But I thought mankind was only 6 thousand years old!?

by ColdRedRain 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain


    VADODARA: In an underwater exploration in the Gulf of Cambay, National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) scientists discovered almost 9,500-year-old bricks made of clay and straw.

    Archaeological experts of the MS University who, too, are involved in a part of the exploration near Surat and the coast of Gulf of Cambay, however, feel that a further insight into the size of the bricks can confirm its age and its period.

    The bricks, believed to be pre-Harappan, have been identified to be of the Holocene age.

    In the NIOT surveys in the 17 sq km area, stone artefacts like blade scraper, perforated stones and beads were found.

    The bricks, according to NIOT scientists, were used for construction.

    It indicates that the people of that age led an advanced form of life. The artefacts found on the seabed, 20 to 40 ft below the present sea level, consisted of housing material.

    "It is important to confirm the brick size as people of the pre-Harappan age made bricks in the ratio of 1:2:3. A confirmation on the brick size can add more credence to the discovery," says head of the archealogy and ancient history department V H Sonawane.

  • Mary

    Obviously Satan de Debbil altered this archeological find to make it appear that man has been on the earth longer than 6,000 years.

  • drwtsn32

    The 6,000 year old issue was what caused me to start questioning the Society. Thank goodness for bad science in the org!

  • hooberus
    VADODARA: In an underwater exploration in the Gulf of Cambay, National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) scientists discovered almost 9,500-year-old bricks made of clay and straw.

    How was the 9,500 year figure obtained?

  • willyloman
    The 6,000 year old issue was what caused me to start questioning the Society

    One has to wonder: How is it that the same scientists who study natural laws and use what they learn to fly to the moon and launch rockets into space and satellites around distant planets, can't get this "date" stuff right?

    We rely on them for everything from telling the correct time to creating medicine to treat illness and performing surgery to save and improve our lives. But when it comes to determining the age of civilizations and the period of time man has been on the planet, the WTS insists the scientists are ALL wrong!

    They view scientists much the same way they view the media. If there's a story that puts JWs in a good light, of course it's accurate. Otherwise, it's all lies and distortions.

  • Carmel

    You nitwits! The devil put those bricks there and baked them in the lake of fire to make them appear older than they really are. I'm dismayed that you XJUU's have fallen for Satan's scam!!


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Does anyone know why the last time the watchtower commented on issues like this was in the 70's with the old light of 1975 6000 years of creation at the forefront?

    And most quotes from the awake tend to agree with current theories by quoting the scientist and not giving an oppion. Infact some article have disclaimers saying it is hot their oppion.

    Here is an example on stone henge notice not one conflicting word from awake on the oppinion there was an ice age or the fact that the "Funnel Beaker" culture dates to 4100BC and adam according to the watchtower 4026 BC. Why so many graves if you are so close to perfection aren't they suppossed to live at least 900 years? And the fact that these pagan people that were doomed in the flood are said to be ressurected to tell us how they really built stone henge.


    g98 5/8 p. 27 The Mystery of the Dolmens?Why, When, and How? ***

    Scientists claim that the dolmens were built with erratic boulders from Scandinavia, which had been transported by glaciers during a primeval ice age. It is asserted that the builders were farmers of what is termed the "Funnel Beaker" culture, so named because of the characteristic funnel-shaped beakers that have been found.

    One theory as to the building method states: "The heavy rocks were probably laid on wooden rollers and pulled with the aid of leather traces. In order to move the capstones upward, a ramp of sand and clay was presumably built." But nobody is really sure how this was done. Why were the dead not just buried in the usual manner? What notion did the builders have of life after death? Why were artifacts left in the graves? Researchers can only guess at the answers. Because the dolmens were built long ago, it is not possible to say exactly when, by whom, why, and how.

    When, in God?s due time, the dead are resurrected, those returning may answer some of these questions. (John 5:28; Acts 24:15) Dolmen builders may then, at long last, reveal when they lived, who they were, why they built their impressive monuments, and how they did it.

  • IT Support
    IT Support
    VADODARA: In an underwater exploration in the Gulf of Cambay, National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) scientists discovered almost 9,500-year-old bricks made of clay and straw.

    Isn't the usual explanation that the pre-Flood water canopy that swaddled the globe (and that then fell during the Flood) blocked 'harmful rays' from reaching the earth, and this has distorted carbon-dating techniques, which apparently work on the assumption that there have always been constant levels of background radiation that plants and animals absorb while living then disperse after death?



  • Nosferatu

    So, according to my calculations, Armageddon isn't due until after the year 5475.

  • Gretchen956

    What about the Evolution book?? That came out after 1975 and it went into great detail about all of this.


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