what you mean, you really want some assistance with English, that's understandable!

    I always enjoy your posts and wouldn't think of correcting you but I see how that is no help! Haha.

    So here's a little one that could easily just be a typo like all of us make here, but anyway!

    Will you give me a hand (like cute and paste with correction when you can, and want) on this thread ... so I'll get a range of all kind of mistakes I do and those I should take really care of.

    : (like cute and paste - should be "cut" and paste. "Cute" is entirely different, as you used the word earlier in your post, and it means "attractive or quaint, or clever" )

  • confusedjw

    I thought Yeru was trying to help you?

  • frenchbabyface

    Thank you very much for really wanted to give me a hand here : SIACN :do not hesitate .... (at all, whatever it is about)

    I'll be off for the afternoon ... I'll check tonight

    big kisses to all of you

  • Sirona

    Just another bit:

    I didn't look back on this message about the mistakes ... it could be a good start

    I think that should read:

    I didn't look back at this message for that could be a good start.

    (now I just have to learn how to take highlight on and off LOL)


  • Sirona
    Thank you very much for really wanted to give me a hand here : SIACN

    should probably be:

    Thank you very much for giving me a hand here


    Thank you very much for wanting to give me a hand here

    FBF - Don't mention it


  • Sirona

    Oh and I just want to say that your english is a million times better than my french! You're doing great.


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