Let's take pictures of Kingdom Halls!

by Nosferatu 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW
  • GermanXJW

    Accident at Kingdom Hall buiding, one woman dead:


  • Special K
    Special K

    Some of these pictures are kind of funny..

    except the one where a lady died. Sad.

    Some really do look like funeral homes

    I find others look like restaurants.

    Special K

  • Gadget

    Valis found the public lavatory...........

  • Valis

    bwahahahah...we stopped by one as two brothers were outside, prolly splitting a fag between em...*LOL* They must have thought the barbarians had invaded and brought thier digital cameras with them! *LOL*, but don't get me started on about my camera, which isn't working. A BIG THANKS TO TRUCKER for allowing me to use his camera! Unfortunately for the English country side there are all the halls we've posted so far within a very close radius of each other..so me and gadge decided to have some fun and stop at them amongst our travels....wouldn't they be suprised to get a visit from thier DO..*LOL* Having a blast and already planning a return visit! Cheers to all and have a great day.


    District Overbeer

  • shamus

    Yes, that one picture those two look rather intrigued by what's going on.

    Better to do that than sitting in a pub drinking, LOL!

  • Gadget
    Better to do that than sitting in a pub drinking, LOL!

    Don't worry, we've been doing plenty of that too! We're just heading back out to one now............

  • qwerty


    They where so funny seeing Valis infront of each KH.

    How many flippin KH's is there up your way, anyway!!!!!!!!!?


  • Gadget
    How many flippin KH's is there up your way, anyway!!!!!!!!!?

    Theres loads, one every 3-4 miles. So when we've been touring the countryside we have passed many for us to desecrate. We got a few strange looks from the ones which were having meetings on at the time.... We scared them real good!

  • qwerty

    I am not suprised you scared some JW having meetings, LOL!

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